Why I Love Being a Homemaker || Pros & Cons of Being at Home

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Hello my beautiful sisters! Today I thought it would be nice to share with you all why I love being a homemaker. Join me for a discussion on all my favorite things, as well as potential cons I can see about being at home. Let me know below what your favorite parts of being a homemaker are if you get the chance! Enjoy!




Thank you so much for watching. I post videos 2 times a week, but if you're hungry for more of this content, please check out my blog! I write 2 times a week, and always take time to discuss femininity, character growth, and of course... homemaking tips! Xoxo!

#femininefamily #homemaking
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I followed what society tells women to do and majored in STEM. I have an really great job, 9-5, amazing benefits in my dream field but I feel 0% fulfilled by it. I’m getting married in 4 months and can’t wait to stay at home in a couple years after my fiancé is done with grad school. My dream is to be a wife and mother that makes the coziest, safest home possible for my family.


Anytime my mom has to fill out “occupation” on forms, she writes “family administrator” 🤣💓


Hi. As a full time single dad, I strive to teach my preteen daughter, good, moral, Christian values and character. I do my best, but I'm a man, and I know there are things that I am not able to teach her. I specifically sought out a mentor for her, and found you. Since watching your videos for about a month now, I have seen a huge change in my daughter. She loves your videos and is a big fan of yours. Just wanted to send out a huge thanks and appreciation from a single dad who needs help in raising a feminine lady of character.
From South Louisiana,
Mike Alpha


Audrey Hepburn about feminine women like herself, women who are homemakers:

It's sad if people think that's a dull existance, [but] you can't just buy an apartment and furnish it and walk away.
It's the flowers you choose, the music you play, the smile you have waiting. I want it to be gay and cheerful, a haven in this troubled world. I don't want my husband and children to come home and find a rattled woman. Our era is already rattled enough, isn't it?



I took a finance class last semester (I attend the university of az) and I learned that a dual income family doesn’t necessarily mean more money. In a lot of cases, it’s actually more fiscally and emotionally responsible to be a single income family because there’s only so much time in the week for things like healthy meal prep, grocery shopping, transportation (to and from work), childcare, appointments, activities, cleaning, etc. When both people are working full time, then their days off are spent maintaining a household rather than doing leisure activities or working on strengthening their relationship. Their money most likely will go to fast or processed foods which are more expensive than home cooked meals and less healthy. Also, they’re likely to pay for childcare (if their children are too young for school), which is extremely expensive. When one handles bringing in income and the other handles everything else, then it leaves more time for bonding (which is essential in a healthy partnership) and provides the opportunity for healthier and cheaper home cooked meals, and cleaner and therefore healthier homes, and overall less stress. Better diet plus cleaner environment plus less stress correlates with less doctors visits and generally a happier lifestyle. But this lifestyle also requires budgets, discipline, and realistic spending habits. A minimum wage earner is not going to provide this type of stability, and therefore it’s important to remember that this lifestyle is a privilege, but it’s a lot more attainable than a lot of people think it is.


I’ve done babysitting a lot, and yes I noticed that most children would rather have their mom take care of them rather than a family friend or stranger. When they become older I’ve noticed they start becoming detached to their parents


I work full time in an office cubicle, and almost everyone else is able to work from home. I can tell you I feel VERY isolated and alone, and I pray to be able to be a homemaker someday.


I am a 27 yr old homemaker. I was a career woman traveling abroad prior to getting married and I can tell you that I love being a homemaker. It’s just discouraging sometimes when people give you that side eye when they find out that you’re not working. I love the encouragement your videos have


Girl, I should NOT be watching these videos while I’m in nursing school 😂 I’m dying for an excuse to drop out


I absolutely love being a homemaker. Making a house a home for my husband and being able to dedicate quality time to our priceless.


I am a young married women without kids and right now I work 3 days a week, & I have 4 days off per week to stay at home and grocery shop, clean, keep the house tidy and cozy, cook, bake, etc. I love it and my husband loves it too. He is military and works a lot. I’ve worked full time in the past and it was really hard with us both working so much. We barely seen each other and I was so stressed out trying to juggle everything. Sometimes I feel like people think I’m lazy because I only want to work part time and I don’t have kids. They just assume without kids that I have nothing else to do when I’m not working. I’m so happy that there’s someone I can relate to. Homemakers do A LOT! I personally like working 2-3 shifts a week because it gets me out of the house and meeting new people. I also have some income to go towards novelty things like vacations and date nights and cute decor for our home. I work at a hotel at the front desk and I love it. I meet people from all over the world! Maybe one day I will give it up and be a full time home maker, but for now this is a good balance for my husband and I 😊 I love that you’re breaking the stereotypes and assumptions people have around homemaking.


I love being a homemaker and you are NOT alone. I’m 70 years old....I. had an outside job for 28 years and I’ve stayed home....felt privileged to be in both lives but my favorite time was always being home!!! I got to raise our two children myself and the joys I got from being home can never be taken from me! You are doing what makes you did the same and I’m not sorry! Most of my friends worked outside the home and they didn’t want to stay home. We were still friends and enjoyed each other! But we all had the peacefulness and the had the money! Haha.


As a homemaker and homeschool mom, this is truly the calling God has given me. Love your channel 💗


I love being a home maker too. I am constantly busy! Everyday I’m running around doing so much. I too am happy to be free - I am able to do things the way I want at the pace I want. Our home is less stressful and more organized because I stay home. My husband focuses on his career while I do literally everything else. He’s making more money because he’s doing a better job and can put more focus into his job than others. I make sure the finances, cleaning, shopping, cooking, etc etc is done. I don’t know how two working adults have enough time to do anything other than their work and chores.
I save my family money staying home because I’m doing things that sometimes people outsource.
That whole argument of being reliant on someone is garbage. Sure, I’m reliant on my husband’s income but he’s also reliant on my assistance. Also, do you not think I’m capable of supporting myself if something bad happens? Of course I can. I’d just do it if that happens.


People are crazy to attack your lifestyle. Out of all of the vloggers on YouTube inherently sharing and "selling" their lifestyle. Yours is the most realistic. Yours is the most accessible. Yours is the most possible for the everyday pedestrian who stumbles onto your channel. I'm not against other Youtubers, but the ones that do complain against you don't seem to realize that you are making the lifestyle of that very naysayer or of those in the Youtube community more accessible to the rest of us, because often they too are merely just vlogging their daily lives, except in more extreme situations, with more arts and crafts projects and resources expended, and hanging out with friends. These situations don't naturally make money. I understand why some households need two incomes, but how do people not see how much more empowering it can be to not have to answer to anyone but them and God. To not have to potentially waste time following erroneous regulations, going to excessive meetings, and filling out required but unused paperwork that often happens in many job fields (at least some of the ones I did). To instead have the power to help the neighbor across the street, to volunteer in important causes, to help your kids at home and in their school (and with the prices of childcare and having another car... sheesh... the math), to help your elderly parents, to act on whatever pure though comes to your mind and not need to schedule it out by some taskmaster three weeks in advance and hope they will approve. Sheesh. I'd live in a yurt for that kind of power. It's not about money, it's about personal priorities. And as far as I can see your priorities are fantastic. Keep killing it.


I hope this woman writes a book in the future. I'd buy it for my living room coffee table right front and center ❤


People are talking about "oppressed homemakers" and how dangerous it's for women to stay at home like women who are working outside of home and are in abusive relationships aren't oppressed and in danger. No matter you're working, working from home, or you're homemaker - if your relationships have problems or you married a wrong person, it's bad, sad, and potentially dangerous.


I'm worried I won't find a man that wants a homemaker as a wife though. It seems so rare to find traditional minded masculine men that are Christian's as well with a provider mindset. 😓😓😓


I’m a housewife. I’ve been one for about 4 years now and couldn’t be happier. My last job was the worst I stared outside whenever I could.


I'm blessed to have a full-time salaried position I can do entirely from home, but homemaking has always been my passion. While my partner and I can't afford for me to be a full-time homemaker, I love that I can control my work environment and keep our home up in my spare time. I have chosen every bit of this life because it's an easy life to choose. Homemaking is so fulfilling and underappreciated.
