7 Ways To Deal With CORRUPTION In Outward Definitive Edition (Beginners Guide)

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Corruption is that green smoke you might have walked into in Outward. Definitive Edition changed the game by adding this stuff EVERYWHERE and it can be really frustrating to deal with if you have no idea how to deal with it. I myself recommend you either craft good potions using elemental particles with sanctifier potions or simply use cleanse from the hex mage skill tree. There are quite a few other ways to deal with corruption even though those are my favorite. Foods, potions, armors, and heck even a skeleton outfit can help you get through that stuff. Don't be afraid off corruption anymore, because this guide should fully explain what corruption does to you and how you can either prevent its effects or embrace them.

Outward is an RPG/survival game that allows you take to make an almost infinite number of builds. Melee, magic, archery, and even traps are scattered across this harsh world in the form of skills. You must have a large amount of money to purchase these skills, but luckily the monsters drop extremely valuable items. The game has been harshly criticized due to how realistic and difficult it is. Feel free to subscribe and watch me beat the crap out of some crazy monsters.

00:00 Intro
02:08 Potions
03:19 Food
04:13 Metabolic Purge
05:00 Boozu Hide Backpack
07:05 Armor
08:31 Cleanse
10:24 Live In Defilement
12:11 Enchant Filter
13:12 Outro

#Outwardguide #OutwardRPG #TipsandTricks

7 Ways To Deal With CORRUPTION In Outward Definitive Edition (Beginners Guide)

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Music Credits:
All music included in this video is from the video game Outward.
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You can use Mana Ward in the philosopher tree before making a blood stone to not take the initial 65 decay damage, then use a bandage.


Couple notes 👍🏼
*You can get all 3 scaled leather in Harmattan Bazaar.
*Use Mana Ward before cleanse 👌🏼
*Use Corruption Spirit to preload Blood Bullet and top off Probe stacks etc…
*Awesome tip about Merton’s w/ Filter! 💪🏼


Love that Scourge Cocoon, it's so cool and I only recently found out about it before DE came out lol


A highly necessary video! thanks for making this one ;)


Great video yet again my guy. It's like you been reading my mind though xD My first build video has been doing pretty decent and my next video is going to be a corruption blood mage build :D


I just got to 53% corruption few hours ago. Right on time


My only wish was Boozu armor that shot out corruption everywhere at a random time LOL Like how coughing affects you in game. It would be nice if we could do corruption damage in game somehow >.>


11:07 this is the first time I've seen this. WOW


I wonder why you didn't mention Elatt's Sanctity enchantment? Can be applied to Candle Plate, Palladium or White Priest sets, and gives 40 corruption resist, as well as 15% lightning damage bonus if applied to all three pieces


Thanks for the video! Corruption is such a stupid mechanic. Completely goes against one of the main draws of the game, exploration. Imagine punishing the player for doing something you want them to do smh


Sheenshots is the sheenshits. It's a compliment.


just rescently found that woolf medic set has corruption resistance as well


Had that corruption shade spawn and kill me right after I killed the rust lich and before I was able to loot him. It was the first time it happened and I didn't see a shade, just the attack. I thought it was a bug, lol.


I made a reddit post a while ago (pre-DE) where I discussed the use of Merton's set in high corruption areas - I called it Merton's Hazmat Suit - and, as usual on Reddit, I found very little support. Did you stumble across that post while researching about this exploit or was it a coincidence?


Horror Armor looks like you're wearing a diaper.


Can you do a video about the best money making ways in de or the best passive skills?


ya they should have made the soroborean caravanners carry exotic food stuffs from the antique region like milk sugar and wheat and a random other like crawl berry or purpkin products really any of the food vendors should have more variety from trade so you have more options in different regions. And also consider politics in the game so Cierzo, Berg, and Monsoon would likely have goods shared between their regions Levant would be more local only since the blue chamber is trying to starve them out.


I'm playing the DE for the first time (got round 250hrs in base game +1st dlc) and I fucken hate the corruption. Got 66% from visiting hermit and going through corrupted tombs. Couldn't find a way to bring it down, ok I deal with the high food urge. But then another time I was nearby and wanted to get the Tsar stone from the grave and now I'm above 90% (didn't find that stupid grave even), now I have terrible resistances and I'm already so weak cuz I chose a gauntlet/speedster build. I had no idea this would be so much harder than all other builds I played. But ok I can deal with that, but that stupid corruption is sucking the fun out for me. Not at all fond of definitive edition!


This corruption is bs.. ive only started recently. I can't play because of it. I'm at 91% corruption, I can't go anywhere due to random shot from some invisible thing. I can't afford or buy more than 2 stones which only reduce by 20z% at a time. I have spent 5hrs trying to do one cabal of wind temple. The devs are idiots.


You forgot the most important way to deal with corruption. Turn your graphics to potato so you are only half blinded by the fog.
