How much FREE TIME do I have in MEDICAL SCHOOL?

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Hey friends! How much free time do I have in medical school?? This was a big question I had while I was interviewing for medical school -- how much does a medical student study a day? Do medical students have time to have fun? Do you sleep in medical school?

The quality of life in medical school definitely varies based on what program you are in (are you 2 years pre-clinical or 1 year pre-clinical, like Vanderbilt?) and the rigor of the curriculum at any given moment. I hope that hearing about how much I study a day in medical school and about my schedule gives you a better idea of what you can expect in med school :)

Instagram: @alliebonbon
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thanks for the info my dude. Imma be matriculating into yale this fall so all our lectures are optional, thank god. I feel like that should open up the slot for a little bit more free time, in my case. I love that you prioritize exercise because I was planning to do the same, its literally my only form of therapy LOL but thanks again for all the insight


Hi! Thank you for the video. I'm starting med school in August and am wondering if you could answer a question for me. The school I may attend has a mandatory lecture attendance policy. My ideal situation would be to spend Monday-Friday in the city that my school is in. Then, on the weekends I would commute 2 hours to spend Saturday and Sunday at family's house (still studying on those days of course). From your experience, does this sound doable? Or should I rethink this plan?


Do u know anyone studying a second major besides med school?
Im intrested in computer engineering and it requires a lot of practice to master so is it possible to do it in my free times throughout med school?
