Why Did My Life Get Much Worse after ACIM? 😅 Help Me, David!! | A Course in Miracles Support

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David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that consistent peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of the non dual teachings of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source.

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I read the entire book doing the lessons in 1988, its a dark night of the soul, forgiving and letting go of the past, peeling layers of hurts, pain, misunderstanding, like an onion peeling the layers of past emotion.


I have been practicing ACIM for years. The other day, I had a wonderfully deep experience, but my ego attacked me so roughly the next couple of days after that. I thought I was losing my mind, so I came back to this video because deep down, I know my ego is just scared. Thank you again.


I am so thankful for this video. I couldn't understand why I was feeling worse since I had started the course. I am on Day 127, and many a time, I thought I should stop. Then I remembered, this course you believe it 100% or nothing. And I had chosen God's ways when I started the course so I carried on. Thank you David for this video and your explanation.. Your support is so needed in my journey. Blessings always


"Your mind starts to devalue the things of the world ... You value your connection with God more than you do the things of this world."
Good God have I experienced this over many years and still am. Letting go, as the world sees it, of a professional career and the aspirations of your family and your own is not in the least easy. But it has always felt like it is what I needed to do, since I started the Course many years ago. The world and most whom I know just don't understand and think I'm crazy or lazy or something. But God is guiding me Home and that is all that matters.
Thanks for your example David.


The more we value the things of this world, the more doing the Course seems like pain and loss. I think those who are already dissatisfied with the world are the ones who find the Course. The ‘loss’ then seems less and less painful. This world offers nothing I value. I am doing the Workbook Lessons for the first time. Lesson 154 says, “I am a minister of God”. This is a long way from “Nothing in this room means anything.” I am all in. We develop trust; and we will not recognize what we have received (learned) until we share it. Thank you David.


I REALLY REALLY appreciate David and his ministry for his focus on the NEED to go through this intense shedding process of unconscious guilt. There unfortunately are very few preachers and teachers of the Course who even remotely approach this topic of what it takes to bear down, shed and confront our deepest fears. The ego has slipped into the ACIM community very sneakily as this message needs to be out front and center not hidden in routine and comfortable rituals. Thank you all deeply!


A Course in Miracles saved me. The main thing that changed so much was asking the Holy Spirit to change my focus from my lower egoic mind to my upper mind. I do it as often as I feel the effects of the lower mind. I don't have much time left on earth and letting Gods love in was tough. A Course in Miracles helped me on this journey. He has never given me more than I can truly handle, hard as that seems to believe. God is.


I think I'm finally learning why this is happening and why I was struggling with it so much before. I think that surrender is completely mandatory in this process. And if we do surrender, then it makes the process a lot easier. In fact, if we don't surrender, it's going to be very difficult. It seems that surrender is the key.


I found a passage yesterday from the text that also talks about this, it's from the chapter 24, end of section 2: "The key you threw away God gave your brother, whose holy hands would offer it to you when you were ready to accept His plan for your salvation in the place of yours. How could this readiness be reached save through the sight of all your misery, and the awareness that your plan has failed, and will forever fail to bring you peace and joy of any kind? Through this despair you travel now, yet it is but illusion of despair. The death of specialness is not your death, but your awaking into life eternal. You but emerge from an illusion of what you are to the acceptance of yourself as God created you."


Jesus says we are terrified of love.. but love is everything. Just keep opening your faith!!


Yes, going through this HELL! I saw this section of the Course a few months ago and I also received so many confirmations lately from many spiritual teachers/masters that it's all good. It's the Self calling us back to Self... Be strong and don't listen to those negativities and mind attacks! I've had lots of those!! 🙄😅
Mooji has many videos on mind attacks that helped me alot! 🙏
Thank you David! 🙏


It's to be expected when the illusion is shattered lol. Thankfully, it all stabilizes and becomes beautiful. Thank you for this 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


God does not do anything to us. He loves us. Everything we experience is a result of choices we have made using our free will, either here or at the soul level. Everything comes from within nothing else is real. I am in my third year and continue to move towards love and away from fear. Learning to tame the ego is not easy and I still fall down the rabbit hole. But I am getting better at discerning Me from me - Blessings to All.


11 years ago when I started studying and practicing forgiveness with the Course, my life was pretty sad and 8 years later (or 3 years ago) it turned into a nightmare. My only dream was to share a life with a loved one and now I have no hope for it. It's dead forever. I don't know the future but it's truly how I've been feeling for the last 3 years. This outside world is hopeless, success is built on others' failures and winners make losers. It will always be that way. We have to realize this to see the value of God's love I think. So, my only choice left is to join with Jesus. Still, my physical life is very lonely, I'm 39 and I've been single for 17 years now but I feel calm most of the time, my relationships are healthy and since last year, my dreams at night can be very profound and beautiful. That's where hope stands, in the mind with the Holy Spirit. Thank you David.


I had to watch this one again. It makes me feel better. 😁😂❤🧡💛💚💜🖤💯


So thankful for this. Life has only gotten harder since starting the Course (LOL). But I have begun to see these shifts occurring more recognizably. I certainly needed this reminder, though.


"all is well and everything is unfolding as it should" Robert Adams


Beautiful 🥰 Thank you. This is such a gem on this spiritual journey when all looks to be "getting worse"


The Ego Mind - The Greatest "Con - Artist " of All! God tells me; Don't listen to your fear thoughts. The ego wants me to be fearful.
⚘I will equip you as you go - so that you can handle whatever comes your way.
Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it.
Remember this; Be still and know I am God.
Don't ever forget who you
You cannot be where God is not. Keep turning it over to God 🙏❤✨


The bible says the temporary is shaken so what's eternal remains. Very well explained David 🙏
