NOT Going to College was the BEST Decision of My Life

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Most people agree that you should go to college after high school. I didn't do that, and I have no intention of going to college at all. In this video I wanted to explain my reasons for choosing not to go, and why that turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.


#college #education #studentdebt
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I genuinely appreciate everyone sharing their points of view from around the world. Very cool to hear about the different contexts that we live in while making the decisions that shape our lives.


I suudenly decided to drop the college and follow my dreams. A moment later I realised that I'm from India.


I’m in college & I can say that my mental health has never been so terrible. My creativity & passion for art has gone downhill. But I’m putting 3 years in now so I feel like there’s no turning back. I’m struggling SO much. I wanted this but not in this way. I got pressured & shamed into going RIGHT AWAY rather than taking a gap year. It’s tough


I have absolutely no idea about what to be in the future. So I'm extremely stuck.


Any teens? I'm trying to figure out myself but everything seems so difficult


"If you have access to the internet, you essentially have access to all of human knowledge."


Not gonna lie, i’m almost done with my first year. I’ve changed majors twice and i’m honestly not enjoying any of them. I want to travel, work, and just enjoy life rather than having to worried about exams etc.


As a college student. Going to college was by far the worst decision on my life I regret it immensely.


Important note:
This doesn't work in the 3rd world countries


i think my depression and anxiety couldnt handle university


My advice to anyone who’s unsure about whether or not to go to university/college: There ought to be a reason you’re going. If you can’t think of that reason almost instantaneously, or if it’s not a good one, then don’t go.


I'm a junior and I decided I won't go to college, I feel grateful that my parents are chill with it, and I feel really sorry for the people in the comments who are pretty much forced to go I hope you can find happiness 😊


I graduated college and I don't even use my degree. I wish I could have those 4 years back and be able to do what I wanted to do with my life.


Focus on your road ahead, not the steps of those who walk beside you.


A couple years after high school, I received a mass email from my old English teacher calling on people to join a panel to speak to his class about college/university life. I joined the panel as one of four and I was the only person that was a college dropout. I spoke about not going to college/university and encouraged the students to rethink their education and career. Well, the look on the teacher's face was priceless. He cut me off and ended the discussion when one of his more gifted students started getting intrigued and asked a lot of questions. That was 15 years ago, when the idea of self learning through the internet was a radical concept and I often doubted my decision for many years. I'm not saying don't go to college, there are some careers that require it. But not having a degree does not mean not having an education.


It’s my first year at college and i went in because people around say it’s the only way to be “successful” but to be honest i feel like it’s a waste of time if I’m studying something I’m not committed to.


I deeply dislike being at college, I really don't know how to tell my parents I don't want to do this anymore


man I wish everyone has the luxury to have the choice not to go to college, cause in some countries it is a necessity just to live.


I’m not gonna lie: this doesn’t work for everyone. For a lot of people college doesn’t work for them, but for many people college is one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. All of it is a matter of perspective. 🧐


I’m 18 at the moment and I’m in College, there has been so many times where i was in utter stress and anxiety due to my classes and being a freshman in college, I managed to pass my first semester with good grades but I just feel so drained. I want to be able to live my life at this age and just be able to not worry about something each and everyday, this pandemic and school is just preventing a sense of peace for me. People put high expectation on students to go to college but they fail to realize what the student wants to do in their life and if they choose not to go to college then apparently they won’t be successful in life :(
