My definitive (final) comments on the “LDS issue”

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Have you heard some things or seen some headlines that confused or even bothered you? Did I say “Mormons are Christians,” or “we love the same Jesus?” There's been a lot out there recently: some of it true, most of it false; or at best, willfully out of context. I address it for the final time.

If you want more context, watch these videos:

“You have questions about The Chosen”:

“The controversial making of The Chosen with Dallas Jenkins”

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Thank you so much for taking the time to clarify all the information being posted about about you and the show. On a more positive note, The Chosen helped bring my husband back to Jesus and for that it will always hold a spot in my heart. Thank you for all you and everyone who works on the show do. Praying for all of you. And can't wait for season three!💓


My opinion, as a Priest coming from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, is that the central problem is our attempt to evaluate anything concerning others. We are to examine ourselves in light of the truth of Jesus Christ as revealed to us. It is a mirror that allows us to see ourselves. It is not helpful as Christians for us to evaluate anyone other than ourselves. Leave the rest to God.


I can't imagine how hard it must be to live in a "fish bowl", where your every word and action is scrutinized. Your attempt to clarify past statements appears as an act of humility to me and I for one appreciate this. Is there really any Believer alive that has never acted in a way, or spoke in a way that today they'd not regret? I think not. God help us take our eyes off others, stop judging, and focus on Jesus Christ and loving and serving Him and reflecting His image to others. Thank you for bringing us The Chosen and shining a light towards the only One that can save and rescue us and provide perfect peace and joy. Looking forward to Season 3.


Dearest Dallas, "The Chosen may be the only Bible some humans are exposed to." I referred The Chosen to a fine gentleman who just didn't read the Bible. After watching The Chosen his love for Jesus was sparked and he is now attending weekly church Services! Keep up the great job! The Chosen is so awesome as are you, the cast, and the entire team! 👍❤️


The show has really helped in reading my Bible and the visualization of everyone as real people 😍


Hey, Dallas 🌸 Hope you're not being harassed. I represent the silent multitudes who feel you have been abundantly clear and transparent on this issue. Appreciate you and praying for you.


"The show is not the end game..." I've heard this from Jerry Jenkins regarding the Left Behind book series as well. So important for everyone to remember-it is a step into exposing people to the character of Christ as revealed in the Bible. There is a disclaimer in the very first episode of the very first season. The Chosen is NOT a replacement for the Gospel, it's up to each of us to study scripture and have truth revealed too us by the Holy Spirit. For me personally, it has driven me deeper into the gospels and put flesh to the flawed people Jesus chose to surround Himself with. Thank you Dallas for your thoughtful statement.


I'm a member of the LDS Church, and I've been binge watching The Chosen over the last few weeks. I can't adequately put into words how deeply this show affects me. I cry every episode multiple times. Thank you so much for making this series, for bringing the gospels to life in such an engaging and meaningful way. Every character is so well written and likeable! Even some if the "bad guys" are given realistic and complex personalities that make them feel authentic. Because I have an autistic son, I especially love the character of Matthew, and I just want to hug him!
Of course, Jesus himself is portrayed as everything one could want in the Savior who patiently loves his followers, and who teaches them with both wisdom and humor! I don't know if I could be comfortable in the presence of God if he wasn't a little bit of a tease.
This show is groundbreaking. Thank you!


Dallas, words matter but actions speak louder than words. One only has to watch The Chosen to understand what is in your heart. Sholom


I have always been a believer but my husband has not, I was watching The Chosen one day and he sat and watched the entire season 2 with me and when it was over asked when season 3 was going to be on.... THAT, is why what your doing in important, , I thank God for The Chosen and all those involved in the making, , you are all reaching so many that really NEED to hear ...


Thank you, Dallas, for the beautiful depiction you and your team has created.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ.
I am grateful for His atonement.
The Chosen has helped me better connect with Him.
I strive daily to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I am grateful for others who do not share all of the same traditions or beliefs that I do, but who love Jesus, and strive to be more like Him.
The only view that matters of whether I am a disciple and Christian is that of Jesus himself, and He will share that with me Himself one day.


I am not part of the LDS church. I was raised as a Catholic. It doesn't matter to me who you had working on the show. The end result is something that is uniting people in a common way. Your portrayal of these real people is commendable. I appreciate the very human way each character has been shown


I love Jesus Christ, and I'm always concerned at how He is portrayed in film so I was cautious in watching the Chosen, but I am happy with the spirit of this production! Thank you for putting this together and I say whatever denominations you work with to bring this forth, go for it!! As long as it continues to bring people closer to Christ, it is of God! And I love your loaves and fishes "logo"-- the idea that we bring our meager offering and He multiplies it into something amazing! The definition of this show!


“The show is not a replacement for scripture.” ❤️ I’m glad to hear you say this, because many people are putting the show in that place (not your fault). Thanks for the show, pointing people to Jesus, the word, and the local church.


I love your comment about not knowing someone else's heart and mind. I am Catholic. I have only one good Catholic friend. My other good friends are non-denominational Christians, LDS, Episcopal, or Lutheran. I married a Methodist who went to 16 years of Catholic school. Taking the time to talk to others respectfully has been fruitful for all of us. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing believers.


Mr. Jenkins, I have listened to this entire video and agree with much of what you say. I am a huge fan of The Chosen and will continue to buy and watch this series as long as you all keep making it. I have been searching for God all my years of living and I have come to the conclusion that he has also been looking for me too. I am a believer of Christ 100% and always will be. God did NOT say I'm giving Hollie the job to judge people therefore I can move on. I am an imperfect human and do NOT judge anyone for any reason and stay in my own lane and continue to work on myself. I hope others do as well. God bless everyone and I pray he leads us all far away from our imperfections and bring us closer to him. <3


I hope you don’t feel the weight of having to say just the right thing every time. What a hard thing to carry. Be encouraged.


Truth is always revealed if we wait and watch. Stand strong and thank you for your commitment to bring the Gospel to everyone. God's Blessings on The Chosen!! ❤️


Dallas I actually did watch the beginning of one of the “anti” chosen YouTube videos. I was wanting to hear what the problems was. I very soon realised it was not worth a listen and switched channels! I only wanted to say after listening to your video today that I pray for “The Chosen”, cast, crew and all involved every day 🙏🏻 and that you will successfully continue this wonderful work to completion. You are doing a great job all of you so stay focused and keep going! (I don’t need to tell you whose work this is, all the “anti” stuff)
I am Catholic and love the show and I am not into all this judging!!! Anyone who truly loves God knows He wants us to love each other….
God bless 🙏🏻❤️


I am LDS and love The Chosen. Everything it is. Not only the content, actors, staff, etc but also that it's being distributed around the world at no cost to viewers to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a time when so many are turning to other things trying to find happiness & fulfillment. So grateful for Dallas's attitude and view on different religions and the Bible. Thanks for clarifying and not throwing LDS people in general under the bus as so many are quick to do. I love the level of respect for different points of view while holding solid to the Gospel foundation. I will continue to donate to the production & distribution to help further the work
