Best Sleeping Positions to IMPROVE SLEEP After Knee Replacement Surgery

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Knee to Know Ep. 125

There are a number of optimal sleeping positions after knee replacement surgery that will help improve your comfort so you can fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

If you're a back sleeper, side sleeper, or stomach sleeper here are some strategies you can use to improve sleep after knee replacement surgery.

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I am so grateful I found this video. I'm one week after from TKR and I have severe hip pain (sciatic I'm guessing) and of course knee pain. I would have never thought of sleeping on side of surgical leg or of laying on stomach but they have both helped immensely..especially laying on my stomach. I do that during the day with tens unit on my hip and it is such a relief. Thank you.


Thank you the lack of sleep has been a huge pain in the but. I will try these for sure❤


Thank you Luke, that’s great advice. I watched your videos last year with my first TKR and now I’m watching again as I’m one week into my second knee replacement. I find your advice really encouraging and so straight forward.


Good video. I am 3 weeks post TKR and the most difficult thing for me so far has been finding a comfortable sleeping position.


I’m going to try those methods tonight, after 3 weeks I am just now getting some sleep. I roll back and forth on my sides and it’s been hard to find a comfort zone. Thanks for explaining.


So I had knee replacement both 6 weeks apart. I already discovered that putting the pillow in between my knees as a side sleeper was the best thing for me to do to feel comfortable where I can sleep for at least 3 to 4 hours before having to move and of course my knees were bent cuz I sleep in fetal position but I'm also experiencing burning and stinging and irritation of the incisions where the skin is resting against sheets and blankets and pillows but I'm using one of those Contour memory foam pillows which I found to be the best


Excellent will remember & use pillows way you have explained thanks when have TKR soon.


Thank you! 💐I'm almost 1 month after a knee fracture and wasnt sure how to use the pillows to my advantage.


New Subscriber here, I'm 62 years and I just had TKR. It's been 4 days. I'm adjusting to all the therapy exercises, just the I'll try your way, hopefully I'll sleep good tonight.


Live your videos, I’ve found them very helpful. Six weeks post op, second knee, range of motion is great and I’ve been doing well. I’m a side sleeper, and the knee doesn’t bother me but for some reason my bursa is super swollen, and even with pillows I get the deep ache and throbbing. I wonder if I’m just doing too much, now that I can.


I had a total knee replacement on Nov. 1st. I am still struggling to find a comfortable position. Most every night my hip kills me. My hip didn't bother me BEFORE the surgery. I take 2 hydrocodones about 2 hours before I head to bed, which is usually around
8pm. But I am usually still awake at 2 or 3! When I get up around 9-9:30 am, I still don't feel fully rested. I'm going to take your advice. Thank you for making this video!! ❤❤😊


Thank you! I had knee replacement surgery just over a month ago on my right knee and before surgery I would sleep on my side with my right knee on the bottom. I was under the impression that would make things worse with my knee on the bottom like that.


Great suggestions. This will really help people.


Also sleeping is more comfortable not only with pillows but if you put on scar cream before you go to bed to help ease some of that irritation you want to put vitamin E cream and Bag Balm and a few other things on like medicated Vaseline or just plain Vaseline to help with the irritation and the burning and stinging before going too bad also


What about having bent knees when sleeping on your side first few weeks post surgery? Isn’t that bad for extension?


I’m going to have a replacement next week. Looks like I’ll get x 2 5mg oxycodone a day for pain and that’s it. So which do I chose, do my PT or sleep?


I can't lay on my stomach as it hurts my surgical scar.
Im 6 days post surgery and sleep on the non operated side with pillows between my legs


What about sleeping positions after MPFL reconstruction surgery with a locked post op brace?


I'm 13 days post op and struggling right now to sleep. I'm worried about using any pillows since it was not advised. But I'm guessing if you're sleeping on your operated side, it's ok to pop a knee over it.
Tfs 😊


Side sleeper too. Day 7 today, drugs are what helps
