Am I Meditating Correct: Sensations You May Feel While Meditating

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Some people meditate and feel nothing at all at first, which is fine. As you progress more in your meditations, you may start to feel different sensations in your body and in your mind. I discuss different feelings and sensations you might experience while meditating, and even after meditation.

Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses the body and feeling energy moving through it:

Mystical, Multidimensional Beings:

Mystical Beings Healing Experience:
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I am starting to notice that the meditations are adding up, I am trying not just enjoy small changes and stop obsessing over my health. It's hard as we all want instant results. I feel like the more I push for things to happen the less results I get. Yesterday was the first time I didn't expect anything and that was the most intense experience. The more I let go of an outcome, the easier it is to connect to the field. As Dr Joe says, there are no bad's all adding up behind the scenes, even if we can't feel it yet.


During BOTEC, I got to my 5th center, and got an intense rush of energy. I felt a sudden heat wave, started dripping sweat, nausea, and then major pressure in my head and almost passed out. I tried to sit through it but it got so intense and uncomfortable, I had to lie down. Once I was on the ground it slowly started to calm down. I believe this was the meditation that healed my thyroid disease. Shortly after that, I stopped my medication and have not had thyroid issues since.


I am responding to your request to know if people have felt the indescribable feeling of love. I initially kept this experience to myself thinking people would think I'm loosing it. But listening to your video has made me feel like it's safe to share. I started to follow Joe's work, after I saw him in interview and realised that I had been running my mind through a programme of past hurts for decades. So my aim was to change that thought process. I have to say that when I started this practice, I did not believe in a higher power, only what could be scientifically proven. I wasn't expecting this experience, I hadn't even settled and Jo had only started his guided meditation. Suddenly something really powerful just entered my body. It was a feeling of such intense love and goodness, but more than that. It's hard to explain but I felt like I was being hugged by this intense love. I never believed in a higher being, but I can't find any other explanation for this experience, so now I do.


I offer to those seeking to enjoy how much they seek this. For the meditation, wow you have created a practice! It’s like making your bed. You don’t get paid or some huge gift for it, but you’ve attributed a discipline to yourself. Enjoy the fact that your body wants to submit to your higher self. If you can enjoy the practice of habit, you will see major results. Time is an illusion, who you are is bigger than what you see.


A couple of times, esp doing the breath work, I have become absolutely electrical. And then, the last couple of nights, my heart center has exploded wide open. It's A LOT of energy! I have not been able to sleep that great with all that energy moving through me. Thanks for all this, love Dr Joe. Getting ready for Cancun in two weeks!


I have experienced seeing the light! Feeling like we all are ONE!


My scalp tingles when I get into a good meditation my head and even my face,


I love the way you explain the sensations it helps to keep on with my meditations. This video is so awesome !!!❤❤❤❤❤


Thanks for the good video. Your spontaneous movements looks like myofascial unwinding where the body's innate wisdom to release stuck patterns comes out in involuntary ways. So cool.❤


I’m so grateful I stumbled across your site. I’ve been going through Dr Joe’s books and have just started meditating and learning. I’ve already experienced many of the things you described and I just attributed it to my past experience with going to church… I don’t shake I’ve just seen and felt stuff I don’t know how to interpret.


Yes, the white light. I first saw it when I began meditating/had a Kundalini awakening. Then I had one night where the light was on behind my closed eyelids while I was asleep for what seemed like forever. It felt like a car's headlights in my eyes. I felt like I was a cell phone plugged into a power source, charging via powerful electricity. I felt like a book was being downloaded into me from the light and I was gulping it down like a thirsty person gulps down water. I could literally taste the words, but I don't consciously know what the words were. I was so tired when I woke up the next day - I felt fried, my eyes were so sensitive to light, my face looked pale, my hair was stringy, etc.


Your videos are great. I’ve been doing DR Joes work since October. But I have only binge watched his videos and read the books. I have so many sensations and wondered what they were when I first started.
Now I’m at the point where almost every time I close my eyes and relax I can feel the balloon feeling in my head. It’s just energy circulating.

I had panicy feelings doing space time time space as I felt paralysed during it. But I’ve overcome those fears now too.


I was searching for an answer and found you. I am forever grateful for your explanations 🙏 Had to pause the video to comment this...i started seeing colors and patterns, out of body experience, since my first sessions of guided meditation at a therapist, to calm my anxiety...A that time, my body was starting to vibrate once the doctor was getting me out of that state.... I asked if it's normal and if I was visibly shaking, she said "not at all, no shakiness may happen, etc. and that there's no cause for feeling that way" but I was feeling it in my entire body.... Two days ago I managed to meditate with no guidance, for the first time and saw colored blobs, from red, to yellow, blue and purple...I started to put my palms close to one other (no touching) and felt a physical sensation of touching it... I smiled and played with it, sometimes it had clear lightning shapes, sometimes it was becoming blurry when I was losing it) ...then this happened: I brought my hands close to my head and face, it was turning to white light and warm sensation...when playing again with the hands, to recharge it, distant from the face, it was purple again...then back to face and head, all white... It was blissful 💖 So THANK YOU AGAIN for sharing your knowledge !!!!


Perfect timing 😊
Yeah I see fractals and geometrical patterns I also see bright colours but, I am a visionary by nature so those abstract shapes and movies just enter my head.

Yeah I cried and felt a huge release of energy today 😢
Yes I have seen really bright white light rays beaming down from above me piercing down my crown chakra

Cheryl I feel electrical impulses on my body

But I also feel these buzzy vibrations in my head, jaws and face.

My mind was telling me last night that I’m being rewired and truthfully that’s exactly what it feels like.

We are building new circuitry or circuitry that is already there but activated online so to speak. I also had this inner vision of being lit up like a Christmas tree full of lights.

Great signs thanks for confirming 🙏😊


Thank you so much for this video! I have been meditating for a few years but didn't expect I would feel and see all the things I have experienced. Some times the feelings are so intense (in a good way) I started to wonder if it's normal because no one I know talks about this. Once I had a wonder moment with god with "pure bliss" and I always hope I will get back there again.


Thank you for confirming all this.. I'm so glad you said about the smell. I've had it a couple of times where the smell is mesmerising and familiar. Most of what you've said I've experienced and so happy it's a natural progression. ☺️


I'm glad I found this video because I have started feeling things I've never had before, I know my mind is not quite as active as it normally is, I few minutes ago I laid down just for a nap and I experienced that white light and I've not had that before.


Thank you for this video :) all answers for me in one place ❤


Thank you, Cheryl. I have a ton of movement in my body when I meditate; lately, it continues even afterward. And I grunt so much that my throat hurts the entire day. The clip of you shaking with the bottle of water in your hands is similar to how I shake, sometimes I feel like the balloon dolls at car dealerships. I've set an intention to finally have a breakthrough with the breath work because of this movement of energy. Thanks for being a wonderful source of information as I stumble and move through this journey. I appreciate your videos and always look for your latest ones.❤❤❤


What a great video. It shows me that I am going the right direction :)
So thanks for making it and of course sharing it!
