Anxiety Causes Muscle Twitching Symptoms & RELIEF!

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Anxiety causes muscle twitching symptoms! This anxiety symptom is very common, annoying, and scary! Anxiety causes a lot of muscle tension, hyperventilation, hyperstimulation, & sleep deprivation that can lead to muscle twitching! My anxiety twitching started 2-3 weeks after my first panic attack. I would get eye twitching and then it turned into twitches happening all over my body! Leg twitching, arm twitching, face twitching, neck twitching, stomach twitching, hand twitching, chest twitching, YOU NAME IT!

So how do we overcome anxiety or beat anxiety disorder? These are tips that you should be trying every single day to stop your anxiety! Dont skip any days and remember that there will still be bad days. Its how we handle the bad days, that determines how we progress in our mental health. First, discover and work on your root causes of anxiety! Practice gratitude everyday! Everyone has something to be thankful for! Make sure you are exercising daily, eating healthy, keeping a journal, taking a multivitamin, practicing meditation in the mornings and evenings, practicing cbt, keep counseling or therapy as an option, watch positive affirmation and asmr videos, join online support groups, and most importantly do this everyday and dont give up! Thank you so much for the comment, please keep in touch, and please Subscribe if you haven’t gotten the chance!

Fan Mail: PO Box 3615 Palestine, TX 75802
Snapchat Username: cullintrey

***Disclamer*** I am not a doctor or a licensed mental health professional. This material is based off of my life experiences and further research for educational purposes. I encourge you to always seek help from a professional and this content is not mean't to replace that!

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Fan Mail! PO Box 3615 Palestine, TX 75802

Snapchat Username: cullintrey

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It's really the autopilot symptoms that are the most scary. You can rationalize anxiety symptoms like flushing and twitching and shaking if you are in a stressful situation. But getting these symptoms just sitting down or relaxing makes you think it's something much worse.


Not knowing weather it’s a health problem or anxiety is the scary part. Uncertainty kills


CRYING AS I type this because I have been so scared for the last few days and this made me feel a little better


Man, this helps so much. Twitching is my main symptoms and it’s kicking my butt. Hearing you speak on this bring me such ease. I’ve had it daily for 8 months now. Trying to challenging my thoughts and overcome them rather than letting it take over me. 🙏🏼


Currently as I write this comment my calves are twitching. I’ve been twitching for almost 2 years now. I literally cried watching this video. I thought I was going crazy. I ran to the hospital, ran to the doctors, had an MRI of my brain, had Cat-scans of my head and lungs, had soooo much blood work. And everything came back fine. It started with with a single panic attack that I’ve never experienced before. To now, having a panic attacks every single day. It’s just nice to know I’m not alone, especially the people around me don’t understand and I feel like I’m going crazy when I try to explain to them what I am feeling. So thank you for this video.


This just started happening to me. I’ve never had anxiety issues before and it’s terrifying me. Thank you for giving me some sort of relief during this stuff. I’m also bad about googling my symptoms and then freaking out reading everything.


I cured my anxiety... Bro and I literally tell everybody the reason I over came was because your videos and the cell phone app headspace. This was 3 years ago. Just had a house fire. Losing the house. Then I lost my job then my girl breaks up with me.

Just hate the worst panic attack ever today. I could not calm down. The more I tried the worse I started locking up. Arms were CONPLEATLY lock and I am not guna lie. Even knowing, KNOWINGGGG it was just anxiety... I still was convinced it was an immediate heart Paramedics just left... I immediately ran here and I'm calming down more....

Practice guys practice your self help methods and seriously consider meditation.

It gets better I promise and with enough practice and training it will not come back.

Your brain is a muscle. Taking time to work on your Mental health is very important. Work out your brain. Brain gym time


I've been following you for the past 3 yrs. I'm currently dealing with this when I fall asleep I wake up with tremors of I try to take a nap in the day time. I have Anxiety and Arrhythmias and the worst experience is to be waken up by the rapid heart rate. What has helped me is accepting this and trying not to live in fear. Love you Bro for sharing your experience and helping so many of us with awareness 💜


Bruh. Needed this today. This twitching actually flares my panic disorder more than anything else.
Thank you.


Did anyone else have a fear that their panic was seizures or that you were going to have one during panic even tho you've never had a seizure before


I've had health anxiety since the summer of 2019 when i first started having one sided headaches which instead of getting checked early i waited for 5 months untill in december of 2020 i went to the doctor and he told me you probably have nothing to worry about but he ordered an eye exam which measures your depth perception and stuff like that to rule out any brain disorders and tumors. I did the exam and it came back perfect and i relaxed for a bit then 2 months later the coronavirus started which made me super anxious because back then we didnt know anything about it and i saw those videos of people collapsing on the streets in wuhan so i naturally started being anxious about something again. Fast forward to april of 2020 the severe anxiety symptoms started which included muscle twiching. At first i though i had als or ms or some other horrible disease so i went to the doctor again and he once again told me that i am fine it's anxiety. I kept having the muscle twiches and i kept getting more stressed which led to a bunch of other symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, feeling sick all the time, staying indoors and not getting enough vitamin d which made me feel 10 times worse and eventually i found out that severe anxiety for a long time causes something called benign fasciculations syndrome which explained my non stop muscle twiches (look it up its harmless) i realized i have wasted 1 year of my life with severe anxiety so i once again calmed down untill in the summer of 2020 i felt a lymph node on my neck which send me directly into panic mode. I went to the doctor AGAIN and he did a physical exam and told me there was nothing to worry about because they were small and movable. I calmed down a bit but then i googled and i got anxious again. What followed was probably the worst time period of my life. July 2020 to novembef 2020. I was checking my body all the time and i found even more lymph nodes on my neck and one on my collarbone which was quite large mind you so i went to the doctor once again and he once again told me that its nothing to worry about and that they will go down which all of them did decreased in size but i could still feel some of them so instead of trusting the doctor, the person with years of medical experience i instead went on dr google and did my "research". I worried about lymphoma again so i went back to the dr and he sent me to do a full blood and urine test to ease my worries which i did and it came out normal so that kinda de-stressed me (also, the only abnormal thing on the blood test were my vitamin d levels which showed i was very deficient). The doctor prescribed vitamin d drops i would take and once i started taking them magically all my symptoms dissapeared. Sometimes, to this day i get anxious about my health but i remember something my doctor told me. Dont stress over it and it will most likely go away. By sharing my health anxiety time period i hope i helped someone ease their worries and trust doctors more (please dont waste 1.5 years of your life as I did, TRUST YOUR DOCTOR HE KNOWS BEST)


Been having full body spasms for around 4 years now today something got me really mad and then Snapchat showed me how long I’ve been dealing with this I’ve seen a few doctors had blood work eegs ran no results but this video has made a ton of sense to me because just typing this comment I can feel that feeling but you made me realize I’m not alone and that something can be done.
Knowing I’m not alone in this helps a ton as well because anxiety itself holds you back from getting help so it ultimately tries to control every aspect of your life.
I’ve been having these talks with myself about my conscious and subconscious thoughts like maybe those were causing it and your explanation helped a ton.

Thank you


This video has been really helpful for me thank you. Ive been suffering with anxiety for a long time and suffer with health anxiety. Ive been googleing my symptoms and have gone down the rout of ALS and other similar diseases. Ots really scary because you get these symptoms and you get paranoid and anxious and that just makes it worse. The lesson learned is to never google your symptoms


So glad I found your video here about anxiety twitch and the pain I'm dealing with for several years on and off now. The twitching gets really bad even now writing this om twitching ansnor really is debilitating and sucks. I'm a musician and been under huge amounts of stress losing out on not playing live because of health and car issues holding me back for the past few months.. I have battled stress and anxiety for much of my life and I'm in my late 40s. Thanks for making a very insightfiul video!


My mom used to get mad at me for twitching. As a child, I never understood and I got even more anxious due to the embarrasment and shame. Now I know I was never the only one.


Thanks for posting this I've been getting more and more violent twitches lately ranching from a hand twitch to my head jerking into my shoulder so I'm glad I'm not alone


This is a bit relieving to hear your symptoms. I’ve had twitching for just over 2 years, it comes and goes but it definitely seems to be more evident during stressful times but like you said it feels like it’s on auto pilot. On top of that my brother passed away 6 months ago from ALS so you can imagine my thought process, that certainly added to the stress and started after he was diagnosed 3 years ago. I don’t think that’s it because I don’t have any other issues like muscle or strength loss. I’m super hyper sensitive to it.


Thanks Trey for trying to help so many of us cope better with the daily & nightly Severe Anxiety and worsening ibs ♥️


i am a hypochondriac and have severe anxiety tremors. they terrorize me.. i remember the first time in spent the whole night having an panic attack. i thought i was dying and ended up waking my mum because I was simply inconsolable. since then i have tremors all day, every day. mainly internal but the most distressing is the muscle in my ear which causes my eardrum to spasm which i can both hear and feel. one thing that relieves my symtoms a bit is planking. whenever my muscle tension and tremors get too much, i do 6 sets of plank, 1minute each time. i think it works on the same premise as the muscle relaxation, as you are tensing all the main muscles in your body and relaxing them after x
