How Much Time Do I Have To Gain Full Range Of Motion After A Total Knee Replacement

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Of all videos I’ve been viewing after my knee replacement yours are the most positive, balanced and LOGICAL. Can’t thank you enough. Also love the comments you attract, sir.


I had my TKR on Feb 01 this year. My experience was I did not get my flexion very far as long as my knee was swelled. Plenty of freezer wraps, lots of elevating and pushing the swelling down, lots of hard work. I did make progress in week 7 when the swelling went down and that's when I made good progress. My therapist was wonderful and she gave me a good workout each time. At 6 months post op I'm very happy with my TKR . My flexion is 128 and life is good. I've watched your videos for 9 months post op and you gave me confidence Tony and I thank you very much.


I wish I had you for my therapist when I was doing rehab. I’m now at 8.5 weeks, I’m not at 120, but I’m getting there because of my persistence. One of the therapists scared me to death saying I needed to be at 120 soon because otherwise I would have to have manipulation. I had no idea what she was taking about until.she explained it. I told her no way that I would let anyone touch my knee again. I feel that they are pressured to push people into achieving this goal of 120. Needless to say, I am doing better each day because I’m doing exercises religiously. I’ll get there when I get there.


My experience is proof that you have much longer to get your flexion back. At 8 weeks I was in a brace that limited bending to 15 degrees. This was due to leg reconstruction (osteosarcoma) that involved the patella tendon. Rehab was challenging and took a year. 9 years later I have 120 degrees and no evidence of cancer.


Love your positive remarks.. I’m currently working on more range of motion after 2 month. My PT and I are both positive we will continue to make gradual progress. Too many people give up and are stop trying. It took our whole lives to wear down our knees— so I figure it will take time to get it back to where it once was or even better. Thanks for the encouragement.


Thanks for this. My experience has been exactly what you said. When I finished my formal PT I was only at 105 on my own. But as I have continued to work out, it has gotten way better. I haven't measured it formally, but I'm guessing it's more like 125-130 now. More importantly, the knee is completely functional and I can do whatever I want.


At 8 weeks post TKR I’m able to walk, drive my car (two seater) and return to exercising with moderation as I still have pain (level 4-5) and some swelling in the knee. My therapist measured me at 124 for range of motion and released me to continue PT on my own. Everyday I experience little victories like being able to bend down and tie my shoes, standing to cook dinner and use these activities to track my progress. The key I have found is to continue to push yourself to do the activities you enjoy, stretching, icing and getting some good rest to let your body continue to heal from the surgery.


Thanks for the encouragement. I needed MUA after my 6 week of TKR to get me to 90. After 8 weeks I'm at 96 and will keep pushing thru. I guess everyone's body is different. This is a difficult road, but staying positive.


I have had setbacks due to inflammation and terrible swelling ( a family trait)
I am twelve weeks post surgery and when I go to PT he measures me at around 105. After he works with me I’m around 115. Several weeks ago I couldn’t get to that at all. My physiotherapist assures me that I’ll get to 120 on my own if I keep working at it and not to worry.
I was really annoyed that some written info. Handed to me in hospital said “ the bend you have at six weeks is the bend you’ll have for life”.... it’s just not true! We’re all different and it would seem to me that the bend you have largely depends on the amount of effort and time one is prepared to devote to improving.
I’ve done everything I should have done from the outset and some. At six weeks I was about 90 degrees! It just wasn’t happening.
My take away is that every week I’m improving and that’s really all I focus on
Thanks for your videos as I watch them religiously and I utilise some tools suggested to help me advance.
Best wishes from Australia 🇦🇺


Thanks for explaining this. I had my TKR in May, 2023 and haven’t done so well. I had a great start for the first 2 weeks and then I was sent home to manage everything on my own. I live alone, can’t drive and have to care for myself. In usual life that is manageable but after surgery IT IS NOT. I managed to get to PT about 16 times but had to stop. Unexpected other injuries happened. I can bend my knee halfway to straight but that is all. It is stiff hard frozen swollen all the time. I can’t exercise it or walk because I severely injured my foot. I have to ice and elevate my foot now 24/7 - it is bad injury.
Thus, it is good to be reminded that this is not the end of my story. There is hope. There is more range of motion in my future. I will walk up my stairs again and enjoy leaving my bed again. HOPE.


Totally agree. It took about a year after TKR to have complete
normal knee ROM. Soon thereafter I absolutely forget that I had
a new knee. So grateful for that one going for the other knee in
3 weeks.


I found your channel the most postitive, inspirational and comforting during my bilateral journey. I'm glad you were here to help me through. Many thanks! 🙂


Common sense is alive and well....GREAT JOB


Bless you Dr Tony fir this vety important information, so many of us struggle with this issue and the frustration that comes with it.


Very helpful info. I am now 8 weeks post op from my TKR and only have about 83 range of motion. I was beginning to feel like a failure as I had done physio/strength training for over a year prior to my surgery, Aquafit 4-5 times a week, 3-5 km hikes weekly plus faithfully did all the post op exercises as well as Physio twice a week. I met again with the surgeon last week who did not suggest I needed MUA. Your video has given me renewed hope! I can finally do full revolutions on the stationary bike and my PT is working on greater knee bend as well as doing some deep finger massages around the knee. I am determined to eventually get better range of motion so I can go back to doing the things I enjoy.


I had a surgery done (not a tkr) and in my 3 months I got to 100 degrees with PT, I gained the next 25 degrees over a two year process of stretching, walking and cycling. I absolutely think it’s possible! The body is amazing at healing in its own time !


Very helpful perspective, thank you. I'm just getting started with outpatient PT (5 days post op, had my first session this morning) and it's good to hear your viewpoint. I believe my PT is of the same mindset as you.


I'm at 11 weeks Post TKR Bilateral. Today was my last session with my PT & she measured me at 100 for the left knee & 110 for the right. I have been pretty laid back about ROM but am now worried that without a PT the 120 target would be impossible. Thanks to this video & comments, I'm determined to increase the frequency & intensity of home exercises to reach this target slowly but surely.


You really are the best and your explanations and encouragement take the fear out of the healing process. Thank you!


I'm with u in the nightmares, except mine are also the MUA! I don't see my Dr for 9mo & i don't think I'm where i should be at 3 months. I'm grateful to have found these videos & helpful comments
