Is the Chosen a Mormon Jesus? #thechosen #shorts #jesus

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"I am the law" - Judge Dredd 😅


Interesting, I didn’t realize that quote was in the Book of Mormon.


I argue technicality on this Point because God actually spoke the law to Moses..

Since Gods’s Word would not come back empty the Word that was with God and is God would complete and fulfill that law. A nuanced technicality!

Nonetheless the putting of words in Jesus’s mouth that weren’t spoken is very very dangerous and ill advised.


It is a little strange they did it that way but it’s never stated to be a one to one show of the Bible. They’ve said it’s to point people to read scripture. Also the only other close record in scripture is Christ saying he has fulfilled the law of Moses. Why split hairs over something so silly and trivial when it’s not clearly Mormon either. The chosen has been pretty clear about showing Jesus as God and until they change that it seems disingenuous to call out every little detail just to be a righteous heresy hunter


Romans 10 - 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. 5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

Clearly this scripture is closer to the quote from the chosen than the one in the Book of Mormon. It is interesting though how threatened credal Christians are by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Where do they think the law of Moses came from then?


Sure is a Mormon Jesus which is a Jesus for everyone.