Racing Thoughts? (TRY THIS)
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"Greetings Warriors! I was recently working on a new video and realized how much my mind was racing. The waves of thoughts were so intrusive that I couldn't get shit done. I was thinking of ways to slow down my thoughts and realized I could literally accomplish this by spelling out each word in my head as I'm thinking it. Takes longer to spell it than to just think it. I don't try to control the thoughts or repeat the same mantra.... Just let the thoughts flow where they may go – spelling out each word that enters my mind. So instead of being in “trouble,” be in T.R.O.U.B.L.E...
If you wanna take it to the next level, slow down your spelling with your breath... Maybe spell a few letters as you breath in, and a few letters as you breath out. Try to get where you spell slower and slower... slower-and-slower - until there isn't silence in between the letters anymore. The mind will eventually start racing again. If we can't get mad at a race car for racing... We can't get mad at our mind for doing it. It's just what both of them do – by design.
I don't need to drag this video out any longer... I'm sure you get the idea here.
As with all Polar Warrior videos, I hope this helps some of you out there to find more moments of peace in your life. I sure need more of those myself. If you want to connect with me, there's a link in the video description where I can be reached. Take extra good care and I'll be back here soon with more Polar Warrior videos.
Our channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. Our goal is to provide actual tools, tips, and discuss topics that can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors: Bipolar Support