America's Most VENOMOUS Spider? Wandering Spiders in Florida

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Did you know that a relative of the Brazilian wandering spider was living in the United States? Today we're going to track it down and find out just how dangerous it actually is!

Here at MyWildBackyard we investigate the secrets of the natural world- secrets that can be hidden in our very own backyards! I want to share the incredible world of insects, spiders and other wildlife with you and inspire you to explore your curiosity. Get out there, and find your adventure!

For those who read the description- we've updated the channel! I'm working on adding more features to videos to better expand our conversations about the secrets we find in the natural world! Introducing the Creature Tier System! There are four rankings:
1. Staple - These are the lowest tier creatures. They are the most common species in a given habitat, and while they're not boring, they're really only exciting when you're exploring a new habitat and you haven't seen them before. Not something to write home about.
2. Neat - These are a step up from Staple. They don't make your entire day, but they are worth taking a closer look at when found. Definitely can be exciting to have a productive day finding many Neat species.
3. Wild - These are exciting to find. Whether they have interesting defensive features that offer a nice challenge in the field, are particularly cool looking, or maybe a little bit rare, Wild species aren't necessarily the MOST memorable of encounters, but they definitely make your day when you see them. An adventure featuring many Wild species will truly be memorable.
4. Gem - These are special. Usually involving extremely interesting biology and significant rarity, Gem species are animals that you really do not see every day. These species can make your whole adventure, and will be very memorable.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

#wanderingspider #venomous #spiders
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When I was in the Navy stationed in Guam, we often ran into a huge (the bug, not the problem) roach problem at certain times of the year. The solution was simple. People started keeping a wolf spider (aka "wolfie") in their barracks room. They eliminated the problem so well that the base would send out an advisory three days in advance of any pesticide spraying so we could trap our resident wolfie and keep it in a safe place until the all-clear was given. Given a choice between giant roaches and wolfies, I take the latter every time. There was only one hitch: the wolfies would often walk across the ceiling, and if he lost his footing he could drop right down on your poker party with the expected result of pandemonium. 😂


Spencer the spiders were impressive in this video, but what impressed me the most was your honesty that if you don't know something you let it be known, and that not only makes you an outstanding wildlife warrior, it also shows that you are a man of great integrity🙌


It's so great to see more people making wildlife biology videos available. Growing up, I never felt like there was enough of this kind of content on TV.


Another key sign that it’s a wandering spider is the fangs turn red when aggravated. You get a few clear shots when Spencer has our little venomous friend in the plastic vial.

(Also, I got to hold a bumblebee today. I know that has nothing to do with the video, but petting a bumblebee was on my bucket list and I wanna share it with the world.)


You know the dudes good at his job when he goes searching for America's most venomous spider in thigh high shorts, Steve would be proud


That first wolf spider just yeeting itself off your hand gave me a good chuckle.


I've encountered a yellow sac spider in Québec (Canada) and the little guy was very agressive, he bit me 3 times through my jean and I never noticed him. The last bite was circular probably an inch or two in circumference (the others were not as big) and it became a violet/blue colored circle before fading to a green/yellowish in about harf a month. It was very hard but not painful. It took a month to be completely gone.


I don’t how this channel doesn’t have a million subscribers. I’m severely arachnophobic. But I love videos about them. With this guy, my heart beat picks up as he holds them. I just love his passion and very informative. Cool stuff.


Spencer if you read this you'll appreciate this story.

I came home from work the other day at around 3am (I work at a bar.) This time of year we have a good amount of Brown Widows that like to make their webs in annoying areas, by the back door on the porch specifically. As I'm walking into the house I accidentally walk into a web I didn't see at first. I disregard it and head into my room and as I start emptying my pockets I feel something crawling on my ear. I take off my hat and look at it real quick. Nothing on the hat but I happen to see a Brown Widow just chilling right there on my middle finger, not crawling around or showing any signs of aggression or agitation, she was really just hanging out. After the shock wears off I decided to walk back outside and coax her back onto her web. After walking back outside and turning the light on I see it right in front of the door. I slowly and gently move my hand back onto the web and she immediately crawls back onto the web. I watched her move around for about another minute, just really processing what just happened. I've never had arachnophobia but I definitely would rather not have spiders crawl on me, however this interaction really makes me appreciate spiders a lot more. I've watched several of your videos, as well as others that handle spiders, and I now see what you guys mean by they don't bite unless they have to. Now every time I see one I act like it's the same one, named her Margaret actually lol.


Such a treat to see my 2 favorite wildlife channels today. Your video and Zach's video with both of you in it! Informative as always!


Honestly this is one of my favorite videos of yours!! I feel like it’s overshadowed by your Phoneutria video but I find this species particularly fascinating since we hardly know anything about it!! Any updates on your research of this spider?


Says it doesn't get any better than that, gives it gem instead of legend. This is definitely one of my favourite videos.


As a brazilian I have to admit that I'm absolutely terrified of those, although I know I should fear the recluse browns more. And btw, I saw what you did there with "simple creatures trying to make their way in the universe" haha May the force be with you G, salutes from Brazil!


Love that you and Emilio collaborate with each other so often. Love both of your guys' content 🤙 keep up your amazing work and educating the world


I've watched about a dozen of your videos over the past year and the quality keeps getting better and better. This one led me to finally subscribe to your channel. Thanks for the great content!


Emilio's lookin' like a badass with his aviator sunglasses and fingerless gloves. 😎


Very entertaining and informative video, as always, Spencer.


I've been afraid of spiders and tarantulas my entire life and still am, but I force myself to look at them and watch them as often as I can. I believe fear comes from not knowing about them or how they live/act. So thankyou for your videos, they have taught me so much about our 8 legged friends. I may never be able to let one crawl on me, but it's only because I don't want to cause it harm out of jolting fear. For me it's a primal response. Fears aside though, all arachnids are truly beautiful creatures. Next time I see one in my home I'll be sure to capture and relase it outside.


It's such a treat to see these gifts in reality. Thank you for having respect and patience for them, you're awesome and your work is really appreciated!


Florida is basically Americas Australia
