6 Common Causes of Ear Pain in Adults and Older Kids

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This video explains 6 common causes of ear pain of which only one is due to an ear infection. The other 5 causes include:

- ear infection (0:17)
- TMJ (0:39)
- eustachian tube dysfunction (1:22)
- nasopharynx pathology (2:06)
- throat pathology (2:46)
- cervical spine disorders (3:23)

If you have ear pain and an infection has been ruled out, consider these other possibilities!

For more information on ear pain:

Free, fast, simple, and accurate online hearing test:

Video produced by Dr. Chris Chang:

Background Music:

#earpain #otalgia #earhurts #earinfection
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*Concerned for possible hearing loss? Check your hearing online for free!*
*For great ear-related care products*


I survive the hard stage in ear pain :D i pray for you guys


I've not sleeping well bcoz of this and its so painful and I'm always cry


Ear pain is no joke, it totally affected my performance as running has been my hobby ever since at a young age, every stride I take triggers my ears and when out of breath I can hear my own voice inside my head.


My ear hurts like...a headach. And when my ear hurts somehow my jaw hurts


my right ear hurts so much, whenever i open my jaw even if its just a little bit it hurts too. i dont know what to do. icant go to a doctor due to corona virus damn


The last time I Had an ear pain was when I was a little kid, it is definitely one of the most painful things ever together with belly pain, tooth pain and muscle cramp


My ear started to hurt and every time i yawn or burp my ear hurts and i can almost hear my heart beating!


the first day i just ignored the pain but the second & third day, OH MY GOD IT WAS THE WORST THING EVAA but now it's my fourth day and im normal i removed a good amount of ear wax.


I have had what I now know to be somatic tinnitus with ear pain for fifteen years and I only know that because of youtube. Now this video has added even more to the knowledge base. I've been to so many ENTs, audiologists, neurologists, otolaryngology specialists in different states over the years who kept telling me I had plain old tinnitus and just needed to get used to it. They didn't listen when I said that the volume and pain changed all the time, sometimes so loud and painful I started crying other times more muffled and easier to ignore. I had no hearing loss whatsoever. I told them it changed with head and neck position and feelings of fullness. Only when I found youtube info about somatic tinnitus two years ago and told my doctors did they check the back of my throat and see a lot of reflux and nasal drip but also did MRIs and realized I had compressed discs in my cervical spine. After 15 years of my life totally disrupted I have possible hope to correct this debilitating problem. Thank you to doctors who put this information where patients can find it!


All those who r watching this while suffering with this excruciating pain, stay hopeful the pain will subside with proper medication and diagnosis, I have, been there, it took me approximately two weeks for the pain to go away, and now it's 40 days while I'm writing this, there is slight hearing deficint and still recovering


my ear started randomly hurting today, it's near my drum and when i grab my lobe and move it the pain in the front of the ear hurts.

(edit: My ear was fine after a day, if it still hurts wait a few more hours)


My ear is randomly sore. Its like someone is sticking a bone in it


I had an ear infection before in my legs ear, lost hearing for years and got it back. Then lost hearing in my right ear, and a few years later, pain occurred. You guys will be alright.


I love how the 1st example says the solution, but in the others it`s like, huh figure it out on your own. Don`t get me wrong, I`m thankful for the video, but you have to know that if I clicked on this viedo, it means that I`m in pain and that I expect help from you.


Who search for this because yon can feel the pain


I remember getting this when I was 6 or 7 bc I was on holidays and was in the pool all day long. My sister also had it and the doctor said it was bc of a lot of water built up from the pool


This really hurts so badly that I didn't get to focus on my class today :( and I have my test on Friday but I don't know why it hurts and I keep on having hiccups so it keeps on being painful each time I have one


my left ear hurts since I scratched the inside with my pinky nail. It hurts so much my whole left side is in pain


My left ear hurts alot even when i'm not moving it and it is bugging me alot, What do i doooo
