How To Build Your Self Discipline

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This is Lesson #10 of the Tamed Course. In this lesson we're going to speak about how to increase your self-discipline. We now know that our levels of willpower are drained throughout the day which causes us to enter a state of ego depletion. By increasing our self discipline we are increasing the amount of willpower we can use before entering this state.

To watch the lesson about Keystone Habits:

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Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger! 💪🏽


This is gold for free. I can't believe you are not charging for this type of knowledge. Preach brother!


My Keystone Habit is No Fap/No PMO. Been going strong for 2 months now. Noticing major changes in my life thanks to it. Was feeling weak today after accidentally stumbling across some porn images. After a quick self talk and a reminder of who I am now vs who I was 60 days ago and this help video really put me back (mentality) where I should and always will be. Thank you Improvement Pill


I agree wholeheartedly. For me It all began January 1st this year (2017).

I had just read the book "The Power of Habit" (highly recommend it!) and decided to implement one simple new habit. It was to simply measure my weight every single day. That's as simple as it. Took no more than 30s. Then, I started doing Duolingo for about 5min a day, also every day. Then, I started doing some push-ups.

Now it's December and every day I wake up and right after I measure my weight, I do my Duolingo (been learning Chinese now), do 30min of active study in some topic I love (right now, Unity Development), do 15~30min of exercise, and wrap it up by meditating 5min.

But, what I found more amazing in all this is that it INDEED got easier and easier to implement new habits, and, not intentionally, I also began fapping way less (once per day to once per week naturally), began filling my journal more frequently (once every 3 days to every day), and lots of other small things I did not directly intended to do.

So, yes, it's awesome and thanks a lot for this series of videos. You are awesome!


For me, my keystone habit was finding and sticking to powerlifting. I looked and felt a ton better, and because it led me to your channel where I had the willpower to listen to you and adopt these amazing habits that helped me change my life. Thank you so much for making me a better man!


Hi Improvement Pill.
First off, I just want to say you're amazing in every way. The tamed course has given me so much inspiration that I am set on working on my habits for good. I listen to the album everywhere I go again and again so it will be ingrained in my head. When I'm driving, or when I am cleaning or when I am just bored, I put on the channel and listen to the course. It gives me so much motivation.

Back to my story. I was previously an addict of alcohol and smoke for 4 years now. I would finish 2 packs (Literally) a day on a good day. Fortunately, when I met my girlfriend now, I abandon it completely. I quit cold turkey on February 19, 2017 (The day we got together). I was so happy and so many things changed in my life.

Unfortunately, there was still this thing that was stopping me from living a healthy life. It is eating. Ever since I was a child, my taste buds in my tongue have been wild. I was said to finish 3 bottles of milk an hour when I was born. When I got older, it got worst. I was overweight my entire life. 2 years ago a reached a peak of 260 pounds. I am an asthmatic and it did not bid well for my heart. I was having cramps in my stomach and in my chest. I was weak. I could not run for 5 seconds without losing my health. I lost myself confidence. I knew it was a problem. BUT I COULD NOT STOP MYSELF FROM EATING. Whenever I felt down, I ate food. Whenever I felt happy, I went to food to celebrate. In any given emotion, food was my source of strength. It was my comfort. It was my everything. You could guess how big I was.

In my last year in college, I met this girl. She was pretty and she was smart. She was friendly to me. This gave me the guts to confess to her. I was dumped badly by this girl. She laughed at me and dated one of my best friends. (Arrow to the heart). I did the best thing I could do: "Avoid". I was depressed by this event. I felt like I did not want to eat. I kept walking aimlessly. (I never thought those walking in the rain while crying moments were true). Without me noticing, I lost weight. A lot of weight. I shrunk from 264 pounds to 167 Pounds in 10 months. From then on, many things of change in my life. I was handsome. Girls would notice me. People started to treat me different, I felt confident. My depression was lost. I actually gained friends. Little did I know, my old enemy came back.

I started eating again by the ton. My old habits came back. I started gaining a lot of weight fast. I discovered that my weight loss was due to the depression and I had not gained good eating habits. I'm currently sitting in front of the computer not able to stop my self from eating a lot. I'm now relying on this course to change me.

My habit I chose is fitness. I box a low bar for 10 minutes (3 songs; this is how I measure my work out) every day with a high bar of 30 minutes (10 songs). Any advice, please. Even though I box every day, I still can't seem to change my eating habits.

P.S. I am a die-hard fan of your channel. Your videos are my bible for self-improvement. I listen to everything your videos over and over again. I mastered the steps on comedy, conversation, value, money, and most especially this tamed course. I owe half of who I am to you. Thanks for everything. I swore to myself I will be a donating 500 dollars or more when I get my 1st paycheck when I graduate Law. You are amazing. (I'm gonna share my story here because I WANNA SAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART THAT THANK YOU. I AM A LIVING TESTAMENT THAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED YOUR DREAMS OF BEING A TEACHER INSPIRING PEOPLE ALL OVER THE GLOBE." :)


Your videos are helping a lot. My life has improved a ton in just a few months after discovering this channel


In the Middle of March this year, I decided to do everything I could think of it increase my will power. I started with changing my handedness. No I do absolutely everything with my left hand; from tying my shoes the opposite way and crossing my arms to writing and texting on my phone. (This is my most successful change so far)
I decided to become vegan, mediate daily, learn new languages, exercise regularly, wear less warm clothing in cold weather, learn how to play the guitar and a few other things.
It's a difficult process. I still mess up and I'm still no where near the goals I've set for myself but believing in yourself and getting back up when you fall is the most important lesson to learn when it comes to committing to change; in my opinion.
Thanks Improvement Pill! Your videos over the past year have helped greatly and continue to help me push myself towards a better me.


I started meditating on the first of November and it’s going really well. About a week in I missed a day because of some issues in the family, but since then it’s really going well and I haven’t missed a day since. The minimum goal for me is to meditate for one minute. The maximum is twenty minutes. I usually do about ten, which I think is long enough. I don’t have to use any willpower anymore to go and start meditating, but I am noticing that it still costs me some willpower to actively focus on my breath, though it’s way easier than it used to be.
I can’t wait to round up this habit and start on the next one, which will be working out twice a week. Thank you for this course man, it is really helpful in both motivation and in-depth knowledge about habits


Yo dude, you said something in an earlier video about convincing yourself that your new habit is the best thing ever. Thank! You! I upped my protein and started working out whenever I got bored or just had spare time. I've only been doing this for three weeks and I'm already seeing a difference in my mood, attitude about working out, and my overall daily energy levels. I am feeling so much better! Even less stressed about things that are genuinely stressful. I also have been cooking more fish and vegetables lately instead of just eating convenient unhealthy food for a majority of my meals. And those are just some of the reasons I've discovered why working out (without stressing out) is the best thing ever! Thank you again!


I've been taking cold showers for about a month now! I took a hot shower the other day and I noticed how I I didn't feel energized at all afterwards, so I am going to be sticking to cold showers. Forever.


The timeing is just accurate

I needed this the most


this is especially true when getting out of depression - before depression i had insane discipline (which made me burn out so that wasn't great), at my worst i had no discipline, motivation nor willpower whatsoever, and now i'm working on finding a balance, which means exercising my willpower bc bOY has it become way weaker than before...


I look forward to these videos so so much. Thank you! You are heaven sent!


I read every single day !(visualizing what I should do everyday). I focus on building key stone habit to build positive habits. Keep improving on myself !


Thank you so much, you've changed my life over the last 40 days in so many positive ways.


I have been following this course for a month, and I can't help but express my bottomless gratitude for this channel and this course.


I totally agree with you here. Willpower is not something that people are just born with or can utilise without thought. It takes real effort and practice to utilise and improve your willpower capacity and utilisation. On my channel, I always argue that when people are trying to develop they need to start small. They need to not get too far ahead of themselves and begin at the bottom, the exact same goes for willpower. A really brilliant video here, thanks!


So true. My keystone habit was fasting. I used to water fast consistently every Sunday. I joined the Army and given up this habit due to obvious reasons, but I noticed my discipline diminished over the years while in the military and couldn't figure out why. Thank you improvement pill, this video is right on time, just got out the Army recently and have been struggling to get my old discipline back. Your video was like a light bulb going off in my head. Thank You so much for your work.


‘The willpower instinct’ is a gods book for this kind of stuff 👍🏻
