'Seventh-day Adventist Church does no longer supports abortion' - How to Respond

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"the church is now prolife" -- How should people respond?

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ChristianityToday magazine blasts Adventist church hypocrisy for honoring abortionist:
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ChristianityToday magazine blasts Adventist church hypocrisy for honoring abortionist:


Preach It, My Brother. The Angels Weep, and so does our at least 4th generation SDA, and my heart breaks at this horrendous violation of all we have claimed to stand for over the years. Many will need to repent if they want to stand at Christ's right hand....pray for them


I am a seventh day adventist Christian and always will be by the grace of God. I am no longer part of the conference but i hold even stronger to my faith. I am sickened by this. May God help us all.


I left the Adventist church because of the abortion issue. I didn't merely leave. I had my membership removed from the books. They said that I am free to return if I want to, but that won't happen with them clinging to abortion.


Great video my Bro. Facts and Truth. 🙏🏾🇨🇦


Almost 65 years ago when my mother was carrying me, she was attended by SDA Doctors at White Memorial in Los Angeles. Because she had cardiac issues, she was advised to abort me and get sterilized so she could not have any more pregnancies. Because her grandparents and aunts and uncles were killed in Nazi Extermination camps and my father's family (Sephardic Jews) from Greece were able to immigrate to the USA despite the severe restrictions against Jewish Immigration, his family were given forged baptismal certificates by Angelo Roncalli (Later Pope John XXIII) who told my grandfather, a Rabbi that Pope Pius XII had instructed Catholic bishops to rescue any Jews they could secretly, and not make conversion to the Catholic Church a requirement, because the bishop should show the Jews the Love of Jesus, and if he did, then God's grace would bring them closer to Him (God).

Now abortion even in cases like my mothers was illegal, but under SDA Church guidance the Doctors told her she could have it all "taken care of" and her life would be saved, nobody would ever know. Obviously she did not go though with it. I was raised an observant Sephardic Jew, and never heard about the events until I was going to Medical School at Loma Linda. I am grateful for two things I learned while at LLU. One was a good Medical Education, and the other was it was the first time I heard about Jesus.

I told my family about the Jesus I learned about at LLU, and that's when I heard about the Catholic Church saving our family in Salonika (Greece) and my mother's story of how the SDA Doctors wanted her to abort me and prevent the conception and birth of my five siblings.
It was a shock because along with hearing about Jesus, I heard all sorts of Anti-Catholic tales at LLU. So being a good Jew, raised with a critical mind with regard to learning I did what I had learned when learning the Torah and Talmud. We are trained to learn all the arguments against an issue and all the arguments for the issue. Then we argue the point from both positions.

I learned and read from SDA sources all the unholy and evil things about the Catholic Church and the Pope. Then I did the same from Catholic sources (the entire source, not just the few passages from the Catholic sources which the SDA had used out of context to distort the position) and found that not just Catholic Historians, but secular and Protestant historians proved the Catholic Church followed the Bible, and fit the Church of the NT. I did the same with other Protestant Churches, using their sources that supported the rupture of unity, and condemned the Catholic Church, as well as the Catholic position.

A few years later I was able to convert to the Catholic Church, as when I was found to be studying the Catholic position, I was told by LLU that even though I was in the top 10% of my class I would be expelled if I became a Catholic.




Let us strictly follow the Bible and Bible alone through God's holy spirit


I confess I had no idea of this wrongful position of the church. I wouldn't have left had I known, because there are other serious problems such as music styles, among others. The wolves are among the sheep, and this will continue until the end of this world of sin.


Thanks for this message. The Good thing is i already out from a Sacred Cult Seventh day Adventist church.


What a DISGRACE to have this 2019 updated statement!


They may seem to repent from that but is too late....just as catholics do


Considering how the modern culture pushes abortion, it is significant that the church agrees with the culture while pretending not to. Whom are they trying to please?


See, this is why i struggle paying tithe. I pay a tithe to SDA individual ministries, but these kinds of reasons are why I struggle to pay more than a small portion of my tithe. 😢


I just saw the title but I didn't hear the video. So what took you so long? It's about time you see the light.


Since 1984 when l found that about this and other things like investments of the tithe in the stock market l do not give my tithe to the conference and my president is the Lord Jesus Christ


😮wow! I never knew that about SDA. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!


Tell me if abortions are still happening in the Loma Linda Adventist Hospital in California.


Another mess they’re trying to clean up


Thank you for making this video. I was unaware of the abortion issue in the SDA Church until recently. I think your position is hypercritical at times but I understand where you're coming from. I believe that if you were to do a poll in the NAD you would find that the majority of members are against abortion for any reason. God Bless!
