Watch This if You Feel Like You HATE Your Game

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A big thanks to Genies for sponsoring this video! Here are all the links and dates you’ll need:
✨ Join TheXPlace Discord:
🧞 Nab the Avatar Starter Pack for the Game Jam on Git (will be public by June 12th):
Starts: June 13 @ noon PT
Ends: June 19
☕ Coffee Chat Dates:
June 10th 8am Pacific time, 11am Eastern time, 5PM CET
June 11th 9am Pacific time, Noon Eastern time, 6PM CET
June 12th 7am Pacific time, 10am Eastern time, 4PM CET
🌍 Speed Networking Date:
June 12th Noon Pacific time, 3pm Eastern time, 9PM CET
If you've been plugging away at your game for a while now and you feel like it sucks or you can't even tell if it's fun anymore, you're not alone.
Trust me, it happens to the all of us, and it’s a crucial stage where many people feel like giving up. Even big names like Eric Barone, creator of Stardew Valley went through similar feelings.
The reality is, when you're too close to something, you lose perspective. You might feel overly critical or worry that your game is just a mess under the hood, even if players would actually enjoy it.
In this video, we discuss how you can power through and not only finish your game but find the joy in creating it again.
Remember, game development is a roller coaster, and the good feelings will come back. These negative feelings are temporary and there are many ways to get past them.
If you're new to our channel, we're Brandon & Nikki from Sasquatch B Studios. We sold our house to start our game studio, and work full time on building our business and making our game Samurado.
Subscribe for NEW game dev videos every Monday & Thursday!
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#gamedev #gamejam
A big thanks to Genies for sponsoring this video! Here are all the links and dates you’ll need:
✨ Join TheXPlace Discord:
🧞 Nab the Avatar Starter Pack for the Game Jam on Git (will be public by June 12th):
Starts: June 13 @ noon PT
Ends: June 19
☕ Coffee Chat Dates:
June 10th 8am Pacific time, 11am Eastern time, 5PM CET
June 11th 9am Pacific time, Noon Eastern time, 6PM CET
June 12th 7am Pacific time, 10am Eastern time, 4PM CET
🌍 Speed Networking Date:
June 12th Noon Pacific time, 3pm Eastern time, 9PM CET
If you've been plugging away at your game for a while now and you feel like it sucks or you can't even tell if it's fun anymore, you're not alone.
Trust me, it happens to the all of us, and it’s a crucial stage where many people feel like giving up. Even big names like Eric Barone, creator of Stardew Valley went through similar feelings.
The reality is, when you're too close to something, you lose perspective. You might feel overly critical or worry that your game is just a mess under the hood, even if players would actually enjoy it.
In this video, we discuss how you can power through and not only finish your game but find the joy in creating it again.
Remember, game development is a roller coaster, and the good feelings will come back. These negative feelings are temporary and there are many ways to get past them.
If you're new to our channel, we're Brandon & Nikki from Sasquatch B Studios. We sold our house to start our game studio, and work full time on building our business and making our game Samurado.
Subscribe for NEW game dev videos every Monday & Thursday!
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Follow us on Twitter for regular updates!
#gamedev #gamejam