'The Chosen' Affirms Mormon Jesus who is spirit brother of Lucifer - Dallas Jenkins EXPOSED

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Apostasy is EVERYWHERE! This is bad, really bad!
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Any new trendy thing that come along is almost always corrupt.


Beware of depictions of Jesus that are found apart from scripture. Especially in ENTERTAINMENT.


I used to believe that Mormons worshipped the same Jesus that born-again believers did and I was incorrect. It wasn’t because I wasn’t saved; it was because of my lack of experience at the time in discerning the spirits.


If anyone changes anything about the virgin birth, deity, death, burial, or resurrection of Jesus, you are worshipping a different Jesus. If you change by faith through grace and not by works, you have a different gospel. You cannot separate the gospel from the person of Christ. He is the gospel. Yes LDS serve a different Jesus, they serve an idol that cannot save them.


I was raised Mormon, l am now born again Christian ( all glory to God!). They do follow after another Jesus. Their Pres. Gordon B.Hinckley said they do in a 60 min interview. The Jesus they worship is from Joseph Smith's King Follet Discourse . a Created being .


New sun here. Thank you for this! Truth always comes out. This confirms a strong caution I received in my spirit regarding this show and I did a video on it months back on my channel.


Thank you for the recording. Very sad.


Really though alot of evangelicals dont know that they have a different Jesus


Thank you for mentioning this The money for the site they are filming on is Mormon is a VERY messed up series!! I have been pointing to it being wrong on my channel since I did my video reviewing the pilot:
"Christians, ARE YOU EVEN THINKING? (Biblical Discernment and the Approaching Tsunami)"


A different Gospel = a different Jesus. 💯


While Mormonism is wildly off, keep in mind that a lot of evangelicals have a different Jesus themeselves! If you do not understand that Christ was fully man and fully God at the moment of the incarnation, taking his flesh from his Holy Mother, Mary, then you have a different Jesus Christ. Mary was NOT just the 'incubator' as I have heard some Evangelicals say.

The simplest way to address this error is to ask yourself the following: if Mary is NOT the Mother of God, then, who did she give birth to?
Just a man? Then you fall into the heresy of nestorianism and a whole host of other heresies, for you believe that Christ later became God by some process.
Just God? Then you deny God became manifest in human flesh, born of a woman, a descendant of David, and you fall into a whole host of other heresies.
Christ was fully man and fully God at the MOMENT of the incarnation.

Christology is important! If you are Protestant, look into these things!

And no, I am not Roman Catholic. Many Evangelicals are also unaware that there are some 250 million Orthodox Christians in the world.

Lord, have mercy on us all.


"The Chosen" and the "Book of Mormon" have a lot in common. Both take an event from Scripture and create a narrative to describe what may have occurred leading up to it. Makes you wonder why so many Christians view "The Chosen" as harmless entertainment, but the "Book of Mormon" as dangerous theology. Maybe this is why "The Chosen" is filmed at LDS Studios, to help bring the LDS Theology into the mainstream.


The chosen is committing blasphemy! Preaching another Messiah..


According to Mormon theology, it was not Jesus who did the Father's will but rather when Jesus' brother Lucifer and Jesus both presented their plans for the salvation of mankind, Father God thought Jesus' plan was best. This upset Lucifer and he rebelled against his brother Jesus and his Father. The Mormon Father God then set about carrying out Jesus' plan of redemption which is the reverse of the Jesus of the Bible. It's another Jesus and another Spirit and another Father with Joseph Smith sitting with Jesus in judgment when the true Father has given all judgment to His only beloved Son Jesus. Lucifer was a created angel and not the Father's other son. There are many other major differences between their Jesus and the only Son of God. In Mormon theology, the Father was a man like Adam before he became God and so all Mormon men can become gods, just like the deal Satan offered Eve. Dallas, what have you done? You are endorsing that which the Bible calls cursed and bound for hell. Any way you sugar coat it, the core is poison.


Really look forward to seeing this videos drawing light to what these many false teachers are saying and who they are so we can warn others.


I knew it was unbiblical when “Chosen Jesus” said “I’m here to start a revolution”. no surprise here.


The problem I see is down the road. We have a secular production (too many think it is a Christian film production) that casts a Catholic as Jesus. Is it a Christian production? And of course, in his leisure off the set, Jonathan Roumie who portrays Jesus, reaches out to the Pope, his life long dream. We have Mormons who help fund the production and allowed the filming of season 2 to be done on their set near Utah. I am not sure yet how the Jews play a role other than offering historical facts. This project facilitates the coming together of Religions...One World Religion. The Pope is happy.




I am very disappointed that Dallas is so misinformed on this subject. Sadly, his comments feed into the idea that Mormons are just "misunderstood Christians". I honestly can't believe he is so naïve. It is very spiritually dangerous to be making statements like he's making without doing the proper research. He is unlikely to bring Mormons to an understanding of God's grace with such attitudes. Although only the Lord knows where an individual stands with Him, the Mormon believe system makes it difficult for people to come to true Faith. There is faith and there is FAITH. I wish he would read Micah Wilder's book!!


So essentially, "I'm right and everybody else is wrong!" Do I understand this correctly?
