Muscle Twitching (Fasciculations) And Neuropathy

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Neuropathy Nugget 192 - Dr Brandt R Gibson discusses muscle twitching or fasciculations and peripheral neuropathy. #Neuropathy #NeuropathyNation
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I dropped coffee, went on magnesium, and fascics almost gone. I used to eat a lot of dairy, and that blocks magnesium uptake.


I can't get any neurologist who can agree on a diagnosis. One told me it was charcot Marie tooth, and I did meet some distant relatives with the same issues. Another says it's not that, it may have started as length dependent but is consistent with small fiber. I just so fed up with these, 24 hours a day, vibrations and fasciculations, feet, calves, hip shoulder. They're harmless but they are constant and ruining my life. It all started with Lipitor, before that I had mild neuropathy, 3 years straight I keep hoping they will stop but they are spreading and getting worse. Wish I had a neurologist who saw me more than half an hour a year, who thinks everything my previous neurologists said was wrong. I'm so fed up.


This is exactly the way my diagnoses kind of went. I have the muscle twitching in my legs, arm and some times even the side of my head. My metabolic panels and blood work all come out normal accept I do read 100 mg of blood sugar levels, but my doctors seem to think its not a cause for concern and likely with that low level, would not be the culprit behind what is causing my BFS. I did have 3 EMG's and they diagnosed me with poly neuropathy but no signs of visible nerve damage and they said the results are very low for it to be a cause for concern. I also had a MRI and Xrays of my legs to rule out any possible blood clots, tumors, etc. I serously doubt alot of these doctors some times though because to me its deffinitly lessoned my quality of life. I never had this until 4 years ago and all the sudden i got it and im 38 years old. I am really not sure what to do about it at this point. Other people also explained that that no pain occures but clearly for me it does over time. My legs start to feel a bit sore after all the twitching. Should I be worried about this and what other tests or treatments can i do.


I have had calf muscle pain and twitching for over 2 years. All started after a flu vaccine oddly enough. I have been to a neurologist multiple visits. Brain and spine MRI were normal. So was an EMG and an ultrasound of my legs. My VGKC and vitamin B6 were high but retested and came back normal. No diagnoses for me. Desperate to figure this out!


I hope all can find a cure because my muscles twitch so bad I don't even want to live anymore.


Thankyou. I have fasciculations along with shooting pain, spasms and cramps all over my body especially the throat /tongue, neck, limbs and chest. I also have numbness and weakness. It was previously diagnosed as hemiplegic migraines however that diagnosis was made with no tests. I'm finally having tests so hope to find cause.


Can low iron also cause bfs? When my iron gets low it increases


Hello, I have found your channel because I have muscle twitching, numbness in feet and hands, muscle pain and weakness. I also have celiac disease and diabetes. I am waiting on an MRI to rule out some things. It’s definitely not much fun.


Every cause you mentioned is a side affect of my adderall thus leading to BFS :) so either I sleep all day or twitch all day. I can’t win


Im crying right now. I’m feeling for like 1 month a vibration in both of my legs and it feels like I can feel the blood running trough my veins ( small vibrations ) but lately it got worse, now it’s spasms as well!!! I can even see them at times. The spasm comes and goes but the vibrating is there non stop 24/7 I go to sleep and wake up with it. I also at times have a needle feeling under my feet that comes and goes even when I lie down or stand up. I’m so scared for ms or als.


I'm getting these so bad, as well as a tremor in my left leg. I had cauda equina syndrome twice last year, two surgeries. I could understand it being related to that if the twitching was just in my legs, but they're randomly all over my body, it's driving me nuts! I'm also getting myoclonus too (a sudden jerk of legs)


I twitch all over my body, also have burning, numbness, tingling, internal vibrations and some cramping too off snd on. For three days I had terrible weakness in my legs with the cramping but my legs are no longer today feeling that weak, so I’m thinking not als but only because I think with als once you have clinical weakness it stays, isn’t intermittent . Not sure if clinical weakness found in als can be “felt” as a perceived weakness can be.


@NeuropathyDoctor sir i have taken a wrong medicine 15 years ago and after taking that i had side effects my whole nerve twitches and also feel weakness all the time what should i do?


Do not know if the two are connected but I developed outer thigh/outer calf fasciculations in the aftermath of recovery from a sciatic episode in 2017. Brought by compressing the sciatic nerve via too much pressure with a TP ball, as trying to get rid of an upper glute trigger point. Managed to improve outer thigh fasciculation with scraping technique. The outer calf not so much although the intensity of the outer calf fasciculations are nowhere near as strong or problematic as when first started.

What was odd was that I started to get months/years after fasciculations began to start on the inner calf...and the intensity increased there as the outer calf intensity lessened.

NHS after MRI focused on old L5-S1 nerve disc tear and that fusion, pain killers or live with it, as only options. Told em I've managed disc tear for years fine with nothing more than a bit of neural tension. Seemed over focused on structural issue vs poss soft tissue restrictions somewhere.

Tried aggressive scraping therapy. Tried osteopath..Tried trad physio..none had desired effect or were able to confirm if nerve entrapped/irritated somewhere along the pathway.


Can stress cause fasciculations in different parts of body muscle? I mean not only the eyelids.


Hi! I have this, although it used to be more sporadic is has been a little more consistent lately.I’m gonna be put on SSRIs/SNRIs for anxiety and I was wondering, is there a possibility that they make the twitching worse?


VITAMIN WATER zero sugar has done trick for me. I've been drinking 1-2 bottles of vitamin water every day for the last 3 months and my spams have been entirely eliminated, I went a few days without drinking it and started to get spams.


Omg. Can u please tell what is wrong with me? I started having sharp shooting pains in my body since last year. It started with fingers and then throughout the body. Right after 2-3 weeks I developed fasciculations as well which again got worse with time now I have fasciculations in all parts of my body ALL THE PARTS (tongue head stomach EVERYWHERE). I googled it said MS ALS PARKINSONS which got me super scared I had multiple breakdowns bec suddenely I got constipated at the same time since last year and before that I always had diarhea issues. Plus I have delevoped sleep apnea as well I involuntarily stop breathing at night then I suddenely wake up gasping for air. Google said constipation is also a symptom of these diseases. I went to 2 neurologists they did some physical tests EMG MRI. All clear they said it’s just anxiety one of them prescribed me pregablin zeegap which calmed down my neuropathy but did nothing to my fasiculations. I don’t know if these symptoms are of “small nerve fiber neuropathy” or “motor neuropathy” or “parkinsons” I think I have parkinsons young onset bec all the symptoms lead to parkinsons but don’t know if parkinsons’ symptoms start with neuropathy bec mine did start from there. Doctor please help me figure this out.


Is it true that after months of body-wide twitching without presenting weakness, should rule out MNDs?


I have epilepsy
With fasciculations

What should i do????
Im on AED
