6 reasons why i love being a software engineer

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Hey y'all,

I'm back with another video, this time with 6 reasons why I love being a software engineer. I hope those of you who are studying Computer Science and/or starting to code find this helpful!

x, mayuko

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Mayuko Inoue is a content creator and Software Engineer. After working in Silicon Valley tech companies like Intuit, Patreon, and Netflix for six years as an iOS Engineer, she became a full-time creator in 2020. Her work aims to help people find their way through the tech industry by sharing her own experiences navigating this world through technology, career advice, and lifestyle videos. She is passionate about discussions around mental health, cultural identity, and creating technology with empathy and compassion.

✉️c o n t a c t ✉️
Рекомендации по теме

Watching an awesome video when suddenly I HEAR MY NAME! (sort of) AHHH. **blushes** Great channel, i think this is a really cool idea 👍🏽


I always watch these videos when I'm frustrated. Reminds me why I love this field. Thanks for the motivation.


Awesome video!!! I´m 16 and I´m thinking on studying Software Engineering at college. So motivational to do that type of job.


Hi everyone, specially Mayuko! I am a Software Engineering Student from Spain, and this video made me being more motivated to keep studying SE.

I've thought that I should change my career 2 times because didn't felt motivated enough, I've failed a lot of subjects at College and many many many times I said to me "This is not for you man, give up"...
Now I'm finishing my Software Engineering studies, and watching this video I'm proud of being a SE student, and soon, I'll start my internship as Software Engineer and then I will be a Software Engineer, can't wait for it.

I don't know why this video appeared on my YT main page, but I saw the title and I thought "Wow, it's about SE, and it seems to be a cool video", I was totally right.

So, I encore people to study software engineering, it's the best decission you can take.
Thanks Mayuko!


I truly appreciate you posting these vids. I was stuck between being a Biology major (pre-dental) and CS and you have solidified my decision to do what I love ^_^. Keep posting!


Thank you so much for your videos! I recently stumbled upon your channel and it really has helped me gain a better understanding of the computer science field. I'm still in high school, but you've really inspired me to keeping reaching for my dreams of also being a software engineer! Thanks again! :)


Once I started codding, I really started valuing my time. Because before I just wasted all my time. And now I'm building a life for myself.
Even though I don't have as much free time, as before...


This is such an encouraging and inspiring video! I’m attending a pretty intense code school now and your enthusiasm is rubbing off on me, even though I’m super exhausted. I can keep up this work, because it’s going to be worth it. Thank you! ❤️


Thank you for this video! I will start studying software engineering next month. I'm so excited!!! I know there aren't many women in tech, but I believe that the situation will change for the better.


Thank you Mayuko! I’m currently a student pursuing a degree in tech/computer science and I adore your channel. Your videos (like this one <3) remind me why I want to be a programmer!


I agree with u! All this are reasons to work tech, but I think the most important is the impact, there are little areas where it is possible impact so many people! I am loving your videos 😍


I'm not a female but I'm definitely considering this career choice, I've enjoyed watching your videos so thank you for them all.


Music is always on point duh, but this video had some really solid points I didnt really think about! Really considering going to college and majoring in computer science. This infact is helping a bunch!


I'm currently in college studying systems engineering and I'm at that point on the career where you ask yourself if you made the right choice... Your video really inspired me, and I know I couldn't make a better decision :D thank you!


Hey Mayuko, I'm studying Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering! Thank you for inspiring me to create contents that's related to my passion. More power to your vlogs ❤


1:24 " You can do anything "
Most inspiring.


Just found your channel, and I love it! I'm currently a female freshman in Computer Science, and I love hearing other women talk about their passions for technology. So inspiring! :)


You go girl, we need more women in tech.


It was very helpful for me, as a highschool student preparing for college. I've always wanted to work as a software engineer, and your video gave clear answers to my questions :) thanks! -from Korea


That intro freaking got me haha! This video was actually super interesting to me! It doesn't feel at all like you are just starting making videos! You're a freaking natural, and I'm not just saying that because we're friends :)
