How Can Ear Problems Cause Dizziness? | Ear Problems

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Dizziness is a very common complaint. When we say dizziness, we mean anything from light-headed, woozy, spacey, imbalance, difficulty walking, to the extreme of the room spinning around.

If you have dizziness and you are an adult, your first stop should be with your Internist. Because dizziness can be caused by a systemic illness, such as hypertension, or anemia or an arrhythmia of your heart.

Dizziness can be caused by a neurological problem, such as a stroke, or some brain disease. And so you want a physician to take a very detailed, very, very good history from you to be sure that no medically treatable problem is overlooked.

When your Internist fails to identify the cause of dizziness, they will oftentimes refer you to a neurologist for further evaluation, or perhaps to a Otolaryngologist .

The organ of balance is located within your inner ear, and as a result, you may find yourself in the otolaryngologist's office. When you present to the 0tolaryngologist , or the ear, nose and throat physician, the ear, nose and throat physician should be focusing on your related symptoms that may be associated with dizziness.

So, for example, the otolaryngologist besides asking you about the quality of your dizziness, the frequency of your dizziness, what makes your dizziness better, and what makes your dizziness bad, should be asking if you have ever had any ear infections, if you've ever had any ear surgery. Do you have a noise in your ear? Does your ear feel stuffy? Do you have a hearing loss? Have you had any recent head trauma? Does loud sound make you dizzy?

One of the very current diagnosis relative to dizziness, is that dizziness may be a reflection of a migraine headache. So you should be cognizant of whether you have migraine headaches, or whether there's a family history of migraine headaches.

In order to evaluate a patient who's complaining of dizziness, you will probably need a hearing test. You may need some balance tests, and you may need some medical imaging, which includes things like MIR scans and CAT scans.
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I don’t have dizziness at the moment, but it’s quite rare on my half of my ears providing the balance I need which occurs in the vestibular system.


Howcast your videos are priceless, thank you so much for making them.


now i know where my dizziness comes from. thanks!


I can't wait for my appointment, wish it was earlier so it won't worsen:)


This man is crazy lol just because your dizzy does not mean your having a stroke I have been living with this all my life its from my ears all hes doing its yapping


This dizziness vertigo solution “Yοyο kamvuku” (Google it) really does work. I detect a distinction when I use it as directed, and when I forget, I can tell. I have common troubles with dizziness and this item really does help me function. previous days, my head is apparent and I’ve experienced no flare ups since.


My usually have dizziness when my ears are clogged, and by dizziness I mean my head hurts and I feel like I have been spinning around for hours


don't use that picture I'm already dizzy


I really felt dizzy now.. i can’t handle it anymore. Pff makes me so sick..


A moving feeling from ear to ear and dizziness, blurred vision and tired and on 3 vertigo tablets a day...makes me sleepy what can I do to stop this...


The music in the background is soooo anonoying and causes me lightheaded and its covering you're voice I don't know why some people put music in the background it is soooo annoing


I popped my right ear and have been disoriented all day


My ent doctor told me that an ear scan can give me cancer even tho i have so much pain in my ear and dizziness fml


Ok i am lady of 63 year old i was born as a Turner Syndrome with speech and hearing problems so lately i been feeling dizzy at night getting up out of the bed i had my left pellet operated on when i was ten years of age. But it needs another operation but the specialist will not do it because of a blood vessel behind it is big so now i am trying to understand all of this. Went to the family doctor he said my dizziness is from my ears but all the the family doctor is doing for me is giving me pills to ease it of what is a good solution for me


I have dizzyness and it's pretty extreme and the doctors can't even find why I'm dizzy 😵😥


My brother have gone through middle ear surgery.But he feels dizziness and incapability of keeping his balance immediately afterward.I wanna know the cause of the dizziness and weather it is permanent or not.Please help.


If an audio test revealed some nerve damage in one ear and it always feels congested, you have constant mild vertigo, nausea that never ceases, loud high pitched tinnitus in the problem ear, and the doctor says there's fluid behind the drum at each visit then what on earth can you do. I have tried Stemitil, Omanis, nasanex, prednisone, ephedrine, antibiotics, nasal spray decongestant, saline rinse with pulmicort and nothing works, what is left to try?


When I put water in my ear I hear a ringing and o get dizzy someone explain


Why is it the audio like that???! Or just me??? 😰 In my left ear it sounds like muffled in my right ear it sounds normal


i poured water in my ear and now i feel dizzy right now very bad
