Do I have to wear a face mask outside? | Question Time - BBC

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Fiona Bruce presents an hour of topical debate. On the panel are Robert Buckland MP, justice secretary and lord chancellor, Lisa Nandy MP, shadow foreign secretary, Karan Bilimoria, founder and chairman of Cobra Beer, vice-president of the Confederation of British Industry and cross-bench peer, and Rachel Clarke, doctor specialising in palliative care and author of Dear Life, a book on grief and the work of hospices.

Question Time | 16.4.20 | BBC

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I'm currently living in South Korea, there is no lock down and other than schools closing it's business as usual. So far there have been 232 deaths here from COVID 19. Everybody here wears a mask. Why when there has been 14, 000+ deaths in the UK is this still a topic for debate? Everyone should be wearing a mask.


I'm in Hong Kong and EVERYONE has been wearing a mask since February, and we are all pretty much going to work, the subway is busy, buses are full, restaurants still running but with wider distancing than normal .... and the daily spread of the virus is in single digits. Anyone who doesnt wear one gets a dirty look or rollocking as it is more to as a community prevent the spread. Korea didnt have a lockdown but got the outbreak under control by people wearing masks. Japan has managed to limit the spread, so what is this "question" about no evidence? Bottom line if you dont event have "evidence" surely it doesnt do any harm to try it.


It’s so embarrassing that this question is being asked at this point. 🙄


can't believe you are still discussing whether you have to wear masks or not


No wonder the UK is in such a state with their "let's wait and see" attitude! How many more people have to die?


This panel are ignorant! Evidence...look at the numbers going up in UK compared to HK. There’s evidence that it slows it down hence flattening the curve.


In Zambia, the President just declared yesterday that everyone has to mask up when in public


The World Health Organization may not encourage the wearing of masks but the CDC here in the states does recommend it. It actually makes good sense and the masks do not have to be surgical grade either. A cloth face mask will work. The woman suggesting people NOT wear masks doesn’t know what she’s going on about. The virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. In light of this new evidence, the CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies, food runs) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.


The countries that acted quickly are doing well, the ones still debating on masks aren’t


There are around 400 cases infected, 6 died in Taiwan because the Taiwan government encourage people wearing mask since the begging of outbreak stage to minimise the impact . i don;t know why British government is still so stubborn doubting the function of wearing mask, because of shortage ?


Oh no, facemask can protect the face from touching not the other way around. If the health worker is being protected by the mask, why not the public?


We are supposed to trust the How far out of the news are you??


This (and the comments) didn’t age well. Fauci was literally telling people in his inner circle it didn’t make a difference if you wore one or not.


The city of Jena in Germany introduced mandatory mask-wearing on 31 March and recorded no new infections for eight days, while surrounding cities continued to see a rise in Germany.
Taiwan has 30 million population, they are much close to China and should have a lot of infections, but so far, they just 6 death and under one thousand infected patients, one of the main factor, they all wearing marks in public.
In Hong Kong, around 8 million population, it is the most dense city in the world and has 10 entry points from China, it should be highly infected city, but so far only 4 death and one thousand infection. They are 100% wearing masks in public too. So above are the evidences and facts. Don’t wasting time to debate. Can’t believe someone still trusts WHO!!!!


I am originally from the Czech Republic but living here in UK for last 13 years....government in Czech Republic ordered to public to wear mask in the public transport or at least a scarf or any fabric over their mouth and nose. Three days after that they ordered to all public to wear face masks any time they leave their home. They ordered it even without having any for the public. What happened was that anyone who can sew started to make them and that's how there was then plenty for auntie made some for our family and send them in post from Czech Republic, we just received them today. It makes me laugh like in this video they are thinking getting ahead with face masks while they are about 4 weeks behind already behind Czech Republic....there are only 173 of deaths in Czech Republic so far and the virus appeared there about 2 weeks after the UK....their hospitals ready for Covid-19 are nearly empty....obviously face mask are working! They have saying: My mask protects you, your mask protects me....if me wearing mask protects others....if everyone is wearing one, they all protects others including me, not? Logic of a 5 year old so why they don't at least bloody recommend it here in least to say if you going outside, would be a good idea to wear a mask....people can make them, it's not very hard! I am beyond disappointed about this. Same as lockdown - was done early in Czech Republic. Why did they wait here so long? All the first 10 000 people who died here in UK from Covid-19 were these who got infected when pubs were still open and everything was still open....they thought it was still "safe" to meet with friends etc and to go out, to watch football at clearly wasn't! As I keep saying from the beginning, economy can recover, but no one will bring those who passed away from covid-19 back....and many of them are mums of young children, dads of


A mask should be a personal choice not mandatory. Personally i think they're horrid things and that's being polite.


Wash hands, wash face, wear mask, change clothes, social distance. 5 methods to protect from any sickness. Washing up and changing clothes are a no brainer.


Every other sensible country has been urging face masks to be worn but our stupid government keeps saying no. Now today they say it is compulsory from June 15th on public transport. How many bus drivers and passenger lives have been lost to their delayed advice. They have been last to do anything in this pandemic. Labour and unions were clearly asking for masks nearly 2 months ago. This government is a mess.


I am a Chinese student currently stuck in the UK, many Chinese students have started to wear masks since late January, and the people here, not only British, but also other international students criticized us for doing useless things, saying that wearing masks only make us more congtagious to the virus, and Chinese were taking this virus to serious, it's just a flu, just wash your hands and sing happy birthday for And now they blame us for not warnning them in advance.
I don't get why people hold so many doubts and hatred to masks, and blame us for not warning them about the severity of this virus. My mom sent me some masks from China, and I distribut them to the staff of my student accomodation, they took it and never wear it. It costs you nothing to wear one! And the truth has shown that it is useful to wear them.


Why can’t a country of grown men and women decide for themselves whether or not to get the extra protection of a face mask instead of waiting for someone else to make the decision for you. Just saying.
