10 Sleep Myths Finally Debunked

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These myths about sleep have lasted so long - it’s time to debunk them. Do you need 8 hours of sleep? How much sleep do you really need? What is dreaming all about? Learn more about this below.


What is Biphasic and Polyphasic Sleep?

What is Polyphasic Sleep – And should you try it?

The Different Types of Sleep Patterns

Public Health Implications of Sleep Loss

The Effects of Napping on Cognitive Functions

The Gene Identified in People Who Need Little Sleep.

Myths - and Facts - about Sleep

15 Sleep Myths Debunked

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep

Review of Sleep Studies of Patients with Insomnia

Ambient Temperature and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Too Much Shut-eye Can Be Bad for Your Brain

Daily Reported Sleep Duration on High-Level Cognitive Abilities

Sleep Deprivation: Impact on Cognitive Performance

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing), Troy W. Hudson (VO) for helping to create this video!
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I sleep ~ 6 hours at most, I need more, (like 7 - 7.5 hours) but I am always too excited to get up. Gym, working out, hunger, walking the dog, cleaning the house, groceries. I love life.


3 -5 hours of deep sleep is all I need to have a good rest. More than 7 hours and I feel heavy and my back aches.


Whoever is reading this. Never give up matter what people say to you. You are a fighter and you can win this. There is greatness within you. You are so close to victory


Who’s had a bad sleep schedule due to quarantine?


I feel productive and fresh when I get 4-5 hours sleep.
But 7-12 hours?
I feel so lazy and heavy. 😅


"never cheat your sleep cycle" yeah buddy but there is something called schools


4 to 5 I am well. 8 hrs of sleep makes me lethargic


Whenever I sleep more than 6 hours, I feel so dizzy and unproductive all day


If you can't sleep here's some tip
-close your eye
-clear your mind
-focus on your breathing
-meditate before sleep


I sleep 2 hrs from 2 to 4 am in night and 2 naps of 25 min in afternoon after lunch and 25 min nap in early part of night. I ate very less and only 1 time a day . I m doing this for more than 8 months . it makes me feel so energetic and improves my brain functioning and memory. I studied approx 20 hrs every day and scored full marks in the entrance exam and today I m in best medical college of my country . I m thankful to Allah and to myself.


Since I can remember Ive slept about 4 hours on average. No naps or anything either. The past few years I’ve noticed I’m sleeping even less now. 3 hours is typical but sometimes it’s just 2 hours.

I’m energetic. I’m at a healthy weight. I have no health issues. I’m not tired. I have a better memory than almost everyone I know, I’m in a pleasant mood and I have no problem focusing or getting tasks done. I work full time, have a 9 yr old daughter, paints for hours at night when everyone is asleep, have 2 very energetic dogs, workout every other day, do yoga every night, drive on average 60-70 miles a day (and have never been in an accident or fallen asleep at the wheel or at my desk)

I just don’t need the amount of sleep that most people do. I go to bed at 3a and I’m up at 6a to start my day. I’m 47 yrs old and I’m able to accomplish so much because of my sleep (or lack there of). It just works for me and I’m tired in laying in bed for hours wide awake because I don’t want people to think I’m on “something “ if they see me washing the car at midnight 😂


I generally do a nap a day (30-60 minutes) besides my 7-8 hours. Consistency is important. Sleep deprivation and catch up is no good. Good point takeaway in video.


I sleep 15 hours a day and feel tired and go back to sleep


I struggled with insomnia for years and years but I finally have it figured out for the most part. Just staying on a schedule really helps. I gave up my sleeping meds years ago, I think they almost make it worse.


when i was an athlete i need sleep at least 8 hrs to recover well, now i no longer an athlete, i doing fasting alot, i sleep 4-5hours at night and 1 - 2 hrs at day. i still performed my daily work perfectly fine. sleep depend on what activity u do


I tried 8 hour sleep but i felt tired for the whole day. So i slept for 4 - 5 hours and i felt energetic and active the whole day


this was really informative. I missed something about morning and evening people as many people struggle with this too


I've done multiple of experiments of sleep.

No sleep:
Absolutely horrible. The first few hours was fine and I still felt okay. When it was around 1pm whenever i blinked i just wanted to close my eyes for longer but i couldnt because i was in class. I was really moody and I was too tired to have a conversation. When i got home, I felt a tad bit better but really dizzy.

12 hours: I went to bed at 8pm snd woke up at 7am. Surprisingly, when I woke up I felt tired. Throughout the day I had a headache and a backache. When I came home, I felt okay but still had a headache.

4 hours of sleep: I went to bed at 1:30am and woke up at 5:30am. I still felt a bit tired but managed to get out of bed. I had some coffee and had a good morning routine. When I got to school, I felt fresh and great. I was more smarter academically and I put effort into the work. When I got home I mostly just did normal stuff and it was quite good.


I really relate to the biphasic sleeping. 4 hours at night and 4 hours during the day. It’s different for everyone, but it works for me. 8 straight hours makes me more tired.


I went to bed 9PM because I was stupid tired. Woke up 3AM with a bad headache from sleeping too long.
Until 3 - 4 years ago, I used to sleep for around 8 hours every night. I usually sleep for 5 - 7 hours now.
Even 5 hours feels like too much sometimes. It's really convenient though, getting so much more out of each day. :)
How much sleep you need, really depends on each person.