This Is The Problem With People Like Leighton Flowers | John Piper | Biblical Rebuke

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John Stephen Piper (born January 11, 1946) is an American New Testament scholar, Reformed theologian, pastor, and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[2] Piper taught biblical studies at Bethel University for six years (1974-1980), before serving as pastor for preaching and vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis for 33 years (1980-2013).[3]

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Your accusation of leighton flowers is so weird


I would respectfully suggest there are a couple of problems with this approach. We do have to seek to logically understand the Bible. It's not just 'believe it even if it doesn't make sense'. Jesus modeled interpreting Scripture with other Scripture, but if you just take one thing and say 'I don't like/understand it but I believe it', you can't do that. Another example is how logic is in fact used by Jesus, Paul, and so on. So it's not 'believe and don't try to figure out how it fits together'. We do have to wrestle with the ideas, but at the same time realize we're never going to quite get there, as a finite man cannot fully understand an infinite God. That gets into the other point, which is that I think it is wrong to conclude that people who disagree with us on doctrine (Leighton Flowers being used as an example here) are not necessarily those who won't take the Bible for what it says. Often they do take it for what it says, and come to a different conclusion on what it means. Often *we* are the ones who are actually wrong in what we think the Bible means. As a thought exercise, consider the reformers or the puritans or whatever era of leaders you personally admire and latch onto. Luther, Calvin, Erasmus, Origen, Augustine, Justin, Whitfield, Edwards, Lloyd-Jones, whoever it may be. They disagreed with each other on substantive issues. Which of them do you think you are more pious/spiritual than? If we're going to say 'I understand what the Bible means and those people don't because of their unbelief/carnality' then we better be prepared to say we are more devoted & holy than almost all the great martyrs and saints through the ages, because we disagree with *them* on many points as well.


Your accusation is false. The very same accusation you make against Dr. flowers can be made against you. Let's do what scripture says, LET US REASON TOGETHER.


We're asked to love God also with the mind sir


How true. Thankyou for this vid. Well done. It reminds me of some Christians who want to know all the answers. Nobody has all the answers. There are some whose life ambition is to seek for all the answers. They give me the impression that knowing all the answers will satisfy all their questions.
It is like limiting or stuffing God into a box that they then can control.
They find it difficult to humble themselves. Yes, it is by faith as you say. It is not by trying to know all the answers.
I don't have all the answers and I am always learning. I believe we were not meant to know all the answers. There is a reason for that. It should make us humble.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.


Leighton Flowers doesn’t take the Bible as it is because God predestined him not to before the foundation of the world.


Remember, beloved elect sons of God, Leighton cannot use his imaginary autonomous free will he worships and mistakes as "faith, " to bring himself out from the lover of self, man centered, false doctrine he teaches. He is 100% sincere in believing he teaches Truth, as the Lord has him There's absolutely nothing Leighton can do.
If God's effectual grace doesn't visit Leighton, you know, the very same effectual grace Leighton publically professes "I can resist, " if God's effectual grace avoids visiting him, then blessed be the Lord for using Leighton in service to the Elect sons of God. Without the Esau's in our age the sons of God wouldn't have thanks for seeing what we've been delivered from.


This is a sad post. 😔 try to get some education besides your own dogma. If you don't know....there's a perfectly good old dusty Bible probably in your house with John 3:16...instead of John piper


is the bible all literal? if yes, maybe Jesus have hinges, He is the door.
stay away from calvinism.
