Muscle Twitching, fasciculation, when should i worry about muscle twitching

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Muscle Twitching is the result of the sudden contraction or release of a muscle. Muscle twitching also referred as fasciculations and “myoclonus”, to describe these fast, involuntary twitches.
People describe muscle twitching differently.
Tingling, itching, burning, throbbing, muscle spasms. If muscle spasms is strong enough it can cause pain, this painful twitching is called muscle cramps.
Muscle twitching is very common, almost 70 % of population experience it time to time.
The most common places to experience muscle twitching includes the lower eyelid and legs, but muscles throughout your body, including the ones in your arms, feet and lower abdomen, can twitch as well.
Some possible causes of benign fasciculations in generally healthy people include:
Physical activity. Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles used during exercise. It most often affects the arms, legs, and back.
Stress and anxiety. stress and anxiety can cause what is often called a “nervous tic.” They can affect any muscle in the body.
Stimulants. Consuming too much caffeine and other stimulants can cause muscles in any part of the body to twitch.
Excitement and anything that increases adrenaline — may make fasciculations more likely.
Nutrient deficiencies can cause muscle twitching include:
Vitamin D, vitamin B, magnesium and calcium deficiencies.
Dehydration can also cause muscle twitching.
Another cause of twitching is Irritation of the eyelid or the surface area of the eye.
Adverse reactions to certain medications include: corticosteroids and estrogen pills.
excessive sweating, intense exercise, or fluid loss from vomiting or diarrhea can cause also muscle twitching.
physical exhaustion and lack of sleep.
Restless leg syndrome
Restless leg syndrome is a condition in which a person experiences uncomfortable sensations in their legs. An irresistible urge to move the legs often accompanies the sensations.
About 80% of people who have Restless Leg Syndrome also experience leg twitching while they sleep.
However, persistent or frequent leg twitching can sometimes signal an underlying nervous system disorder, such as:
In most cases, leg twitching is due to a common and relatively benign cause.
But sometimes it is caused by serious and even life threating conditions:
Fasciculations can be caused by serious condition, when they're of relatively sudden onset and there's accompanying weakness, loss of tone and shrinkage in the muscle called muscle atrophy.
Serious diseases can cause muscle twitching include:
Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease and
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Such causes are relatively rare.
Some people are just more prone to experiencing fasciculations, they can have it many years and haven't noticed any other changes in your muscle, or muscle strength, here with high probability cause is benign.
Muscle Twitching Prevention:
staying well-hydrated, Eating a healthful, Cutting down on stimulants, such as caffeine and alcohol
quitting smoking, if applicable.
exercising regularly, stretching and massaging the legs gently, getting enough rest.
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I had twitches all over my body for weeks. Finally went to the doctor and it was a potassium deficiency issue with severe vitamin D and B12 deficiency. The doctor ruled out all other severe motor neuron conditions. So grateful.

Edit: It's more than a year now, and I'm all good. Barely twitch, maybe few times a month, if at all. Some of my other symptoms at the height of my health anxiety: pins and needles, numbness, tingling, trouble swallowing, joint pain, myclonic jerks, burning sensations, perceived weakness in my right leg. It's all in your head + deficiencies. Go to the doctor, and believe what they say folks!


I (29M) developed and an endless amount of physical symptoms and Anxiety / Panic attacks in April of this year. I have never had these before. Since then the physical symptoms have mostly disappeared and I’ve developed muscle spasms all over my body. My head and arms will even jerk sometimes when I move them. My Jaw has muscle spasms to the point that I’ll hit my teeth together while I’m speaking. I can even force the spasm by blinking hard. The muscle spasms are causing me to freak out and I’ve thought I’ve had every neurological disorder known to man. I had an MRI and an electrical test and everything came back normal. Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m stuck in a constant loop of anxiety and muscle spasms and the anxiety medication isn’t improving the muscle spasms at all. I have no weakness of the muscles and some days are worse than others. If you are experiencing this or know what’s going on with me I would greatly appreciate a response.


I am glad to hear the pathology of Muscle Twitching (Alzheimers Disease to ALS), but I am most honored and impressed with the coupling of Prophylactic Efforts to a Muscle Neuronal Problem, especially the Hydration emphasis (Well-balanced Diet, Alcohol/Stimulant Avoidance, and Message/Exercise Indication). For this, allow me to remind the nephast and wicked, All Pathology is Preventable!


I've been experiencing muscle twitching / spasms throughout my body every day for the past 2 years. It is not due to any deficiency or any medication or any nerve damage/issue as far as doctors can tell. Im so tired of it.


I’m having a these minor twitches in my right arm and I find body twitches satisfying if you ask me so I came on YouTube to see if there’s anymore more info on it and after seeing this video I learned many new things thy I didn’t even know on how to strip a twitch or how a minor twitch could be a bad twitch. Regardless the info I have learned today was very well needed!


I've determined my BFS is from getting covid, getting the vaccine, or stopping SSRI after 5 years being on them. It pisses me off because my muscle fasciculations have now turned into actual body jerks. So clearly this virus or vaccine or drug causes permanent Neuron cell death or miscommunication. It's so damn frustrating. 2 years of constant all over twitching and myoclonus and NOTHING and I mean NOTHING helps. It's also the fact that this is so foreign to every damn doctor that it's frustrating. Ugh, someone please figure out how to stop this madness. It's like there's a constant interruption, but anything and everything causes that interruption to get worse, like stress. If someone can help, I'll give you all of my money


Latuda for bipolar caused me this! It's insanely bad on my thighs and lower legs. It looks like if there was something under my skin slithering! Plus sometimes it's painful depending on how strong the contraction is. I stopped taking that darn med about 2months ago and it still hasn't gone away


I had twitching for more than 7 months, did all vitamin and minerals test all normal, finally seen a doctor and I did all these test. Lipid profile, HBA1C, Thyroid, FBC, Electrolyte, Creatine, urine creatinine, LFT . Among all these test I did, my HBAIC was at the border line. I cut carb and eat veges now the twitching had reduced, Hardly have them.


Hello guys if youre anxious, its most likely that you have some problems with a disc due to herniation or bulge. When your back discs bulge out they can press on nerves that causes signals to be sent. Try to lay on your stomach for 10 minutes, with your upper back bent(resting on your arms) and see if your twitches calm down a bit when doing it.

Its still "serious" and should be treated, but its serious in the sense that it's a physical reason and very treatable =)


I ride horses and I often get these. I would recommend you relax the muscle for a little while and let it have a break, I used to play with it, and even though it’s fun to play with, it was really uncomfortable and somewhat painful afterwards, so don’t play with it
Edit: it also made my muscle really stiff


Me2 same I was too worried....i took some supplements of vitamin d and vitamin 13 and it gone away thank you


Can full Body twitch be related to heart health?


Hi, thankyou so much for the video.My niece has been experiencing muscle twitching in her stomach for about 5 months already and according to her, it is also painful sometimes.But stomach is not mentioned in your video, is it also possible that it is due to lack of some nutrients in her body?


I'm having fasciculations and spasms starting 1 month after covid.


Its happening in my arms, stomach and hip areas😃 usually I wouldn't care that much but the stomach thing scares me


Off the things that can cause muscle twitching, high sugar is one of them. Check ur sugar level and add more veges to your food.


i don't know if this is the right video to come to or not but parts of my body vibrate sometimes like my leg vibrates then stops is that the same as muscle twitching? however when I exercise it helps it goes away then i feel like this sensation of crumbs falling down the back of my brain when that's happening that's when my muscles twitch muscles comtraction


Mine are like lightning storms/electric impulses up and down my legs from my ankles to kneecaps.... NEVER STOPS
I can watch my calf muscles constantly moving/
Wake up everyday with painful cramps, like i ran a marathon that night.
Very Hot shower/bath water on my legs, is my only saving grace
Recently i started sleeping with thermal winter knee-high socks to bed, kinda helps the constant moving of my legs settles considerably


Also statins and other cholesterol reducing drugs affect muscles


I have had it for more than five years. Especially in legs and eyelids.
