How Squats Heal the Body

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0:00 - Reclaiming the Squat
1:21 - Benefits of Resting in a Squat
2:09 - How to: Resting Squat
3:20 - Ankle Health & Vivo
4:40 - Resting Squat Formula
5:21 - Improper Alignment
7:08 - Squat Variations

The power of the squat is both muscle and strength but also mobility and longevity. Join us to talk everything about the squat. In this video, Josh and Trevor explore the benefits of Squats, emphasizing their ability to target multiple muscle groups and improve strength, balance, and posture. Additionally, they highlight the advantages of using squats as a resting position for joint health, digestion, and mobility. Through demonstrations and insights, we can all learn to optimize our squatting technique for enhanced fitness and overall well-being.
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What's been your experience with resting in a squat and using the squat as an exercise? Are you able to hang out low? Do you have any knee pain accompanied with squats?


70 year old with Parkinson’s Disease. I am grateful that I found your channel. I am now able to do the Asian squat for 2 minutes. Working toward 3 minutes. Thanks for taking the time to share this content.


I had a neighbour, he lived till he was 94 year old, he would spend a lot of time in squat position troughg the day, he would do squat position and do the work with his hands around flowers, herbs, plants ans even just randomly do squat to rest and talk with us. And he was also very active, he would ride bike for miles every day to go to buy newspaper, go to market, etc...


"You will never have perfect alignment when moving in everyday life." One of the best sentences I have heard in a long time.


My dad was a basketball coach for years. He believed that doing squats everyday to build your full range of motion and jumping ability was the most important exercise a man could do. He must have said, "10 squats a day to walk everyday for life." thousands of times. As sick of it as I was, I stuck to it and at 56 years old now, I still do my squats every morning and while I no longer can dunk, I can still touch the rim. On a side note: squats keep your butt and hamstrings from flattening out as you age which are the first two things to go for most men.


Years ago, I went into a pilates class for the first time. After my evaluation, the instructor asked me if I did ballet as a child (I could put my leg above my head but couldn't squat for the life of me) She said it was very common for adults that danced ballet as children to have hips flexibility and no ankle mobility. We try to work on that for about 2 years, but I never see the diference. 15 years laters, your videos found me on Youtube and after 2 months of some very basic exercises, I'm staring to see a difference. I'm 40 now, I've always workout, I still dance, I still do yoga (but no more pilates) and just NOW I'm understanding what it takes to work on my ankle mobility. Finally! Thank you!


a good rule that helped me: for every 1h sitting on a chair, I go for 1min into the squat position


More of these “Heals the Body” videos please. Both this and the hanging one are fantastic!


I had bad knees at 50 and since then I’ve been knees over toes all the time … and - my knees now? PERFECT! I deep squat all the time and the mobility it provided opened my mind on how I should train going forward.
Now at 53 I’m feeling like I’m in my 30’s. Aging is truly a sitting disease 💪🏼


I lived in Japan for two years while stationed at Misawa AB; all the education I needed about squatting for longevity. It was a rural area, and every day you would see so-called elderly folks working the fields in a full squat - a position the average American (regardless of age) couldn't attain without a lot of effort, and maybe couldn't recover from. Also saw a fair share of traditional porcelain hole-in-the-ground toilets that required a full squat to use; traditional Japanese dining tables that were maybe a foot off the ground where meals were served ... a lifestyle that required mobility. Worth following.


Squats have healed my lower back pain that extended all the way to my knees, no amount of visits to physio (over 50 times to several different ones) have worked (neither their exercises) for many years. I've found out squatting myself few years ago, still do them daily, no more back- and kneepain, but it will come back when I don't do them for a few days. Results came quick as well, after a week far less pain and it takes longer before it came back. Doing it for 6 months, pain coming back after few hours extended to a day, few years, extended pain not doing them to few days. Hope this anecdotal experience helps others, truthful video!


I always appreciate your content. I am 51 and physically broke from 20 years in the military. I am slowly getting better with the direction your content points me to. Thank you so much.


As an old duffer of 57 who's had a career as a desk jockey, I've started your squats, I started in our home hot tub as it takes some weight off and easy to balance. I've found it a good start and it's helping. Now to "on land" squats.


I've been loving reclaiming ATG squats over the past few years and I'm currently 63! Working this movement has been teaching me progressively more and more about how my body works and paving the way for variations on it!


F46 here, coming out of longcovid, entering perimenopause, newly diagnosed adhd.... Exercise is such a fantastic "drug" for everything, I'm so ready to build strenght and mobility and have my athletic self reactivated. This was gentle and highly motivating ❤


I had bad knee pain when I started motorcycling again 2 years ago, but after squatting and doing leg days, it went away. Turns out, my leg muscles just needed to wake up again!
What people forget is the Knee is mostly a joint/bone. The Muscles around the knee are what causes soreness, so if those start to Atrophy, that's where the actual pain comes from.


I never understood the whole don’t squat past where you can’t see your toes. Has never made sense. Thanks for clearing this up.


As a sedentary person in their 70s, with stiff hips and weak knees, I really appreciate your options for easing into squats. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to get up out of a squat without assistance 😊


Absolutely amazing video, your strength and mobility is mind blowing. I am 64 and just started the Asian Squat a year or 2 ago, and could only do 20 to 30 secs at first. I just did it for 5 mins watching this video. Thank you so much for sharing this !


My Korean mother raised us half-asian girls with floor squats. I remember her making kimchi in this huge metal pot on the floor in what we dubbed the "kimchi squat". Even at 65 years old, this lady is still as flexible as she can be. It's TOTALLY healthy for you and your soul.
