We Left The SDA Church?? | Our Truth

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You are probably wondering if we left the SDA Church, why would anyone leave the SDA Church? It is not something we planned to do or ever thought would happen. There are many reasons which we will explore in this video. This is not intended to slight or defame the SDA Church in anyway, this is just an account of our experience with the SDA Church.

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I was raised a Catholic. I met my girlfriend (now wife) and she invited me to her church(SDA). Honestly I just went to hangout with her. No interest in listening to what was preached. But, I picked up on a few truths every time I would go to church with her. Eventually I listened and they were teaching the entirety of the Bible. Now I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I am proud to say it. Praise God. He surely works in mysterious ways. Sorry you guys went through that, but we must put our focus on Jesus. For he is the way, the truth and the life.


Raised a Catholic & active in that church, I have found the SDA Church after studying several doctrines because I was looking for a purely Bible-based teaching. But left it bec I was looking at the people & their flaws. Later on, I went back to the church bec I realized, Jesus' faith was tthe reason why I joined this church & not bec of the people. Just happy to find a church group now which I feel like a second family to us. I would never be somewhere else & praying & striving to be part of the remnant church whom Jesus will bring home with Him when He comes back.


I also grew up in the Adventist church, I have witnessed alot of questionable things happening, but my Old Dad reminded me, "you are here to hear the word of the Lord, keep your eyes him, man will let you down but God never will" 🙏


I can never leave the SDA church.. no church comes close to the truth it's teaches


I’m 51 yrs old SDA born and bred. I’ve visited many churches and I’ve realized that the church is really a hospital for sinners. If going there to meet saints one might be disappointed. Christ should be in our hearts when we go in to fellowship with the brethren so that they may feel and experience Christ love thru us. This sounds more like a personal issue with a particular church and not Gods remnant SDA church per sey. When we go to worship with the brethren we should be in such sweet communion with God that His presence will silence all the distractions around us. Praying for your family🙏🙏💕


One of the reasons we turn away from the church is that we tend to look at others instead Of keeping our eyes on Jesus...


I was born SDA and I backslide all my life but I will not and never will leave this Truth that God gave me.
Coming back in the arms of Jesus is the ultimate and most fulfilling decision I’ve done in my whole life. Leaving the Truth is like leaving Jesus!
May you all find peace!


I have come accross this video after watching the 3ABN Sabbath School Lesson. It's going to be Sabbath tommorrow and I need to prepared. What an incredible lesson. The Title is unto the least of these. My family and I were going to Roman Catholic Church because we are born and raised in this church, but during the pandemic when I started reading the Bible, everythings has changed. My faith in God becomes stronger and His voice become clearer. He became more real to me. And we kept the Sabbath, and live a healthy lifestyle not knowing there is a group of Christians who have the same belief. After almost five months of being a Sabbathkeepers we decided to be baptized to Jesus. 😇 I met many people, different people in the church but I know many are new, we are in different levels of our faith, Still praying for this church. I always keep in my mind that I dont keep His commandments for the people in the church but for the God who is the author of my salvation, growing in Him everyday. praying that the people who discouraged you wont discourage you to follow Him no matter. For as Christians we are called to endure. God bless! I love you.


This is what will happen when we look to people rather than upon our GOD, Savior and Redeemer. Also when we come with "our truth" that's a great problem, what about GODS truth, we can never go wrong with It.🙏🏽🕊️


For all my years as an Adventist I've seen discouragement but that doesn't make me lose my focus on Jesus. I still attend the congregation I find myself around the world. Do not use one SDA congregation to judge all SDA congregations because of a small crucible you are passing through. If you leave SDA Church, well, it's a great choice but don't leave God. Just find your way to eternal life that Jesus presents to you.


The problem with us Christians we go to church for others to make us feel good. We need to believe in Jesus Christ and what he teaches.


Thank you for sharing your experience with the Adventist Church. It is always disappointing when church members do not live up to our expectations. No church is perfect and if anyone ever finds one it will cease to be perfect as soon as you or I attend it. I guess we all must remember that churches are hospitals for sinners not hotels for saints so if we find dysfunctional people there regardless of their positions just expect it.


Story of a friend: I was born into the Adventist faith, at the age of 5 my parents left me with my grandparents who were not adventist, therefore the grounding that they tried to instill in us (myself and siblings) was somewhat thwarted. I joined my parents 3 years later and the strictness of the discipline laid down by my parents was very difficult to cope with. Within 4 years of joining my parents the rebellious side came out and even though I still enjoyed going to church, the elderly members tried to convince me that I had no place within the church. After a few months I found it unbearable to be in church. I preferred to be with friends who did not have the same upbringing that I had which was based on bible principles. Slowly and surely I began to act the way these friends acted. I ended up having a child at a very young age and then the church removed me from the membership list. This being said I still believed in the principles and desperately wanted to go back to church, but knew that the elders would reject me. I moved away from the church altogether. The behaviour of the friends were not making me feel comfortable but I was forced to stay out there, and I believe that was due to me not being able to challenge the elderly, because children are supposed to be seen and not heard. However, if we are to go by the bible when Jesus was 12 years old and out in the syangogue teaching the elders, as young people, why are we not even trying to bring about these changes, showing others where they are wrong and trying to instill the teachings of the bible.
After spending an number of years in the world and looking at my life experience, I now know that no-one in the church is to be looked up to. My guidance should come from the teachings of the bible. We are all sinners and therefore we cannot look to another human being in order to follow God's word. If I go to church and a member is not living by the teaching, I cannot leave because that member is not following guidelines. I am responsible for my actions, on judgement day I have to answer for my doings, I cannot tell God that I left the "SDA" church because the elderly people did not give me a chance to be what I needed to be.


I would like to say that this happens in all churches. I used to go to a Sunday church. But now I go to the seventh day adventist church because God said Remember rhe Sabbath day and to keep it Holy.


I was also left a church and now I am an Adventist Church member. And I'm very happy in this church because I don't look to any person but only Bible. Pastor can make mistakes layman can make mistakes but Bible always right. Those who look people they only can leave SDA CHURCH. I'm a lucky person because I am a part of this SDA church.


20+ years in SDA and i can surely say that this is the most judgemental denomination you'll ever meet, we're still stuck in the old law, everything is a sin, from taking tea, eating meat, ladies wearing pants, until one time i felt like leaving, but after quite sometime, i just realized that what matters is me and Christ.
Am still waiting for the 2nd return of my saviour in here.


Being an Adventist myself, what I can say is that, No one will let me leave church. If God told you to leave, then I can say God is leading. But I don't recall you guys mentioned God was apart of the decision. It doesn't matter which church you go to, you will never find perfection. I agree, you have to go where God is present, but he has to be the one who is leading that. Also, it wasn't clear if you guys left the Adventist faith or what, so this is just an unfinished video that I wish was a bit more clearer. A bit confusing, especially when you said, "we would go to a different faith, as long as God is there". I wish there was more clarity. Additionally, I wish you guys all the best in your decision making, and hope that you will put God first in whatever you do.


As a born again Cbristian who happens to be a SDA. I just want to say I'm sorry on behalf of those ppl who hurt you and experiences you went through, and I do want to say, even if i'm the only SDA in the world, that I love you and know God loves you even MORER! I will keep you in my prayers and pray that the Lord will lead and guide in the paths of righteousness!


I am Adventist too. One Adventist minister said: “Go where you are fed.” He is right. I can associate with many of your sentiments. If we have to make adjustments we just have to be careful not to leave Christ. Stay strong.


I was born a Seventh Day Adventist. But because I focus on people and their flaws.. So for hiw many years i was a backslider. Now, I want to serve God and give my life to Him. Only the Seventh Day Adventist has the whole Bible based doctrine. I will pray for you brother and sister. In God's time you will hear God's voice and go back to the church He made for His people. God will always be with you and your family. You are always welcome to Jesus. Come home and you will find peace and happiness 🙏🙏🙏
