5 Things To Expect When Quitting Alcohol for 90 Days

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00:00 - Intro
00:58 - Your first few days
01:58 - First few weeks
03:30 - 30-60 days
04:52 - 2-3 months
06:00 - 90 days

#sober #stopdrinking #alcoholfree📚

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Alcohol has cost me so much. Been a heavy drinker for 14 years and today is day 4 of sobriety. Wish me luck!

Update: Been a month now and i can say that my sleep cycle has improved a lot and the best part is....No more anxiety and depression :)


I’ve been a heavy drinker for most of my life. Since I’ve turned 50, I’ve noticed that my anxiety has gone through the roof and I know now that it was because of booze. I stopped drinking about a month ago and the change has been amazing. I sleep through the night. I fall asleep right away. I feel younger and healthier. And whenever I think about booze I just shake my head and say, “no. Not interested.” For some reason, this time is different for me. Maybe it was the anxiety that made he hit rock bottom. Don’t know. What I do know is that I feel fantastic.


I'm on day 11, feel amazing haven't missed a day at the gym and doing well at work. I'm done with alcohol. I'm 39


8 years ago I decided to take a break from alcohol "for just a few weeks". 8 years later and I haven't been back! The quality of my life has improved immeasurably, this is a good path to be on.


This may sound weird, and I thank God for it, but my DUI was the best thing that happened to me. 11 months sober, dropped 30 pounds, working out, brain fog gone, and, best of all, a return to the Almighty. Ask for his help, too. He listens, and will help!


Been drinking 1-2 pints of vodka since my brother died 6 months ago. Gained 50 lbs and feel tired and just terrible in general. I had always been a healthy person before I starting numbing my feelings with alcohol. I’m on day 3 today and hoping to get back to my normal self


I start my journey today after more than 10+ years of drinking. I'm 57 years old, I don't drink heavily but I drink consistently every night after work and more so on weekends. I've gained so much weight and I hate to look at myself in the mirror. Wish me luck on my journey...I'm really determined and motivated to beat this!


303 days without any alcohol. Much easier to stay fit and healthy now


I quit alcohol 2 and a half years ago. Don't miss it


I quit drinking because even I was sick of my shitty mood. I'm sure everyone else was sick of it too.


Made it to 88 days recently. Can confirm, life changes drastically for the better for a lot of the reason he listed.


I’m 28 I’ve been drinking daily since the age of 14. I’m 88 days sober today. If anyone is thinking about quitting words fail in adequately saying how much my life has improved. It was very hard. It hasn’t been nearly as hard as it was to try and keep alive while drinking. Keep fighting if you fall get back up and start again today can be your day ❤


75 days without alcohol after 20+ years of being a daily beer drinker. I feel great and this video is on point. Lost 25 pounds so far, urine isnt brown amymore, itching stopped, anxiety is gone, depression greatly reduced, mind clearer and memory is better, noticable shaking stopped, I am finally getting energy back, confidence is high, faith is high, I am so so glad I stuck with it. The cravings were ridiculous and I still get them from time to time. I layed around the first few weeks because I had zero energy or ambition. Whats funny is I feel the sugar cravings and alcohol cravings are pretty close to the same feeling. I am eating healthy and took daily supplements. So glad I've made it this far. Thank you to all the videosand comments of people who put their stories out there. I received a lot of motivation watching/reading them. I'm not out of the woods yet but I am cinfident that person drinking every day is gone for good.


Coming up 9 years. Probably one of the better decisions I made in life. If you are struggling with it, please know from me it is possible. Every day your head hits the pillow without a drink is a success. Keep grinding.


Was in critical care just before Xmas 2023, spent couple of weeks in hospital and then needed after care . My God what had I done to myself and family and friends!!! Absolute dependency for so many years. Husband left me .
Taken a long long time to realise my selfishness and stupidy.
3 months on am feeling good and positive. Lost weight.
It's good to feel good.
Hang in there people . If I can do it YOU Bless you all.


Its been over 3 mths since I said goodbye to grog, I've never felt better. As a man in his 40's and a previously daily drinker for over 20 years who tried to cut down unsuccessfully on numerous occasions, going cold turkey was the only solution. Biggest changes for me was sleep, its rare now for me to hit that 3pm wall and need a nap. Also a surprising benefit was my back pain decreased to nearly zero. - as someone who used to experience back pain from my job, this was amazing. Its as though the inflammation in my body has decreased. The amount of money I'm saving is also great in this current economic environment. The only slightly negative result I've had is that I'm enjoying sweet food again. - something I never craved as a drinker. So I've got to keep on top of that. If you're reading this and want to make a change, trust me its worth it.


I’ve not been drunk for over seven years now!!
I feel so much better for it too, I used to get into trouble a lot when going out and drinking. Especially if I was sniffing too, I’ve not seen a police cell for over seven years and I plan to keep it that way 👌


I'm glad I found your channel. I'm 66 and for the last 40 years, I would drink a couple of bottles of wine a night, or finish off a handle of whiskey in 3 days. I was planning on quitting as my New Year's resolution for 2024 but after all the comments I've read here, I couldn't wait. I'm on day 10, with 4 more days to go til '24.

The first few days and nights were tough - shaking hands, anxiety, concentration, sleeplessness, morning headaches - but yesterday morning I woke up with no headache for the first time in forever. Last night I went to bed and was asleep almost immediately. If not for my dog waking me up during the night, I probably would have slept straight through. Even when she woke me, I went right back to sleep and it was deep sleep all night. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me!


I’m almost a year sober. My body, my mind, my relationships have never been better.


I'm in my 5th day sober and glad I found your channel. I feel like crap and can't sleep but know that this will pass. Thank you. PS. never too late, I'm 63 and just starting.
