Why Do Muscles Twitch?

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Ever wonder why muscles twitch at times? There are a lot of different and common reasons why muscles twitch. In this video, Coach Brian Klepacki shares some information about the causes!


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Who's arm was twitching during this video


I always thought when my muscle twitches my muscle is growing bigger 😂


I have twitches all the time. It never stops. Once one finishes.. Another one starts.


All my twiching started by my stress, then i search google 😳 i got scared, now i have anxiety 😂


My leg and butt are twitching right now.


Everything is blame on stress and anxiety lol


I'm 14 I've been getting them recently in my toes, feet, legs, thighs, arms, chest, fingers, lip, face, neck, stomach, back and a cramp or 2 but I have bad anxiety convinced my self that I have lymphoma a couple of times cuz of a swollen lymph node I have had a very stressful year but if your worried about ALS you usually get weakness before muscle twitches I hope I help and comfort some of you guys


For me I think it's self-propelling, because whenever I am in class, I like to sit in the back, because if I am sitting in the front, I feel like everyone is looking at me, then I get stressed, then I start twitching, then I get even more stressed, because my class see me twitching, and I twitch even more


I literally got scared because I was worried of getting als but my mom and grandma told me I don’t have it as twitching is normal so that’s a relief that it’s from working out


I just have random muscle twitches when I'm, most commonly, sitting. It also happens really any other time. It's weird. They don't hurt either. It's just weird


I was just chilling and my leg started to twitch I’m like *LEG WTF*


I've had twitches all over my body every single day for as long as I can remember. I wanna say it's been 15-16 years. I've gone through the gauntlet in regards to the cause: stress, fatigue, hydration, etc. but nothing really seemed to change the outcome. There's never been any perceivable rhyme or reason to it for me, but I have noticed that the less I think about it.. the less they "fire off, " which leads me to believe it's somewhat psychological in nature. I know that's easier said than done, especially in the moment, but it does help to pretend like you don't notice it when it happens and eventually it'll stop in that particular area.


Thank you so much for clearing my doubts..
Muscle twitching is a weird but satisfying and sometimes it scares me..


Most muscle twitching is caused by the lack of rest and fatigue. So don't worry too much about it.


Me worrying about ALS as a 19 year old, but failing to rationalize that I haven’t had any water in such a long time and my diet is literally just pizza and mac and cheese: 😧


I once had a twitch on my eye, and this girl thought I kept on winking at her.


I’m only 13 and literally every single part of my body twitches it has been happening for about a year. It’s annoying and I just want it to stop


I don't get it all the time, but for the past year or two I get random muscle twitches all over my body. My calf will twitch off and on for a few hours. It is very much usually in my legs but sometimes my arm will have a similar twitch. Recently I've started getting a twitch under my left eye. I rarely have actual cramps, though I have gotten Charlie horses at night every couple of months.

When you go online to search for this stuff you see all kinds of absolutely horrifying possible causes. ALS, MS, other things that are life changing and potentially life ending.

I don't really have the funds to go to a doctor, plus I have pretty bad health anxiety. I can, and often have, laid awake for hours at night worrying about a twitch that won't go away. Usually this makes it worse if I'm honest.

I think it's that my diet sucks, honestly. I eat a lot of junk food, am overweight, usually only eat one complete meal a day and eat a lot of fast food (Particularly KFC). I've been told I worry way to much about my health by multiple people so I think that the anxiety, plus the dietary problems, are what is causing my twitching.

I think one of the most important things for people like me to realize is: ALS is super rare, nobody in your town has it... probably. It usually effects older people, and it usually progresses pretty quickly. It is probably not ALS. It's probably not MS. It's probably something fairly benign.

If I wasn't so terrified of the doctors finding something terrible I'd probably go get it checked out.


Thank you my brother has autism and is so worried about everything so thank you so much this helped him stop getting worried


i’m 13 and this always happens to me and to be honest i find it disgusting but it goes away when i look directly where it’s twitching **made me itchy just talking about it**
