Change Your Life In 6 Months (My Deep Work Routine)

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0:00 Your Ideal Life
6:41 The Holistic Daily Routine
9:51 The Need For Deep Work
11:22 The Priority Ladder
12:22 Vision Building
14:02 High Leverage Creative Work
15:05 Meaningful & Spillover Tasks
15:36 Maintenance Tasks

Video title ideas (for the algo!):
How to create your dream life
How I set up my focused work sessions
The best productivity routine in 2023

#Productivity #DeepWork #LifestyleDesign
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- Bring your ideal life into the now at a smaller scale
- Each day do 3 things:
- Educate yourself in the afternoon
- Empty your mind before bed (Journal, plan, meditate)
- Focus on creative work in the morning
- Have a ladder of priorities from 1 (most creative, focused) down to 4 (maintenance, shallow task).
Execute in that order in 45-90 min time sessions with breaks
- If you expose yourself to people too early thinking it will just take a few seconds, it will actually continue to pop up and split your focus.

For me, the most challenging is:
- to respect the ladder order
- to work with time blocks (Pomodoro-like)
- Once I'm into something (read, write, build, website, social media), I can get lost for 3 hours at the detriment of other tasks
- Empty my mind before bed (so tempting to keep being busy)
- Reflect on my day/week to improve on


Making money should be a routine. The secret to making a million is making better investment


"If you aren't working towards your ideal future, you're working towards someone else's" - 🤯 this quote honestly just blew my mind!


The concept of deep work is characterized by a flow-like state of mind and Dan koe's voice stimulates it perfectly.


Really love the concept of filling your brain with books and learning, emptying your brain prior to bed and journaling and using your brain in the morning with creation and focus.

I definitely need more work in the deep work category. Grateful to have come across this video


Three activities to pursue our goals full force:

1. Fill your mind. Education, ideas, and novel resources you can apply toward your goals. Leads to intrinsic motivation,

2. Empty your mind. Free the thoughts that are trapped inside, don’t feel the need to remember everything. Write it down.

3. Use your mind. Find a vehicle to focus your efforts. With ideas and the clarity you gain from the previous activities to execute and build your ideal future.

Appreciate the wealth of knowledge Dan. I’ll strive to implement all three activities again since I’m catching myself slipping.


"Writing is the foundation of all media" - such a simple statement but you gave me an epiphany with that.


Mine is i decided to do monk mode and did my non negotiables.
1. Meditate
2. Read a book
3. Train 1 part of body
4. Save money everyday 50-100
5. Work and improve my freelancing skill ( web design / landing page focused)

And i decided to do this everyday for the rest of my life. its been 3 months now and it was the best decision i did in my whole life.


What stuck out most to me here was ‘inviting entropy’ by checking messages during work/creative time. It shows how the mind can throw you off even when you don’t realize it. Looking at messages at the wrong time can really shape your day and how you prioritize events even if you don’t respond immediately. You may have ignored something consciously, but subconsciously you’re already being guided by it. Great concept you’ve exposed there, thanks!


I followed your last deep work video a few months ago, and now I’m a full time creator, doing what I love. This shit works!


'If you can't do it for 15minutes a day you won't have time to do it in the future!' The excuse of not having enough time has always been my stumbling block to building my dream life. It has been for years😢. I will implement your tip starting today 3 April 2023. I will report back at the end on the month🙋


The first lesson, about living your ideal life in a smaller scale, really stuck with me. I always push out my dream to write a blog- because there will come a time when I dedicate my focus into that activity. But, the reality is whenever I attempt to write, I can't focus for more than an hour. It really takes small steps, gradually built-up, to create a routine that we can call our ideal life :).


Every good thing that has happened to me in my life has come from working on something else deeply and realizing something else. Such great insights here.


Bring your ideal future into your present 00:00
Bring your ideal future into the present by performing the same actions that you would in your ideal lifestyle, but on a much smaller scale.
Start small and slowly increase over the years until you can sustain the lifestyle you want.
Don't wait to put off what you're already going to be doing.
If you're not already doing those things, then it's going to be much more difficult when you decide to finally start doing them.
Dissect what actions you should be taking 01:19
Dissect your ideal future and figure out what actions you should be taking.
Start working on the things that will bring you closer to your ideal future.
Start small and figure out what you don't want, which will act as a self-corrective compass to figuring out what you actually do want.
Cultivate passion along the way by discovering things you wouldn't have without direct experience.
Invest mental energy in a goal 03:24
When you bring your actions from your ideal future into the present and start executing on them, you begin to invest mental energy in a goal.
The more you do it, the more you feel obligated to do it, and that's how you build momentum and passion.
You sustain a passionate, fulfilling, and momentum full life.
The law of conceptual survival 04:42
The law of conceptual survival is the human phenomenon where our survival instincts have transcended the physical realm and are included in the mental.
We work to survive ideas, concepts, and beliefs that form our sense of self.
If you identify or create a goal that forms your perspective and how you view the world and start acting in alignment with it, you start to slowly build that identity.
View life from the lens of your future self 05:25
View your daily situations from the lens of your future self or from the lens of the goal that you're working towards.
You're going to see life in a completely different light.
You're going to be able to filter what people say so you can spot the things that actually help you move towards that goal.
Conclusion 06:08
If you aren't working towards your ideal future, you're working towards someone else's.
Create your own goal and start to invest energy in it.
Importance of Identity 06:17
"Identity" refers to the labels assigned to us by society like job titles, student status, etc.
When we invest our energy into these identities, our actions tend to follow that belief, whether we're conscious of it or not.
We need to be aware of the identities we're investing in to make sure they align with our goals.
Holistic Daily Routine 06:39
We need to have a holistic daily routine that includes different activities that serve different purposes.
Afternoons should be dedicated to learning and socialization, filling our brains with books and new ideas.
We should empty our brains before bed with journaling, planning, and meditation.
Mornings should be dedicated to creation output and focus, using our brains to execute and refine our ideas.
We need dedicated time every single day for creativity, productivity, and experimentation.
Productivity vs. Experimentation 07:01
We need a mixture of productivity and experimentation to achieve our goals.
It can't only be about productivity without experimentation and being able to refine along the way.
We need to dedicate time every day to work on our goals, even if it's just 15-30 minutes to start.
If we don't invest time in creating our future, we won't create it.
Monkey in a Cubicle 08:01
Our psyches aren't wired for modern life, especially not for being under fluorescent lights and sitting in a cubicle.
We need to hunt for novel dopamine sources or meaningful dopamine through discoveries and creativity to feel fulfilled.
If modern life has become normal to us, we're trapped in The Matrix and enslaved to routine.
Three Activities to Pursue Goals 09:11
We need three activities to pursue our goals: one that fills our minds with education and ideas, one that empties our minds, and one that uses our minds to focus our efforts.
Deep work is how we build out our dreams in record time.
Deep work is a necessity in a world of notifications and overwhelm.
Priority Ladder 11:27
The priority ladder is a way of prioritizing tasks based on their level of challenge and potential for distraction.
Priority One should be devoted to building out our vision through a project and should be done first thing in the morning.
Priority Four is for maintenance tasks like responding to emails and messages and is more open to distractions.
Conclusion 12:55
We should always have one project we're working on to build our lives around.
Our daily routine should be holistic and include different activities that serve different purposes.
Deep work is a necessity in a world of distractions and notifications, and we should prioritize it through the priority ladder.
Focused Work Time Blocks 12:57
One hour a day is reserved for focused work.
This hour is used to focus on the levers that will lead to creating your vision for the future.
For beginners, this could mean starting a social media brand or taking a writing or digital economics course.
This hour is where you are focusing your efforts on the most important tasks.
Perception Threshold 13:22
At the beginning, it's very difficult to focus for an hour, but it slowly becomes more pleasurable with time.
Your mind perceives the difficulty to be more than it actually is.
Once you hit a breakthrough, you're able to systemize things and it flows a lot smoother.
You can then fit so much more into that one hour.
Priority Time Blocks 13:48
Your first hour of focused work isn't going to be that focused.
You have to stick it out and refine your system with time.
Once you start seeing results from that first hour of work, then you move that into the second priority time block.
The second priority time block is where your lever-moving tasks go.
For example, replying on social media or creating content.
Building a Service or Product 14:42
After starting a social media brand, the next step is to start building a service or product.
Once you start seeing results with that, it becomes a lot more efficient to keep up with.
Then you're going to start reaching out to people and building out a funnel or something else.
All of these things slowly build on each other over time.
Third Time Block 15:07
The third time block is also for lever-moving tasks or creative meaningful tasks.
This is where you work on the things that you don't want to outsource.
For example, writing is something that Dan Koe doesn't want to outsource.
Fourth Time Block 15:40
Priority four is for maintenance tasks such as checking and responding to messages and emails.
This is where you expose yourself to people.
It's important to push back all of the conversational and maintenance tasks to the fourth priority.
Time Blocks 16:45
Dan Koe structures his time blocks for each priority anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes long.
He takes breaks in between to make breakfast or lunch and goes on a 30 to 40-minute walk while listening to something in his ears.
Experimentation 17:14
The entire joy of all this comes through experimentation.
Create a way that you like doing and just test different techniques.
Pull some of the good things from it and put them into your own day.
Slowly refine that over time until you live a completely self-made lifestyle.


Your videos are always SO encouraging! Often times your methods and plans aren't too far off from what I'm currently doing! Really makes me think big things are coming!


My comments about this video:
1. Exactly what I have been doing and thinking about lately being consistent in the actions of whom I want to become. For me that means I get up at 3:30am, get to gym, meditate and journal, and spend 2 hours writing for my biz, before I start my work day. Been doing this everyday for about 3weeks. Love it as I feel so accomplished by end of day.
2. I love how you break down - creativity, productivity, and experimenting.
3. This is exactly the type of content young people need to be listening to feel better about life and getting clear direction.


I will implement:
morniing work with no phone checking
structurizing my morning, evening and night
writing out my priorities


I have been working on bridging the gap of where I am now and where I want to be in the future. How my future self is - what habits I have, what beliefs and mindset do I have, and who I want to be. This video was published at the perfect time. Thank you for all that you do.


Dan Koe is the man, I love the way he broke down how he breaks down his day into those segments for continuous productivity, manifestation, and creativity while also adhering to making sure you block out time for true deep work. we all need that to properly deal with all the bullshit distractions we are dealt with on a regular basis every day.


Love how you broke down the priority in the morning. I personally love to work out first thing in the morning, but I'm realizing that the endorphins that I'm receiving from working out gives me a sense of accomplishment. Yes working out first thing in the morning is an accomplishment to me however I've been struggling with accepting the fact that I need to be creative first thing in the morning. Then I can work out. Working out for me is so pleasurable that I could do it all day long.

Long story short thank you for breaking down the creativity time block
