Brazilian Wandering Spider Facts: the BANANA SPIDER 🍌🕷️ Animal Fact Files

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Brazilian wandering spiders are known as the banana spider! Do you know why? Learn all kinds of Brailian wandering spider facts on today's episode of Animal Fact Files. These banana spider facts may surprise you! While not entirely impossible, it's extremely rare for a Brazilian wandering spider to be seen outside of their native range due to travels on bananas - though it has happened! Brazilian wandering spiders have a toxic bite which has caused some human deaths, however this is generally an atypical occurrence. Still, to be fair, these spiders are considered to be some of the deadliest spiders in the world! Their bite can also cause some... awkward circumstances when male humans have been bitten. These spiders were discovered in Brazil but can be found throughout parts of Central and South America. There are eight classified species of Brazilian wandering spiders and not all of them have a bite toxic enough to harm a human. *Oh! And there are now nine accepted Phoneutria speices as of May 2021!

Scientific Name: Genus - Phoneutria
Range: Central and South America
Size: body - about 2 inches (5cm); legs - 6 inches (15cm)
Diet: insects, other spiders, and even small rodents and reptiles
Lifespan: 2 years

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Brazilian Wandering Spider BANANA SPIDER 0:00
Brazilian Wandering Spider APPEARANCE 1:33
Brazilian Wandering Spider EGGS 2:16
Brazilian Wandering Spider DIET 2:46
Brazilian Wandering Spider LIFE CYCLE 3:00
Outro 3:31

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**changes were made from the original

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"A beautiful bunch of ripe banana,
Highly deadly black tarantula"!
RIP Harry Belafonte


A good video, just a couple of (constructive) critiques - 1) more pics or videos of the very dangerous Phoneutria genus would be helpful. And 2) some words about the toxicity of the venom and its effects (especially on males) would be warranted, since that is what gives this critter its #1 spot on the most venomous spider chart.


Oh. The "Aranha Armadeira".... :)
The bite isn't fatal... Well... If you aren't a child or elder with heart problems...
And if you are a man you are fucked because you will have some... HARD problems...


In Brazil, this spider is named "Armadeira", which roughly translates into "(one who) arms itself", that's because of the way they get up when threatened, as if "arming" its fangs like you would arm a crossbow. They're one of Brazil's only 3 relevantly dangerous spider species, along with the Black Widow and Tarantula.
What makes them so dangerous is that they are extremely aggressive. Once they've gotten their front legs up, you better be running for your life, because the next move tends to be jumping on you for a bite! That's some nightmare fuel for you!
On top of that, toxicity aside, their bite is said to be one of the most painful spider bites in the world, to the point you probably won't even be thinking about the venom if you get bitten. That said, if you do, go see a doctor immediately and, if possible, take the spider (or its squished corpse) with you! That helps the doctors identify the species to provide you the proper treatment!


I work in a supermarket for about 2 years now, and the only insect in fruit i hear about are spiders in grape (yellow sac spider, twice) and a few in apple boxes ( huge boxes close tight full of apple) which are open in the backstore, away from customers. Never found anything in our banana tho


I’m in Aussie we have giant Huntsmans (dinner plate size but not dangerous), Sydney Funnel Webs (poisonous and highly aggressive.)


Imagine this spider jumping out from a bunch of bananas


I work in a shop and any time I put out bananas, I still fear getting one of these spiders on my hands, even though like you said it's unlikely


I used to work in the back at a Mediterranean restaurant when I was a teenager, one day I was helping the assistant manager bring in some boxes of bleach, I opened one of them and this HUGE spider came running out. My managers exact words were " Holy sh*t that's the biggest spider I've ever seen, uh you know, besides a tarantula" Anyway great video!


When I was an MIT for winco our guys found a small one in the banana boxes while capping bananas. They kept it for a few weeks in a cup on the shelf as a pet and didn’t tell us until it died lol


Saw one massive spider in a box of bananas while I was working. I slammed that box shut and chucked in the chiller for a couple of days. Till it was dead.


Some 40 years ago I found one of these spiders in the bananas at my local its being incredibly aggressive! I was able to catch it and take it home. I put it in a terrarium but it died after a few days. I thought it was a tarantula and had plans to handle it and make it a pet but it was just so aggressive that fortunately, I did not.


U said that they would be big and take up almost all of the banana and that it’s not likely a Brazilian wandering that might be in your bananas however that does not mean that. It could be a baby Brazilian which would be a lot smaller than the adult versions


One of the oldest dreams I can remember was about a "banana spider". It was called a banana spider because it was colored and shaped like a banana and also the size of your foot.


BRAZILIAN wandering spider is from brazil. i live in BRAZIL (u can find the Brazilian wandering spider in hot countrys)


All I know is that I don't want them wandering in my home


Spider: *raises legs to ward me off*

Me: *smacks it with a fucking mallet*


So a video about Brazilian wandering spiders with hardly any Brazilian wandering spiders shown 🤔


I don't know why, or how, but when my mom was a kid (so, like in the 50's) my Pop pop brought home a huge bunch of bananas. It was so big that they had to hang it in the basement. She said that they find spiders hiding between the bananas all balled up, probably because they were cold. Although that old house is probably being held up by spiders by now, I doubt any of the banana spiders survived. She never mentioned any as big as this!


Thank you ma'am

Great Awareness raising video. Good thing these bugs don't eat bananas only use as travel boatd
