Dealing with Toxic People - How to Turn the Tables; Paul Strobl, Master Life Coach

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When dealing with difficult personalities, pay attention to what triggers you. Your reactions are a path toward personal growth.


So most people out there tell you "Get negative people out of your life - get the negative people away from you and stay away as far as possible."

I don't think so.  I actually think you should keep those people in your life...for a little while. And the reason I think that is that the most difficult personalities in our lives, they teach us the most about ourselves. So all of those places we have reactions are all things that we should be working on. And if you work on that stuff, eventually, those same people that are pulling your chain - you're not going to be interesting to them anymore, because you're not going to be reacting.

So you take all of those reactions, all of those things that you react to in a way that you don't want to with these difficult personalities. You write it down, you pay attention to what you're doing, you pay attention to your thoughts, and use that material to work with a coach, to work through it on your own, or to talk to a friend about it.

The more you understand your reactions, the less you're going to react, the more in control you're going to feel and the less interesting you're going to be to the people that like to pull your strings.
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Thank you for this fatherly corporate insight 😅 I needed years ago


Not mentioned in the video, but the best way to deal with multiple toxic people is by finding ways for having them attack each other. This accomplishes two benefits first they will be busy focused on each other instead of focused on you. Secondly if this continues to escalate then eventually one of them will be forced out of the company.
Make sure there's no trails which lead back to you when setting the pieces in motion which cause them to turn on each other. This has worked for me.
