Things to Know About Homeowners Associations

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Things you know about homeowners Associations. What is the monthly fees in HOA's

#hoa #homeownersassociation #homeowners
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If I’m paying them, they should mow my lawn. They’re ridiculous.


Who else would want to sign a petition to disband all HOA’s making them outlawed? LETS START A SERIOUS MOVEMENT PEOPLE✊🏻✊🏾✊🏿🇺🇸


I have told this many times. I had an HOA advise me that they had voted my property into their HOA and that I had 30 days to come into compliance. I sent a response that I was not part of their HOA. 30 days later I started receiving violation notices in my mailbox. I sent a cease and desist letter. A month later, I received a notice of intent to seize my property if I was not in compliance in 10 days. Two weeks later I received notice of a scheduled hearing. At the courthouse, the attorney for the HOA recognized me and asked if I represented the homeowner, and I told him that I was the homeowner. I told him that I was not part of the HOA and they had been advised of that in writing several times. In court, the HOA president told how I had ignored all notices and refused to pay fines. When it was my turn, I asked her how long the property had been a part of the HOA, she gave the date they had voted my property in. I asked her if she had membership documents signed by me. She said "No, you refused so we voted you in" The judge, and their attorney both said HUH ? ? ? I then asked her about putting violation notices in my mailbox and she said that was the only way since I refused to install a notice box at my garage door. I asked her if she realized that putting main in a US mailbox was a federal crime. She said "not in a HOA" I saw their attorney shake his head. The judge asked her how she thought that the HOA could vote someone in without their consent, she said the annexed the property according to their by-laws. I asked the judge for a judgment as a matter of law, and consideration of my counter-claim. The judge said "granted to both, state your counter-claim" I outlined my compensatory damages, and then asked for putative damages in the amount of $5000 per violation notice, and an additional $10, 000 for the frivolous case. The judge granted $350, 000 in putative damages, and just over $50, 000 in actual damages for time, and earnings lost responding and researching their claims. HOA woman said that the HOA could not pay the judgement. I told the judge that I would accept the vacant 20 Acres of association property adjoining my property with the release of HOA claims. The HOA voted the next week to release the property and remove Caren (Yes her name is Caren) as HOA president. I found out that she wanted my property as access to the additional acres the HOA had purchased to build additional homes to sell. Subsequently, the members of the HOA voted to dissolve the HOA as without the additional anticipated acreage income, they could not continue to fulfill the HOA obligations. The entire neighborhood (save a few) is much happier with the HOA gone.


Imagine working you ass off and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for your house just to have a Karen tell you what to do with it.


if the HOA does nothing and just collects fees you can lawyer up and force them to actually use your money for property maintenance or to disband entirely


It’s ridiculous, i’d do anything in my power to piss em off. Can’t anyone enjoy their house without some annoying snoots saying their opinion?


Here's the thing, property value is for rich people, homeowners association are an excuse for rich people to police the neighborhood legally. If I buy a house and I paint my house a color you don't like, that's real tough because it's my house and I paid for it


When you see petitions or people wanna petition to make change, they should at home association onto the petition and get rid of them. They’re nothing but a irritant headache!!!


Its wild HOA make you pay hundreds for upkeep and building fees then you have to upkeep your lawn yourself.


Honestly I think I'd rather continue living in my rundown apartment building over a house that's a part of an HOA. 😅


HOAs are basically little North Korean communities.


Don’t pay and be someone they don’t want to mess with.


So I get it now, they make you think that you own your house, when in reality you are just renting from the HOA and on top of that, you have to do what they want. No offense, but it sounds like a foolish decision to buy in a HOA. It sounds like pure greed.


HOAs along with squatter's rights need to be outlawed all across America! American homeowners deserve more rights!


So American home owners have to pay a property Tax and HOA fees on top of their mortgage if the home isn't paid off yet?


Find out who your local HOA board members are. Where they live and start ordering thousand pizza every day to their house. Use a bot that has a conceal phone number linking to their actual phone number to request pizza within their name.


People usually own a home so they can do whatever they want with it. But they like the idea of an HOA because they don't want to deal with a neighbor who might want something they don't like, such as a trashy yard or lots of broken vehicles around. But having to ask permission to paint my house or plant a garden seems utterly ridiculous, and there are even worse restrictions out there. Many HOAs still demand watered green grass lawns in drought-stricken areas (and do not miss a mowing lest you be fined!) and deny permission for EV outlets. Some demand that you leave your garage door open during the day. Seems like madness to me.


If an HOA starts near me I am not signing on legally they can't do anything


HOA fees in NYC Jamaica area are around $900 and for a 2 bed it's $1300. Ridiculous!


what i am hearing is HOAs should be outlawed immediately.
