How Long Should Your Shorts Be? A Visual Guide to Men's Shorts Length

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How long should men’s shorts be? 9 inches? 7 inches? 5 inches? Should they go past your knees? How short is too short? What about slim fit shorts?

In this guide, I’ll show you what shorts with different inseams look like, and I’ll tell you what I think is the perfect length for most men. Also, we’ll talk about an often overlooked aspect of men’s shorts - the width of the leg (this is actually more important than the inseam length).

Also, troll comments will be deleted. If you don't like seeing men's legs, that's your problem, and you should probably talk to a therapist about it ;)

#mensshorts #chinoshorts #shortslength

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When adult men wear long baggy shorts it reminds me of a little kid or really old school. Most of the time i noticed that shorter shorts (5-7in) make a mans quads look bigger from all angles. A good looking thigh gives a stronger appearance. It also gives them longer legs and that is usually a compliment. I enjoy the 5in but i have also worn 3in before at times and its a bit more risky but i think its great.


If a guy just feels more comfortable in shorts that cover his knees and doesn’t care that other guys wear shorter shorts, that’s fine by me. But many if not most guys who call you gay for wearing short shorts will also call you gay for being well groomed and smelling good and their opinions should be ignored.


The 5” inseam looked the best on you.

I’m 5’5” tall and wear 5” inseams. I find that it is well proportioned, as longer inseams tend to make my legs look shorter. A shorter inseam makes me look a bit taller.

Additionally, let me use this platform for a very good cause. Do not skip leg day. 😁


I love that you are confident enough to say that you love the way 5” shorts look on a lot of guys including yourself.


I recently bought a few pairs of 5.5 inch inseam shorts. I was initially afraid to wear them because they would feel uncomfortable. But after a day, I love them! They are comfy, flattering, and just fun to wear!


Dude, thank you for this! I’ve been wearing 5” shorts but 7” is definitely the sweet spot!


You gave me A big confidence boost when you talked about the 5 inch shorts I just started wearing them and to hear that just makes me feel A little bit more comfortable


Pretty sure the guys who argue that men shouldn't wear short shorts are the same guys who argue that men shouldn't groom or smell good.


I’m 5 feet 5 inches. Thanks to your channel I discovered Peter Manning and have their 7 inch shorts. Excellent video as always.


Brock is a straight savage when he wants to be. Damnnnn


I’m a 66 year old….retired from military and law enforcement careers, which required that I stay active and in relatively good shape. Because I biked, ran, hiked….my legs have always been one of my attributes. While I grew out of the “Magnum PI-Ocean Pacific corduroy hot pants” look of the ‘80s, I NEVER adopted the gangbanger - jams look that followed. I tried, but I just couldn’t wear them comfortably….I always felt what’s the point of wearing extremely long shorts? I’m 6’1”, 180lbs….I sport 5” shorts (Patagonia Stand ups) for summer work around the house and 5” tech shorts for running; 7” every day shorts….and maybe 9” for dress shorts. Great video….and while I have more time on this orb than you, I applaud you taking on this topic. Well presented video, amigo!


Unless you’re super tall or super thick, you look better in short shorts than long baggy shorts.


I like the 5" shorts on you. The cuffed shorts is also a great look too. Thanks for a very informative video!


Who wears short shorts...? I wear short shorts.


Loving the “house keeping” at the start of the video. I am 5 ‘ 7 and always wear 9” shorts but you have motivated me to give 7” a try.


Interesting how it goes

5" - short
7" - medium
9" - long

When it should be

3" - short
5" - medium
7" - long
>7" - not shorts


It's so funny how the most critical and "mean-spirited" comments come from people who lack any sort of fashion sense...they just need to get over being bitter and just focus on getting better LOL!
Also, the 5" shorts are my favorite on you! 👍


I’m Brock’s height and I have no shame whatsoever wearing the 5” inseam. Show off those legs! 🦵


Short shorts for men are huge in style right now. I see them everywhere. 5 or even 4 inch inseam are very popular.
