The MAJOR Heresy of The Chosen | Dallas Jenkins, Johnathan Roumie, Dan Haseltine (Jars Of Clay)

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The MAJOR Heresy of The Chosen | Dallas Jenkins, Johnathan Roumie, Dan Haseltine (Jars Of Clay)
Dallas Jenkins The Chosen has a major Jesus problem. Dallas Jenkins believes that Christians and Mormons (LDS) believe in the same Jesus! This is heresy. The entire production team is made up of Mormons and catholics as well. Johnathan Roumie, the actor that plays Jesus is catholic. Also, thechosenisnotgood ad campaign uses Satan as its mascot for The Chosen. Dan Haseltine from Jars of Clay and Matthew Nelson do the music for the Chosen. Jars of Clay is a popular CCM Christian music band that has completely fallen away from God. Todd Friel of Wretched did a great video exposing The Chosen. The Chosen exposed.

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I always saw it as just a show, but after watching the Chosen season 1 two years ago it lead me to reading the entire Bible, me and my gf repenting and getting born again, getting married, and joining a Bible believing church. I do agree with your points in this video, but it did not make me elevate the show over the Bible or the real Jesus in scripture.


It isn't popular to speak out about the Chosen, but it must be said. Thank you for your boldness and humility in doing so.


At one point, my husband and I were all in on The Chosen. We were even going to start movie night at church and start showing episodes. We gave money, participated in the feeding of the 5000, bought T shirts, ball caps, cups, etc. Afterwards I found out about the Mormon church stepping in to provide funding and that was it for me. To let in false teachers that is recognized as being occult is jaw dropping for me. And I can’t believe that more mature Christians couldn’t have warned Dallas. (Maybe they did and he isn’t disclosing it.). I know that he was getting really desperate for money to continue to make episodes. This is a classic example of not having enough faith to wait on The Lord to provide the funding or even perhaps to abandon the project all together.


Just read the Bible then apply it to your life. Don’t add to what Jesus has already perfected for us . Period . - I’m so grateful that I serve a risen Savior that loves me, leads my life and gets on to me when I need it and He sees me straying . Thanks Rylan for sharing your gift of discernment. Praying for all that have ears to hear to be saved . I know I can’t make it one day without Jesus. I love Him.


As a long-time adult Bible teacher, I couldn't stomach the first episode I tried to watch.
There was a serious "check" in my spirit from the first few lines. FWIW


I can't believe they said he had flaws and that they don't care what the scriptures say. I'm actually appalled by that


I completely agree with you. I only watched a few episodes (as my dad requested that I watch it with him. He was so excited about the show and wanted me to watch it with him). I love Jesus so much and I take the Bible as 100% accurate and infallible. I had an unsettled feeling the entire time I watched it. I didn’t appreciate how they added to the Bible with Jesus and his disciples relationships. It took away from the Bible and it upset me greatly.


I took THE CHOSEN hook, line and sinker. Couldn't wait to see the next episode every week. It touched me in a very real way. Now, looking back, I know that I was deceived by the producers and the actors. I returned to the Biblical Jesus and was glad. Thanks for this video Brylan.


"The Chosen" is the same thing for people as the "Boiling Frog" parable:

If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.


We Need the Lord to Help us Fight the demonic influence being used against us. Repent and Pray, put on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:12-17 to Protect Yourself From the Lies and Deception being against us All ! God Bless you and your messages


The show is why I have picked up my Bible and really dug in for the first time in a long time. I can separate scripture from entertainment.


Thank you for your commentary on The Chosen. I have found it unbearable to watch. The Holy Spirit convicted me many months ago about watching it. It reminded me of the church in America today. In 2nd Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires. Thank you brother Brylan for your bold stance for our perfect Lord!


I felt that the Chosen had something I didn’t feel right, my son didn’t want to see it and my daughter questioned it and looking at your videos makes me sad because my kids were right about it😢


Some things to think about I guess, but this series has definitely helped drive me strengthened my walk with God and urged me to read more of the Bible. It has been a blessing, in my case at least.


I have watched season 1 of The Chosen and felt uncomfortable about quite a lot of it, but because it was advertised as being made by ‘evangelical Christian’s’ I questioned my feelings. However, after watching this I feel a great sense of relief that I wasn’t just being overly picky. Thank you for this. I can see that this is not what we should be watching and indeed is dangerous.


Jenkins states, "I'm a conservative Evangelical. I believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. I believe in the supremacy of God's Word. I believe in the Holy Trinity. I believe in God the Father, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, and believe that Jesus is the Son of God and all of the core tenets of Scripture." Dallas Jenkins is not a mormon. It would be like me finding someone you work with who believes differently than you do and then putting their beliefs on you.


Thank you for your content.
My first exposure to the chosen was when a pastor of a church I was visiting literally said “if you don’t love the chosen, then your not a Christian” ( everyone in the congregation laughed & apparently agreed )

I couldn’t believe what I heard, joking or not; That wasn’t appropriate and really stirred something in me not to watch it.

I have since then experienced 2 episodes & I am now even more concerned by it!
Many in the world are looking for a version of Christ that is appealing, a relatable Savior!
A version of Christ that they can some how identify with. There was one seen where Christ winked at one of the disciples as to sort of say “see I got this” I swear the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

Anyways thank you for your content. I never knew the extent of the coalition that is responsible for the content of the show!
And it kind of makes since, when you consider the coexist element. The end time church of Laodicea spoken of in the book of Revelation, is a church that is indifferent, tolerant and not set apart unto God!

Praying for you brother. Maintain the watchman Post, and keep praying for those whom Reject sound Doctrine!


I love The Chosen. It’s such a good show. I don’t really know any Christians who take the show as “the word of God” but it helped me with my anxiety and really helped me to delve deeper into my Bible studies. I think God can use flawed people for his will. I’m excited for season 4!


Watching The Chosen made me want to read the bible for myself to see how accurate the show is. I'm now reading the bible almost every single day. I think they accomplished what they set out to do.


Please have Dallas Jenkins on your show. It would be great to see you bring up these topics face-to-face with him and have your audience hear his replies directly! 👋🏼
