Coping With the Death of Your Pet | Healing From Pet Loss

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Losing a pet is one of the most painful experiences we can go through. Our little friends become parts of the family. And these little buddies are there for us no matter what. They don't criticize us or judge us. They simply teach us what true, unconditional love looks like.

While nothing can be said that will alleviate the pain, hopefully this video will give you some simple but profound ways to cope, to heal, and to honor their memory.

Todd Perelmuter studied meditation and mindfulness from world-renowned teachers around the world for over 9 years. Upon his return to the States, he created EastWesticism, a nonprofit dedicated to helping everyone reach their highest potential and lead a peaceful, calm, and stress-free life.

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I lost my pet 10 years back but I still havent recovered. I feel he was the first and last living being who ever loved me geninely and unconditionally, who actually looked forward to seeing me everyday, who wanted me to wake up and play and I am not over that loss 😢


My dog just died yesterday, only 8 years old, He has been with me through joy and sadness, ups and downs, and the dog loves you unconditionally. Then all of a sudden died due to coughing and vomiting blood just for one day. The feeling is unbelievably painful, I don't want to eat and can't sleep, I always cry when I remember him😭 The house seems very silent without him.... I will just go through the process and express it. The breathing exercise helps a lot and will not be afraid of these feelings nor resist it. Will Accept it and make peace with it, I grieve because I loved. 🙏

and I miss him a lot.🧡


Lost my baby after almost 14 years together...she was my best friend and my wife and daughter's protector. Big, beautiful German Shepherd girl.
I'm devastated. Crushed. Not the same anymore.


...and there is pre-grief. I'm in pre-grief. I break up in tears thinking of my cat Sammy, who I found out a few days ago has terminal cancer. I don't know how many days I have left with him and it's got my heart twisted. It's important for me to know that a humans greatest quality and greatest accomplishments in life are how deeply one can love and be loved. "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France Great quote for those who have or had pets, but for the life of me I cant comprehend how Anatole was an atheist...I would go a step further and say that until one has loved an animal, one has not known a part of God's love.


Thank you Todd, I needed this video. It’s been 3 & a half months since losing my gorgeous choc lab. This is the worst pain of loss I have ever felt in my life. Even losing family hasn’t been as tough as this loss. I struggle with the pain & loneliness every day. No one around me wants to talk about it. No one even asks how I’m coping. You begin to think no one cares or is really a genuine friend. It makes the loss feel even greater because your dog is truly your best friend & companion. Their unconditional love is the best love we will ever feel in life. I guess that’s why it’s an enormously devastating loss.


Pets spend half of the their life waiting for their humans to return. They leave paw-prints on hearts. I am glad to have experienced the bond with my pet and I am happy that my fur buddy has moved on to a better place. Maybe reincarnated to a wonderful human?
Thank you for your words, Todd. It brings peace and calm to my heart.


I lost both my beloved cats in Feb. The pain has been unbearable compounded by quilt that I should've done more for them even though I know I did a lot. It never seems enough. They gave me far more than any person ever has.


Losing a pet, is like losing a family and friend. This video was what I needed to hear.


My cat passed away the other day due to hydrops. It's hard for me to forgive myself for never noticing that he was different, how long his weak heart was suffering. It would have been better if I had noticed it earlier, it was really hard to let go. His is my angel.


Love and strength to those who need it. ❤️


Thank you Todd! I found your video very helpful and soothing. I lost my one year old little kitten 6:40 to a dog attack 😭😭😭😭😭😭
It’s been very difficult to process and accept what happen to my Little Foot while he was sick and fighting a bad ear infection.. I loved him so much and just can’t get over this extremely painful loss.. everything you said is so true! Thank you for sharing Todd and God bless 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️💔😭


I love you, Todd. I cried to this video because i really needed this. RIP Bruno! you will always be my best friend ❤❤❤


I love your voice, your words…..thank you so much for your heart warming videos Todd 💛


This was very helpful… I lost my pet rabbit the other night and it’s been hurting a lot more than I thought it would….I miss her


Thank you. Lost our sweet Karma in July. I focused on not letting that grief get stuck in my body or fighting it. But allowing it to flow through and embrace it. my husband said he had to have conversations with grief daily, and then helped him get through it ❤


Thanks so much for this video, it really helps.

I lost a family cat this past weekend. We adopted her 15 years ago (she used to be a street cat). I didn't think I was going to have a tough time with it but, I can barely focus on anything.

I've been able to move on/accept losses before. But like you said, grief is natural. You truly just need to let it happen - let the emotions out - before you can get back to your routine.


"Grief is love unable to be expressed" - Perhaps this is why I hold on to my grief and sometimes feed it and feel terribly guilty if I feel even a moment of reprieve from it or any pleasure. It feels like a betrayal of my beloved if I don't grieve extensively


Thank you for this Todd. I lost my buddy of 10 years suddenly last week, he had been healthy. I am so sad. This message gave me hope.


I loss my baby and I miss him every second. The pain is unbearable oh how I miss him and all our time together 😢


Thank you Todd! The lessons they teach us are so deep.
