What Is an Inner Ear Infection? | Ear Problems

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Ear infections can involve any of the three anatomical parts of the ear. The outer ear, the middle ear, or the inner ear. Inner ear infections are almost always viral. It is very unusual to have a bacterial infection of your inner ear. Viral inner ear infections can effect either the organ of hearing or the organ of balance. When the organ of hearing is affected, the infection will usually present as a sudden hearing loss. It will not present with pain.

In addition to hearing loss, it may cause a ringing noise in the ear, which we call tinnitus, or a sense of fullness or distortion. Viral infections of the organ of balance present as imbalance or vertigo. Vertigo is the false sensation of motion, such as the room spinning or the floor rocking. Occasionally viral infections of the inner ear will effect both the organ of hearing and the organ of balance and the individual might present with hearing loss, tinnitus or ringing in their ear, and dizziness, all at the same time.

The treatment for viral infections of the inner ear is usually oral steroids such as Prednisone, if there are no contraindications. In other words, if you don't have a disease which might be made worse by the Prednisone. Inner ear infections are generally viral, and they can effect either the organ of hearing, or the organ of balance, or both. If they effect the organ of hearing, they will cause hearing loss, and if they effect the organ of balance, they will cause dizziness.
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I hope this is what's causing my imbalance and dizziness. 😫 and not something worst.


Just woke up with this and now. I feel drunk without the drunk


Is there any treatment for inner ear problem. Its effecting hearing loss... Please, kindly advise. Unable to hear normal sounds. what is the solution. kindly advise plzzzz.


Great video. Thanks for all the tips on how to deal with ear infection.


So I went thru this last year for 3 months straight, it was madness...sleepin sitting up cause the fluid would feel like a bottle of water pushing against the inside of my eardrum. Now I must say prayer first for any condition, next I will say go to your Local E.N.T Doctor have them drained your eardrum. It might take a couple visits because they gotta test how much fluid in your ear with the sound devices which is really uncomfortable so hang in there til your next vist!! And Yes it hurted like no other to me, other people may have different pain tolerances. But I had to get mines drained 3 times!! I then cut smoking cigarettes too just to troubleshoot and get more closure on why mines kept reoccurring. They usually put in a temp ear tube that usually falls out on its own after awhile. Which mines did fall out but remember it came back 2 more times after thst so it was no fun. So when they put in the permanent tube with antibiotic ear drops I'll say a couple weeks after I was feeling better and my hearing came back in that ear, by me not able to hear that good and sounded like I was under water on that side of my ear. So have them drain, temp ear tube, and see if the fluid dry up. If not then permanent ear tube, with antibiotic ear drops, would work well too. Don't worry u not gonna go deaf! I thought so too lol But God got your back so keep the Faith. I hope I answered you guys concern, God bless you all and I pray yall feel better💪🏽🙏🏽💯


I have an ear infection and it's killing me! I haven't been sleeping properly for a week. I usually wake up 3 times every time and complain to my mum

that it hurts and then I take medicine and go back to bed. When we went to see the doctor she told me to take antibiotics and ear drops. I did so and

I found the ear drops extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. My ear was blocked so the water just sat there and it felt highly uncomfortable . This

ear infection is one of the most painfullest things I've ever experienced EVER. I feel sorry for the others that have it too. I know how u feel.

Btw I still have the ear infection and I don't know how to settle it. Some one please help!


omg this video was great short, well explained, awesome, thanks now I got it


I had an inner ear infection when I was 19..the worst! Smh. I had dizziness for a little over a week..& it came out of nowhere. The meds didn’t help much tbh..without meds I feel like it would’ve cleared up on its own 🤷🏽‍♀️


now this was a great informative video


i have an inner and a outer ear infection it hurts so freaking bad im crying


Im 15, i have an inner ear infection that effects my balance and hearing, my life currently sucks


now i know why i always hear high pitch noise


drops will not help this infection because it is an internal one and a dirty surroundings can cause this because i lived with extremely dirty roommates that caused me to get this it starts off a regular cold so be careful see a doctor soon it could get worse and loose hearing


*sir feel lightheadedness nervous system weakness some time my one ear making sound what it is??


here's several suggestions for relieving tinnitus naturally
Make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables.
Make sure you have enough vitamin C
Use herbs which cleanse the body such as dandelion
make use of herbs with infection fighting properties eg myrrh and burdock and others including echinacea
(I learned these and the reasons they work on Dajon ear relief website )


Y different sounds echo, and unable to hear -I have in my ear is it due fluid problem or any Infection


I have an inner ear infection on one ear and an external ear infection on the other ear T-T


I have it and I am felling scared I got very dizzy yesterday


I can't hear and I hear this loud ringing noise and it's like when you go on a plane it like clogs up and it's annoying well it's like that times ten and it hurts so bad


how do u know if u have it I have it on my left but I put ear drop it kinda worked but on my right ear I can't hear very well so do I put ear drops in that to
