How To Stop Drinking Alcohol With Expert Psychiatrist Dr. Paul Linde

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Hear from expert psychiatrist Dr. Paul Linde about the best tactics on how to stop drinking alcohol.

By reflecting and taking a look at your consequences of drinking alcohol, you'll find the motivation that'll drive you in your process of cutting down or quitting drinking alcohol. There are many different recovery options for individuals including rehab, Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, as well as the harm reduction approach.

Ria Health delivers evidence-based care that includes medications, one on one support, a digital app, and progress tools. We support people who want to either reduce or stop drinking with the care of an expert medical team and community support.

We use safe and FDA-approved medications such as naltrexone, which is the cornerstone of the Sinclair Method. We also support not-for-profit advocates that promote awareness of options for people who want to change their relationship with alcohol. We are proud sponsors of Claudia Christian's CThree Foundation and Moderation Management.

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108 days sober, no AA, no religion, no drugs, no fear, just seeing through the bs. I thank Kevin O'Hara and Craig Beck.


After 30yrs of heavy drinking I've been stopped for 2 months. No will power it just came to a natural conclusion and i feel great


Brilliant video and advice. He lays it out simply with so many things you can do to stop. The trick is to never start, even if everyone around you is drinking. My advice to younger people starting out - don't go along with the crowd. Stay sober, you'll be so grateful later in life, and you won't have to quit later like most people because you never started. Even one drink is harmful.


Dr Paul shares some excellent advice here. He comes at it from many different directions, which the disease of alcoholism requires. Being 8 years sober myself, the fear and the shame had to be dealt with first, then we can start to reward ourselves with new life choices. AA does a good job with this through their steps, but in the end, you have to want to live sober or no way it will work! The cutting back on daily drinks, as Dr Paul describes, is really tricky. Might work for some, but the real alcoholic will lie to themselves that they're able to slow down when in reality only abstinence will work. I wish all out there trying to get sober the best of luck. Sobriety is a beautiful life if you can work through the dilution that it's not! Best Brian


Listen to this man, he knows what he's talking about! Speaking as a former addict.


His first couple sentences are exactly right. If you don't see the consequences of drinking as problematic, then you are unlikely to have the motivation to quit. For me, it was definitely behavioral first but I certainly recognize the physical and cognitive aspects, too. I quit just over a year ago and feel like it was the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. I'm not an alcoholic, at least I don't think I am. I had no physiological need to drink, nor did I do it at inappropriate times to get through the day, or whatever. It was completely social for me so, I just had to reprogram how I socialized with people, which had its challenges, too. But had to be much easier than those who suffer from traditional alcoholism.


I got in the habit drink to get sleep. Now that i retired drinking went up alot. Now i will taper off and finally quite.


Five years sober thanks Katie and Kevin ohara


A lot of people that I know who have either quit or cut back have leveraged positive motivations for such. Weight loss, mental fog, economic, etc. I agree with the positive approach.


Dr. Linde is an understanding and compassionate specialist in his chosen field. I have great respect for his knowledge and for the way he practices.


Once i start I can’t stop, it’s awful


This is such great advice! I can't wait to start my journey soon! I presently drink everyday...about 5 or 6. But I do have motivation to quit. Now I just need to do it.


10 Best Ways To Stop Drinking Alcohol

1. Make a Plan
Make a plan to stop drinking alcohol by setting a date. Post the date in a place where you can see it often. If you are a heavy drinker, you must first slowdown in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms which can be potentially deadly (in this case, involve your doctor in your plan in order to come up with a more appropriate date plan).

2. Identify the Triggers
The urge to drink alcohol is set off either by internal or external triggers. The key to quit drinking and maintaining sobriety is by identifying and avoiding the triggers. External triggers, such as places, people and things that are associated with alcohol drinking behaviors and opportunities can quickly lead to a relapse. High risk situations are more obvious, more predictable and are more avoidable compared to internal triggers.

Internal triggers are set off by thoughts, negative emotions such as frustrations, positive emotions like excitement, physical sensations like headache, anxiety and tension. Once you have identified the triggers, work on how to prevent them from leading you to drinking.

3. Avoid High Risk Situations
The best strategy to quit drinking is avoiding high risk situations. Avoid social settings where alcohol is served. Do not buy or keep alcohol at home as this will easily tempt you. Friends and family members can also assist by refraining from drinking alcohol in the presence of those in recovery.

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Addiction can ONLY be cured by Connection.


Ty so much. I will start cutting down today. And finally stop


Dr Paul your advise is great. I been to rehab 5 times and i.stlll dri.g I. Try cuz I have liver disease which u no happens over years


It’s impossible to cut down on a highly addictive drug called alcohol


Really interesting approach to sobriety some of which I hadn’t heard of before. Thank you!!


Campral ? Are you available for private council via zoom?


And your bladder can loose the muscle and then you ware a catheter until your penis sheath wares out. Then they place a tube in the bladder and it goes into the bag. Several complications will occur from that long term. Infections and bladder tumors or cancer can develop. Life expectancy after tubing through the bladder is typically 2 years give or take.
I learned this first hand through my husband’s urologist as we walked this out and Paul did develop bladder tumors, and it didn’t kill him.
This part of alcoholism is not usually discussed and it should be people should know there are consequences not just to your family not just to your job not just to your liver, but buddy it will change your life and the quality thereof as you get older
