How much time do I need to study Arabic?

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Just a small note brother. Conversating is informal for conversing. Awesome video! جزاك الله خيرا


JazakAllah khayr my brother. Ameen to your duas


BaarakAllahu feek Abu Mu3awiyah. Excellent video, very beneficial


Barakallahu feekum. Im gonna commit to this insha Allah. Just what I was looking for.


As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. MaashaAllah. Very practical. My speaking portion of Arabic has been interesting. During the beginning of corona lock down I lost my job, so I decided to pick up some extra pennies teaching English on a certain site. Surprisingly, most of the incoming students were Arabs wanting to practice English. I took advantage of the paid 1 hour with each student and did 30 minutes English and then picked their brains practicing random conversations in Arabic. Even though I may have sounded like a cave man speaking to start, it was fun and well worth it. And I'm still learning, being 40 and having a job and children does make it more challenging, but it's not impossible. As long as you're constantly on the path of learning, the angels will make dua for you. Small steps is better than none.


بارك الله فيك يا اخي،
انا طالب اللغة العربية وتعلمها في الجامعة الان.
انا اريد try هذا method في مستقبل قريبا انشاء الله


Some of you guys didn’t even watch the whole video. He goes on to divide it multiple ways to fit your schedule. Why comment and maybe push someone away before finishing the video?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hope your well ustaadh, great to see you still posting beneficial videos for all of us viewers. May Allaah accept it from you

You mentioned listening to audio books. I just wanted to know what websites/apps you'd suggest for audio books such as the one you recommended of ibn qayyim

Als, what are good websites i could go to to find pdfs of arabic books and which websites would you recommend to buy arabic books from?

بارك الله فيك


Assalamualaikum I'm from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
I really wanna learn Arabic I'm Muslim ALHAMDULILLAH currently I'm learning
English my English is not good much but will learn it but my attention goes to Arabic ❤ and most importantly I'm 15yrs old
I can read Quran I recite Yaseen Al-mulk from Quran do I have chance learn completely
By the way Ramadan Mubarak brother ❤


The daily recommendation of 10 hours is unrealistic and unbalanced. Let’s say downtown works 9-5 and travel to work so gets home at 6 then no way can anyone dedicate 10 hours. Even if I was free I would not spend 10 hours each day which is just not feasible and this is why even in religion we are advised to be balanced. But I do agree 1 hour daily maybe 2 hours is reasonable. Even if you have 30 minutes daily that’s fine and ignore the advice that if you don’t have 2 hours then go learn something else. I learnt Arabic 6-8 hours each week. I would never dis encourage anyone form learning anything and don’t worry how long it take just keep consistent in your study plan. I spent much time. Memorising Juz from
the Quran but it did not bother me as the journey is step by step by step by step.., . Good luck everyone and you are the Boss so do what you can and ignore the negative comments.


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ustadh, hope all is well.

Ustadh, for the speaking part, if we read the books out loud and repeat the Arabic sentences that we hear from audios/videos, would this suffice?

BarakAllahu feekum!


Allah does not burden a soul more than he can handle.


‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‏ ‏أستاذ

I come to this video every once in a while to benefit from this reminder, but I had a follow up question.

1. During the three hours of listening, how do we do this? Do we just put on a lecture of for example Ibn Uthaymeen and just sit and listen? Is there any benefit to just sitting and listening with minimal comprehension (I.e. maybe understanding a few words here and there)?

‏بارك الله فيك


if I can free up my scheudle to do 2.5 hrs per day, should I do that and put a pause on seeking knowledge in English? and for my reading and listening just read books of the ulama and listen to duroos and try my best to take notes of what I understand, I have a basic arabic level that I can understand 85% maybe of what mashayikh say


Salam u alaykum brother, what did you do for vocab? Did you use some flash card system or how do you recommend going about it?


I really want to do Quran Grammar first as my base and slowly add into conversational what is your opinion on that? This is because I am alone as a convert and I spend my days reading Quran.


‏السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

Hope you are well, may I ask what age was you when you started your journey learning arabic?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
جزاك الله خيرا
How do i improve the speed and quality of my handwriting. I noticed the way fluent arabic students and native arab students handwriting looks very different to mine. Even though my handwriting right now is neat and readable it takes long for me to write. I have noticed i write out each word slowly but i see others write a word in a continous way wothout taking the pen off the page. How do I learn to write like that? This question has come as a result of recently attending a dawrah and I was not able to write and keep up with that the shaykh was saying. Any tips would be helpful.


Would memorizing vocabulary count as reading?


اين تجد من الشيخ عبيد الجابري ؟ لا أراه في youtube
