A Big Problem For Leighton Flowers and his soteriology

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A simple argument demonstrating a severe inconsistency within Provisionism. Libertarian freewill in salvation for Provisionists only exists before salvation but once you're saved, it no longer exists. It's gone forever. No freedom to reject Christ anymore. So it's as though a true believer is irresistibly kept by God in a state of grace and he's "forced" to go to heaven now, no matter what. It's like he had more freedom before being saved.

So Irresistible Grace is a "mean" unbiblical doctrine but is nice and biblical once a person is saved? They now have irresistible grace in salvation!

So a person cannot be irresistibly and effectually brought to salvation by the Holy Spirit for a perfect conversion, but CAN be irresistibly kept in salvation by the Holy Spirit for a perfect conversion?

Total Depravity is horrible but total inability to lose your salvation ("Total Security") is awesome?

Affirming Eternal Security/Preservation also necessitates Unconditional Predestination and the Effectual Call. Why? Because a completely protected faith that lasts forever can only be the result of a miraculous, powerful transformation performed by God upon His chosen people (Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:3-6). It can't be random people. How on earth can a wretched, weak sinner create within themselves an eternal faith and permanent faithfulness to God? He would easily forfeit his allegiance to God by his selfish, sinful nature. It must be the result of Reformed Election and Regeneration. God transforms sinners! We don't transform ourselves.


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Apologetics is my passion for the glory of Christ. And I would love to co-labor with you in the gospel and the truth, as we contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 1:3, Heb. 6:9-10, Gal. 6:6, 1Tim. 5:17-18, 3 John 1:8).

"But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Hebrews 6:9-10, KJV)
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Once save always save is true if you follow Yeshua. He guarantee it..


Hi Trinity Apologetics,

Your point is valid for those who hold to "once saved always saved". However, it's obvious you haven't listened to Leighton position on once saved always saved.. his position is very close to those who believe people can loose their salvation. In fact, the only difference between his position and that of those who belive people can loose their faith is semantic.

Your argument fails when one realizes that Jesus has free will and yet will not sin or fall away. He is said to have been tempted and yet without Sin. So, there is a state of perfection from which a person will not fail because their charecter has been perfected. We see this people after they have been glorified and the person is considered to have been perfected by God to the extent that he/she will not sin. There is no incompatibility between freedom and a state of perfection (which glorified human beings must enter after the final resurrection. Otherwise, people could Sin and fall away from heaven).


Jesus took the place of Barabbas not only physically but spiritually.
If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. 2 Timothy 2:13


Extend that into heaven and your argument applies to most who reject OSAS. Most who say you can lose your salvation still think you only have to make it to death to guarantee eternal life. But if you can’t rebel from heaven, then you have less freedom on their view than you do now.


@Trinity Apologetics  Yes I know You are from Philippines(not Philippians :-)) Yea I was referring to your video "Do we worship Holy Spirit" there at comment section you wrote that there are evidences in OT but what are those?

And I even believe Jesus's miracles aren't proof of divinity but Yea proof of validity of his claims and God is on his side.
He performed miracles by power of Holy Spirit but I am also careful when something greater than miracle is described.

Sorry for always questioning but you know I am truth seeker and converted to Christianity hallelujah!
I was 15 at that age when I was fully convinced although researching when I was 12. Here in my country So-called Trinitarians believe Only Father is Jehovah (they don't even call Father Yahweh) and Son and Holy Spirit are One with Him but aren't Jehovah. So I am educating and writing books for them and I have succeeded in doing so.

Oh by way most importantly last question
Muslims argue "How can God be begotten? Or Spirated? How can He submit to Father's will" by the way I don't believe in subordination within trinity.


Did Jesus made mistakes but never sinned like he misspelled words or spoiled milk by mistake and could Jesus have sinned but didn't

By the way what's title of "who made everything the God of Bible triune self-existent".


The problem is, you don't believe God's clear word. What did Jesus say?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have ETERNAL life. John 3: 14-16 ‭

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has ETERNAL life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life. John 5:24

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath EVERLASTING life.
‭‭John 6:47

Eternal means eternal. Everlasting means everlasting.
You don't correct God's Word, but rather, God's Word corrects YOU! Please don't call Jesus a liar.


The problem with your/Calvinism's theory of OSAS is that Yeshua Himself admonished us *MANY* times to *NOT* lose our faith. So you'll have to try harder.
