Faith Alone Doesn't Save

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Protestants are wrong about this.
i agree completely with what was stated here.

Good works are Not inevitable for Christian people.

The book of James ( which Luther had a hard time with)
Is correct.
Faith Without Works Is dead faith.


Great job young man! Keep pressing the Kingdom. Earlier today I had a Protestant friend actually forward me one of your shorts. He liked it I thought I would as well. I did and commended him for sending it to me. You're having a great effect!


Luke 6:46 (KJV): And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


For Protestants, It's all about Salvation.
It's the end point.

For Orthodox and Catholics, Salvation is the Beginning, Not an end point in of itself.

It's not " 1 and done"
Noah, Abraham and the patriarchs and prophets of old had to Prove their faith and have it tested.

Adam had " faith alone" and his was put to the test.

Faith And Cooperation With The Holy Spirit

If a man declares love for his bride and doesn't make Any effort to Show her or maintain the relationship, That man is a Liar.

If a Christian states he's " saved" but still wants to do things his Own way, That man is also a Liar.

For Orthodox, It's not just about Salvation, but Transformation In Christ.


At the end of the day, I think we all agree, but we dont understand it all the same way.


Each individual may be saved through faith alone, but it is by our willingness to allow the Spirit to inspire us to good works that we orient the world toward God's proper order, thus participating in God's act of justifying and redeeming the world by acting as His right hand. It is through these good works that we remain *faithful* to our Lord, continually redeeming ourselves as we climb the Ladder of Divine Ascent.

I don't know if this is "dogmatically correct, " but it is what occurred to me as I noticed the effect of a couple of my small good works in the world. It's also not just about doing things like feeding the hungry or clothing the poor, though those are the most important works, it is also about simply noticing the small ways in which you might help put the world back in order.

For example, I gave a blanket to a homeless lady recently and was brought to tears as I drove away because I realized she was cleaning the litter around the highway exit at which she had set up to beg for help. Even brought as low as she was, she was working to bring order to the world rather than cast it further into chaos as so many of us so carelessly and so often do.


To enter Heaven requires faith and TURNING FROM sin, is that correct ?
What about overweight believers who eat WAY MUCH MORE than they need - willful gluttony - are they saved despite their willful sin of gluttony ?


Please.. I need to hear more on this subject. What's a good resource?


For me the only way faith alone works, is if it is underpinned by theosis. Theosis is what defines the Christian


Faith is spiritual, while works are material; and when spirit and matter are pitted against each other, that is the taint of Gnosticism. This is why Protestantism is largely against the Eucharist and Baptism as efficacious unto salvation, and see the Church as invisible -- all heresies are fundamentally Gnostic.


"Eight years ago, there was one in Dessau whom I, Martinus Luther, saw and grappled with. He was twelve years old, had the use of his eyes and all his senses, so that one might think he was a normal child. But he did nothing but gorge himself as much as four peasants or threshers. He ate, defecated, and drooled and, if anyone tackled him, he screamed. If things didn't go well, he wept. So I said to the Prince of Anhalt: "If I were the Prince, I should take the child to the Moldau River which flows near Dessau and drown him." But the Prince of Anhalt and the Prince of Saxony, who happened to be present, refused to follow my advice. Thereupon I said; "Well, then the Christians shall order the Lord's Prayer to be said in church and pray that the dear Lord take the Devil away." This was done daily in Dessau and the changeling died in the following year."
The founder of Protestantism, ladies and gents! What a Holy Spirit filled individual!


I know this isn't the place for nuance, yet to say if one keeps the first commandment (I am the Lord your God, you will have no other gods before me) keeping the rest is not inevitable is strange to my mind.
How can you break the others without first breaking the first, trusting in lies and putting false gods above God?


Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.


Ok, so my questions for you are this: how much good work do you need to do to be saved? At the end of your life, how can you be sure that you did enough good work to enter in heaven ?


I am an evangelist and as such I believe what the Bible says in the Bible is clear we are saved and we are saved only by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ otherwise what is the point of the sacrificial lamb and the resurrection? Through faith we have in the cross and through good works in his name and not for boasting can we truly become Christ like or is the Book of Romans States created by the Apostle Paul imitators of Christ.


Faith alone justifies. Whoever believes in me will not perish but have everlasting life. Good works are the result and fruit of faith.


The faith that James referred to was the faith of demons, or of a hypocrite. Neither of which are saving faiths because they are not actually that of a transformed heart of flesh. Romans 4 is undeniably about faith alone saving and not works. True faith is that which comes from the gift of the Holy Spirit through Baptism and the Word, and that clings to the promises of God that Christ has redeemed you into eternal life through His blood. As a manifestation of this repentance and transformation of heart, the love of God flows out from you into the world, which justifies (vindicates) your faith to the world that it is real.
