7 Ways Alcoholic Parents Affect their Children

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New video! This video covers the effects that alcoholic parents can have on their children. If you are living with an alcoholic parent or need support, we hope this video can provide you some direction.

Script: Catherine H.
Voice Over: Lily H

Project Manager: Erin Bogo
Community Manager: Priscilla Cha, Nicole Pridemore
Producer: Psych2Go

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New video! This video covers the effects that alcoholic parents can have on their children.


It hurts how much I can relate to this.


As a mother, seeing children on here commenting about their own awful circumstance, it breaks my heart. YOU deserve better. YOU deserve to be LOVED. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. YOU MATTER. You CAN get through this. You WILL. And you will be better for it.


i'd like to add that often you feel responsible to look after them/one of them in a way or another, as if the roles of a parent and a child were reversed. also you can be extremely anxious, because they/one of them change completely with drinking.


My heart goes out to all the children that are in quarantine with Alcoholic parents! 🙏🏿


In my case, it's my dad. And it's absolutely terrifying having to listen to him drunkenly cursing and yelling at my mum and grandmum and throwing things around.


alcoholic parents can have a really profound impact on children. As a therapist, when I work with clients who have had parents who had alcohol problems, their later lives can be severely impacted. Thanks for a great video on this.


The fear of when the parent gets home, and the anxiety of hearing them walk toward the direction of your room. My heart still races when I hear footsteps on hollow floors (like in trailer houses) and I just kinda expect myself to get yelled at


It makes me feel less lonely realizing how many people in the comment section has an alcoholic parent.


My Dad - Alcoholic + Extreme Anger Issues = Awful parent


I realised how toxic and horrible my father was because of his alcoholism so I cut him out and haven't taked to him in 3 years. This upset my whole family badly and I was told I had no right to do so because he was my father and I should accpt him the way he is. I stood my ground and accepted that my family is poorly educated about mental health. The first year was hard and the result of his alcoholism is becoming more aparent but I didn't regret it once. Never accept anyone with such horrible affects to your life and just because they are family doesn't justify it. If anything it makes matters worse.


There is a frightening amount of people who relate to this video, myself included.


My mother used to say "Im the parent here your the child so stop being the parent" if i wasn't the parent who would have been?


I relate to this.I see my dad almost drunk everyday it hurts me.When I grow up I'm not gonna be like him.I dont want my kids to suffer what I am suffering right now with my mom:(


alcohol is not the solution to relieve stress


My mom was an alcoholic all through my middle and high school years. Before that, she was married to my dad and they were overly religious. I say this video is pretty spot on.


I am swearing off alcohol, and any other drug. And I'm also afraid of having an actual kid because I do not want to be like my dad.


I grew up with an alcoholic father who really hurt me emotionally throughout all my childhood and encouraged his children to learn how to drink.... I haven’t been able to recover from all of this but I am proud to say that I don’t drink nowadays and I never will.


Thanks to my father I developed a strong dislike of alcohol. I have this deep psichological thing that makes me unable to enjoy it even when I know a little does no harm so I'm unable to consume alcholic beverages.
I can force myself to drink a very small amount for certain special occasions but that is my limit and even then I feel disgust.


Okay, here goes my story.

So I'm 15 years old and my mum has far too much alcohol. I'm not sure if I class her as an alcaholic though. Through the day she is fine but later on at about 7 o'clock she turns to alcohol. She has 3 bottles of wine every night. This is when I know to stay out of her way because she shouts at everyone for no reason and tries to cause unnecessary arguments. She has went to hit me a few times but I got out her way in time. This has been goinf on for a long time now, probably about 4 or 5 years. But it's only recently I've discovered what is actually wrong with her. I have a 9 year old brother who isn't fully aware why she's like this. But we are not close at all, if I had a problem I could never ever talk to her about it. I once was having panick attacks and feeling down all the time and I finally told her, she just said "its just a phase, you'll get over it" it became so bad that my nana took me to the doctors and I had anxiety. I was close to depression but I got out of it in time. I'm scared to talk to any of my friends about it imcase they judge me. I relate to all these in one way or another. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this💖💖
