Are You Being Too Nice? (And What to Do About It!)

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Here are a few signs you are being too nice and what to do about it!

1. You're always apologizing for everything and anything. You could try going on an entire day without apologizing, and the next time you catch yourself saying sorry, remember to ask yourself if an apology is necessary.
2. You're constantly saying yes to things even though you regret saying it afterwards. No matter how hard it may be, you need to practice saying "no" and "yes" to things that truly matter to you.
3. You often get dragged to do things you don't want to do. Remember that your thoughts are just as important as others. You need to allow yourself to express what you think and how you feel.
4. You notice that people are saying whatever they want to you without thinking how you might feel. The next time you catch someone saying something rude or disrespects you, you need to stay firm and correct anyone who violates your boundaries.
5. Your needs are rarely met because you're always helping others and they're never there for you in return. It's okay to be helpful, but you should never forget about your own needs while helping others, so let them know that you would love to receive their support as well!

Can you relate to any of these signs? Let us know by leaving a comment down below!

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Thank you so much everyone and have a great day :)!
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I used to be mistreated at work a lot... but I've been standing firm and that had changed my life as I felt more mature and in control. Thank for the reminder! Needed this before work now.


Sometimes the niceness that you show to others comes at the expense of your own happiness and well-being. Some people might try to take advantage of your kindness and use your good nature against you. I used to be like that as a child and teenager.


The bad thing about being to nice is that people take advantage of you. How cruel, one might think, but they do it often without realising.
If you know someone who's really nice all the time and apologise too much or runs others errands all the time: think twice before asking them for help.
If you deep down know they won't be able to say no, you shouldn't ask them for help too often. "Ugh, nobody wants to help me with this.. but Sarah always helps everyone, she'll definitely say yes!" If all of Sarah's friends think like this, she'll get burned out.


Yeah, I was too nice in the past
Thank you for reminding me


"stay firm and correct anyone how violates your boundaries."
I learned that toxic people exploit our own mistakes, flaws and ignorance as proof that we are inept and that we are actually the ones who hurt them and caused them terrible pain and hurt- and therefore we must fawn to them, be silent and obey their orders to correct our transsgressions.

Also due to complex trauma (being exposed to relentless criticism 24/7 when growing up) we were programmed to believe that we are not allowed to make mistakes, to be perfectionist - and if we do make mistakes that it is proof that we are not valid as person.

So the lesson we were not taught in childhood - is that any action we take will be full of mistakes - and that we are allowed to make mistakes, and that no one is perfect.
And that we pay attention to people who are overstepping and how are hysterical about our mistakes.
Toxic people will try to trigger our shame and guilt to serve them and that we pay them off for our mistakes.
We need to evaluate our mistakes and take self-advocacy -
and realize that we are being manipulated by toxic people, manipulators, narcissists, Machiavellians, energy vampires.

We can be honest and speak the truth, admit our mistakes - without drama, without wars and without explosions - and if possible cut contact with nagging, critical and over.demanding high maintenance people.


Wow... I've been treated like [] for years... thank you, i will take these into serious consideration!


Yes post more on being too nice in Specially at work without being offensive, unprofessional, problematic, or creating a hostile environment😫
Being too nice is impacting me at work & coworkers I JUST MET are way to comfortable disrespecting me, criticizing, or belittling me. I’m used to this behavior but I’m starting to realize if I don’t change my behavior I am at the will of others emotions & ignorance.
My coworkers friendship has become stronger since the common theme has been treating me like a punching bag & making sure they let me know how insignificant they believe I am.
The customers really love me & some go out of their way to tell my boss they’re pleasantly surprised w my customer service since my job has been know yo have hostile, trickster, rushy, “sell sell sell” vibes.
I just can’t relate to treating them how they treat me, I don’t want to stoop to their level & hurt myself by acting like someone I’m not. It actually bothers me to be petty back more than being picked on.
I would really appreciate some suggestions or like a “scripts” or to confront that in a way that helps me help them become aware & introspect on the cause of their behavior.
They may b projecting some sort of satisfaction from a past trauma, unconsciously, from within thati may have triggered but is unrelated to me. Even if I can’t accomplish that awareness to the people who mistreat me, at least some advice on how to assert control & respect -minimum & nip the gossiping & bullying in the butt. It’s gotten bad enough that I’m considering contacting HR but I don’t want to put an even bigger target on my back if they get in trouble because they’ll know it was me.. 😪😪😪
At this point I feel like I’m in middle school with 0 energy to even entertain it this because how is this even logical 🤦‍♀️


Oh *no!* I relate to all these 5 signs!
Not surprised that my friends call me „Kinder Joy“ because I'm kind, full of joy, sweet and always with a surprise, just like the candy


I've done all of these, but have gotten alot better in recent years. Except the first one. I can't stop it. Which is one of the many reasons I prefer being alone. Less stressful that way, lol.


So important. Boundaries make life more enjoyable.


5/5 I'm always too nice to people and it's backfiring at me lately


I’m definitely too nice all the time, then when adults, family members, friends, or students hurt me, be mean, don’t understand me, make me feel left out, make things unfair, blame me for stuff even tho I don’t do bad things, and don’t care about my personality; I just usually cry easily and feel like I’m the bad person and makes me think I will have a bad future which hurts a lot


I was so happy when i saw this because sometimes i do so much for my friends and they just ignore me my sister says that i am too nice to them


I have all of the 5 signs you mentioned.. but with time and situations, I have realised that have to modulate certain things as being over nice is not always right.
Thank you for sharing.


What an adorable video. Thank you. And yeah, I maybe have apologized a lot. Life is rough for gentle people sometimes.


Some times when I’m at school all my friends lie about promises “I made” and annnoy when I’m trying to learn😭😢🥺


Thank you for this new amazing people and making others aware of things we might be doing to much, wrong, advice or have a mental disorder your videos make my always make my dsy ! ( and yes I got quite a couple of them ^^)


I feel good to be TO BE WAY TOO MUCH NICE


Thank you much this really helped me😊❤


I'm a 17 year old girl, and well I've been doing all those for as far as my memories go back....
