Six - All You Wanna Do (Lyrics) ft. Aimie Atkinson

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🔊 Six - All You Wanna Do (Lyrics) ft. Aimie Atkinson

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All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby

I think we can all agree
I'm the ten amongst these threes

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby

And ever since I was a child
I'd make the boys go wild

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby

Take my first music teacher
Henry Manox
I was young, it's true
But even then I knew

The only thing you wanna do is...

Broad, dark, sexy Manox
Taught me all about dynamics
He was twenty three
And I was thirteen
Going on thirty

We spent hours strumming the lute
Striking the chords and blowing the flute
He plucked my strings all the way to G
Went from major to minor
C to D

Tell me what you need
What you want
You don't need to plead
'Cause I feel
The chemistry
Like I get you
And you get me

And maybe this is it
He just cares so much
It feels legit
We have a connection
I think this guy is different

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Touch me, love me
Can't get enough, see

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Please me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me

Run your fingers through my hair
Tell me I'm the fairest of the fair

Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is

But then there was another guy, Francis Dereham

Serious, stern and slow
Gets what he wants and he won't take no
Passion in all that he touches
The sexy secretary to the dowager duchess

Helped him in his office had a duty to fulfil
He even let me use his favourite quill
Spilled ink all over the parchment
My wrist was so tired
Still I came back the next day
As he required

You see, I'm all you need
All you want, you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me and

I know, this is it
He just cares so much
This one's legit
We have a real connection
I'm sure this time is different

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Touch me, love me
Can't get enough, see

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Please me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me

You can't wait a second more
To get my corset on the floor

Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...

Yeah, that didn't work out
So I decided to have a break from boys
And you'll never guess who I met

Tall, large, Henry the Eighth
Supreme head of the Church of England

Globally revered
Although you wouldn't know it from the look of that beard

Made me a lady in waiting, hurled
Me and my family up in the world
Gave me duties in court and he swears it's true
That without me he doesn't know what he'd do

You see, I'm all you need
All you want, we both agree
This is the place for me
I'm finally where I'm meant to be

Then he starts saying all this stuff
He cares so much, he calls me 'love'
He says we have this connection
I guess it's not so different

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Touch me, love me
Can't get enough, see

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Seize me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me

There's no time for when or how
'Cause you've just got to have me now

Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...

So we got married. Woo

With Henry, it isn't easy
His temper's short and his mates are sleazy
Except for this one courtier
He's a really nice guy just
So sincere

The royal life isn't what I planned
But Thomas is there to lend a helping hand
So sweet, makes sure that I'm okay
And we hang out loads when the King's away

This guy, finally
Is what I want, the friend I need
Just mates, no chemistry
I get him and he gets me

And there's nothing more to it
He just cares so much, he's devoted
He says we have a connection

I thought this time was different
Why did I think he'd be different
But it's never, ever different

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Touch me, when will
Enough be enough, see?

All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby's
Squeeze me, don't care
If you don't please me

Bite my lip and pull my hair
As you tell me I'm the fairest of the fair

Playtime's over
Playtime's over

Playtime's over

The only thing
The only thing

The only thing you wanna do is...
Рекомендации по теме

yeah this song is a bop but damn the meaning behind of it is deep..


The meaning of this song, to those that are curious.

If you have watched SIX the musical, you know that its about the 6 wives of Henry the VIII, a previous King of England.

Thats why y'all shouldn't use this song when you wanna introduce your new partner.


This song has NO business being such a bop when it’s so sad.


Why do I feel like her voice kinda cracks when she says 'We have a real connection' At least the second time it seemed like it did. Maybe because as she met more and more guys she didn't quite believe this anymore?


The fact that you can hear how her voice breaking during the last "he says we have a connection" is heartbreaking. Like she has been through so much and just thinks she has finally found a man who actually values her as a friend, only for him to repeat the same words she's been hearing from the men who hurt her in the past.


Okay but a non-musical theatre account making a lyric video for a musical theatre song is actually really funny to me


I never knew a song could make you feel so much sympathy for someone.


The song: about men using her for her body
The comments and tik tok: I tHinK wE cAn aLl aGrEe I'm a 10 aMonG tHeSe 3s 😳😳😳😳


For anyone who does not know this musical it’s called six and it’s based on the 6 wives of Henry the viii and this song is
Katherine Howard’s who was the 5th wife to him and was also the cousin to Anne Boleyn Henry’s 2nd wife this song starts out as “all the guys think I’m hot” to a horrifying realization about a teenage girls sexual exploitation and abuse by several men

Henry mannox was Katheryn’s music teacher when she was little he molested her

Francis Derham was Katherine’s step grandma’s assistant she was called the dowager duchess it was thought that Katherine and Derham were actually in love and even called themselves husband and wife and planned to get married but the dowager duchess found out and sent Francis away.

Henry the viii was Katherine’s husband she was around either 17 or 18 when she married him and he was in his 50’s and had a leg injury that was oozing of slime and he was very obese

Thomas Culpepper was actually Katherine’s and Anne’s distance cousin Culpepper became infatuated with Katherine but it was speculated that they never had an affair and only met only for political reasons but many say she did have an affair with him and thus led to the allegations against Katherine and both Culpepper and Francis were executed Culpepper by beheading and Francis was drawn and quartered and a few months later on February 13th 1542 Katherine Howard met Anne Boleyn’s same fate and she was Beheaded

Also fun fact no one actually knows how her name is actually spelled it is either Katherine, Catherine or, Katheryn


I think we can all agree I’m a 3 amongst these ✨ 10’s ✨


my first time listening to this, I already get the meaning of the song. it's so deep


If you wanna brag about your boyfriend, don't use this song Ō^Ō


You know what's the hardest thing about this song is? Because when you grow up in environment like this, you just don't have the energy to fight anymore whenever that happens.


IS it just me or do u see a face in the clouds?!


It's sad that tik tok took over this song. The ones where they show of there boyfriends show they don't listen to the lyrics. A song like this shouldn't be used for this. Abuse for everyone is serious and this song highlights it. In context this song is powerful, alone it's been made cheap.

Ignore the spelling. Lol.


5:51 Is just so sad, you can hear the exact moment her heart breaks. "I thought this time was different/Why did I think he'd be different/But it's never, ever different!" The way she berates herself for thinking it'd be different is just so upsetting to me, and I don't know if this was intentional or not but it sounds a lot like gaslighting. That telltale victim-blaming mentality that sadly often accompanies abuse and/or sexual assault. I should know, I was abused myself (albeit not sexually abused, but I was physically and verbally abused as a child). I still struggle with a bit of a guilt-complex, I often feel unworthy and get angry at myself for being "weak" and "burdening others". My depression certainly doesn't help this, they say often people with depression suffer unreasonable guilt and shame. But as they say, I suppose, the first step to overcoming is acknowledging you have a problem...


For all of you in the comments not knowing the true lyrics of the song

Its about Tudor Katherine Howard, a young woman throughout her life, starting at 13 in the song, being repeatedly thrown into false love by many sexual abusers until 19 when King henry the 8th believed rumours of Adultery, leading her to be beheaded


If my school ever does SIX as their yearly musical, I am definitely going to audition as Katherine Howard, hands down with this song aswell


No one is gonna talk about the meaning of this song? Ok.


as a theatre kid whenever i see girls on tiktok bragging about their bf with this song it makes me laugh because if only they knew the meaning behind it😭
