What Happens In The First 7 - 10 Days After You Quit Drinking Alcohol

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WHAT happens in the first 7-10 days after you quit drinking alcohol? Watch this video to find out...



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I saw this this morning. Before I had my morning drink. I poured it out. And today starts my day 1. Wish me luck. Thanks for the motivation I needed to hear.


It has been 8 days for me. My brain is exploding. I am determined to do this. Please pray for me!


I have struggled with drinking for over 20 years, It has caused traumatic problems throughout my life and I really want to live alcohol free. It is day 2 please pray for me to break this chain and live a prosperous life..


Now 18 hours without my best friend . I am shaking like a leaf and sweating like a pig . This is my seventh attempt but something telling me I have cracked it . Pray for me .


45 days sober, never felt so good in my entire life 👍💪


My wife threatened to leave me if I didn’t stop, so I did. On day 3 she was so concerned about my effects she said I could bring it back if I kept myself to 8 drinks a day and reduced from there so I bought some alcohol. But I didn’t partake, I told her if I drink now I’ll have suffered those days for nothing. My journey has begun. And here’s what’s important, she let me off the hook and I decided to quit for ME, not anyone else. Please wish me luck


I am on day 6. Just woke up shaky and kinda panicked. Went to my first AA meeting a few days ago. I am determined to get through this for my family


Passing the 70 day sober mark tomorrow! After 25 years of regular, social (and not so social) drinking, I quit. Cravings were intense at first but are far and few between now. Focused, driven, sleep better... yeah - best decision ever! Cheers to sobriety!


If you're finding it difficult, getting bored or have cravings then take things 15 minutes at a say "no, I'm going to hold out 15 minutes and it'll go away" - that's what helps me! 👌


Just detoxed a week ago; I’m 2 weeks sober today! I feel amazing


Currently 10 days sober from drinking & smoking! Sleeping much better, feeling Better aswell..keep myself busy has been the key! Keep going y'all! I'm rooting for all of us! 💪🏿


I am 12 days clean and sober after drinking heavily (including in the morning to stop the shakes). I found the first 3/4 days absolutely awful to get through with moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms. I was struggling each hour not to pick up.
I found talking through what I was going through very helpful. I took a sleeping aid as I was going up to 3 nights without sleep during my drinking and during the first week of quitting. I also gave a family member my car keys and bank card so I physically couldn’t buy booze.
12 days in and I feel amazing. Sleeping for 6/7 hours solid. Hardly any anxiety. My skin looks better, I have so much energy and I feel hopeful instead of suicidal.
I have been through AA, therapy and rehab. They didn’t work for me, sadly. I just had to get to my rock bottom.
I hope not to drink again. But I’m just taking it a day at a time.
Thank you for listening.


Please pray for me.
I've been drinking so much and so disappointed in myself.
I'm never drinking again!


I decided to do a 30 sober challenge combined with a 20-4 intermittent fasting schedule and primarily eating vegetables and fish. I feel great mentally and physically, sleep way better, I am losing weight rapidly and my overall mood and enthusiasm is through the roof; I am on day 16 now. I have not gone even one week without alcohol since my freshman year in college and I am 52 years old. Instead of a cocktail, I now drink lemon water (1/2 a lemon per 8 oz glass).

Kind regards, Troy Duncan


I thought cutting back would help...NOPE it didn't!
I thought drinking only after a certain time would help...NOPE it didnt!
I also tried drinking only on the weekend would work...NOPE it didn't work.
I had to totally detox my body and just QUIT!! It was destroying my relationship with family, friends, career, health, finances and more. Just work on quiting, you will feel so much better, focused and see amazing results in every area of your life. Especially think more clearly. Good luck everyone.


I drink everyday, this is day 1 without beer and wiskey, its already feeling hard and im trying my best because of this vid, everytime i want to drink i play this vid


I’ve been drinking vodka every for the past 22 years, I’m on my third day of being sober, thank you for that inspiring information


I feel awful right now from a weekend of binge drinking. I woke up this morning nearly in tears from guilt and nausea. It has been a broken record like this for me for years now. I told myself I didn’t want to feel like this ever again. I think it’s time to start on the path to sobriety.

Thank you James


Coffee, Sugar and Nicotine on the weekdays to keep you awake at a shitty job, destressed and less anxious.
Alcohol on the weekends to make you numb, docile, distracted and dumb.


32 days without alcohol and i feel amazing ....i intend to not drink again ever
