Dating Over 50: Nervous About That First Date? First Date Success Tips YOU Need to Know!

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Are you nervous about going on that first date? You’re not alone! What can you do to up your chances of making a first date successful? Prepare! Sandy Weiner, Dating Coach and Founder of Last First Date, explains what to expect from a first date, and shares helpful first date success tips from her new book “Choice Points in Dating” - a hands-on guide to help you better prepare for the typical stumbling blocks you’re likely to encounter when dating over 50. What do you need to know? It’s never too late to go on your last first date!

Sandy Weiner, Dating Coach and Chief Love Officer of Last First Date, is devoted to helping women (and men) achieve healthy, off-the-charts love in the 2nd half of life. She's an internationally known dating coach, blogger, radio host, communications expert, and TEDx speaker.


2nd Act TV is a life, love and relationship channel full of information and inspiration for men and women over 50! Our content is focused on helping you get the most out of your 2nd half of life.

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So many great points you both made!

I'm shocked by how many people are divorced out there. But don't underestimate all of the "never married" and "widowed" (me) single people.

I never go in with questions. I feel like I'm ahead of the game because i dress for success, doing my best to look good for every date. I've been told multiple times that many guys don't do this. So, I've processed this as reinforcement to continue what I'm doing.

Also, when your story is the truth and you don't need to recite and prepare for every date there is more freedom to just have fun. I'm happy to answer questions. But also confident enough to recognize what is inappropriate and that those who show up with a laundry list of serious questions, are maybe carrying xtra emotional baggage 😊


Awesome! You reinforced some of the things I've learned and brought up some new ones for my continued growth!
Therapy to heal really helped me. I didn't know healing was a thing. I learned about self care. Didn't know that was a thing.
I was causing myself to be a huge matted up ball of guilt and shame. I would open my mouth and self-sabotage constantly. I've actually had a few nice ladies talk to me recently. Before that wouldn't have happened or I would have never recognized it.


I can see dating in my 60’s now is definitely different and when I was in my early years. Relearning everything is different and can be positive if I let it. Thank you so much for your videos and your guests. You all are Inspiring.


I loved this conversation, so many great points. I do want to add my 2 cents...Every time I've sensed something out of alignment on a first date yet continued to date the person, the concerns I originally experienced kept coming up for me. Sometimes this took a couple of weeks, sometimes it plays out over a period of years. I now trust my intuition. If it doesn't feel right on a first date, I don't see the person again, thank you very much! I don't see any point in hanging in there hoping things will get better when my experience has shown me otherwise.


I could not able to leave a review on amazon... But I like to tell Sandy that I liked her book! First, the book is written very mature mindset. Especially after '40s or after divorce/separation.. Being in the market is not easy.. 20-25 years ago dating with men was very easy NOW most men are damaged due to divorce or long-term relationships + they are going not willing to commit or try again >> most desire towards becoming an f..buddies, they don't want to go to date (spend money) but they are ready to jump into the date after 1st conversation.. So in this book, Sandy points out taking your power back and designing your own principals


Sandy, I appreciate your mild warm manner along with sound advice.


This what happened whist chatting on the date site with someone for a couple of weeks he kept mentioning If we don’t have the spark straight away lol he’s we meet we go our separate ways it really put me off it sounded shallow I’m not meeting him now 😂 lol very good video ladies with some informative stuff thanks ❤


I bought your book Sandy and I agree with Silke, why just women? Most guys, me included, are clueless when it comes to you gals!! ;)


Great show ladies!:))
My statement of responsibility is... if no one has put a gun to my/your head or a family members head.. I/you "chose" to do it.. own it!.. right or wrong!.. admit your wrongs.. it's very freeing when you do!! Learn from your wrongs...and choose not to repeat them! Xoxo


This was fabulous. Thank you. :) Sandy's checklist is brilliant.


I am a 60 year old physician, widowed, lift weights, swim 5 miles per week, bmi 23. Average looks, see avatar, lol. My nurse says I'm a catch. I also have an 8 year old daughter swim team honor roll. Having a gradeschool child at my age is like having acne, lol


Great advice and I will apply them when I get out there again


Good Topic thanks. Do you want a second date and do you want to touch or kiss them (or not!) Always interesting.


I’m gonna do a Paul Shinn here and say great advise ladies. (Nothing personal Paul 😉


What about the show stoppers? ie the things that are really important to you that you feel need to be addressed upfront? For example your relationship with kids, family, and friends with time/money and/or other resources? Many women (men?) want to be considered first priority and may be opposed.


Love your top today, Silke. Looks very nice..good color for you. Care to share where you purchased it?


"Choice points"? I never heard that phrase before. Kind of sounds like an "IF THEN" statement in computer programming.


When I tell them I've never had a relationship or gone on a date, they end the conversation, should I lie about this or just keep trying to find someone who isn't bothered by this?


I just watch part. Of video. I can not get through. The whole video. After being with a female for 22 years. Then she disappears. The truth comes out she is a opioid addict. For 30 years. She has lost here mind. The. DN A in her brain has changed. She needs help but will not get help. The doctors induced the drug to the drug addicts. Now she thinks the drugs do not bother her. She is not an addict she gets her drugs from a doctor. She can not see or understand the doctor is the drug dealer. So many baby boomers are drug addicts and do not even know it. A drug is a drug. All comes from doctors handing out the drug, , not realize the damage they are doing. People like to stay high. And use who they can. To get there fix. I can only take care of me. Many woman are stuck on drug addiction and do not know it. So a sad. Later.


Remember there are squads of women trying to lure you back to the Plantation. Remember how cruel and unjust the Plantation was
