Eustachian Tube Dysfunction & How to Fix it! | Ear Problems

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What is Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) & How to Fix it! Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, discusses the 3 types of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and different treatment options that can fix it.

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Anyone else start experiencing extreme anxiety/panic once you started having ear problems? I’ve never suffered from anxiety but I’m thinking that my anxiety/panic & ETD is connected. Once my ears start feeling funny, my anxiety/panic is up.


Yes. I have suffered from panic attacks for years. I had not experienced one for such a long time until my ears felt clogged, foggy head and tinnitus. Absolute hell as anyone who suffers from anxiety would understand. Resolving itself now slowly. The battles continues...


I found your videos after jumping on a plane with a sinus infection and getting ETD that would not leave me alone days after getting off the plane. I picked up an Eustachi and INSTANT relief. Thanks a lot!


I’ve had ETD for over 20 years and pretty much gave up a few years back after feeling that I would never hear properly again. Well, I believe I found a self cure for myself and it was by accident. I’ll just cut to the chase. I went on a pretty extreme diet 2-1/2 months back called the carnivore diet. Well I not only started losing weight right away but noticed that parts of my body that were always inflamed had disappeared almost overnight. Within 2 weeks my snoring completely disappeared according to my wife and kids. Then right about week 3 I noticed things started sounding really loud to me again. Not even realizing it, my ears opened up again. Now Im not pushing for anybody to go on carnivore diet but it’s worked out some amazing things in my body. Trust me when I say I’ve tried it all just as the doctor said in this video. Anti inflammatories, ear surgeries 3x, and ear tubes to the point my E.N.T. doctor didn’t want to place anymore tubes in my ears. It turned out that the carnivore diet was a huge anti inflammatory diet. It may be something worth looking into if you’re serious about getting your hearing back. (no sugar, no carbs or low carb diet) made a the difference.


This video has just led me to discovering a eustachian massage tecnique which worked instantly! I can't believe it but I am so happy, the ringing in my left ear has gone for the time being!! If it comes back ill just try this again...

Eustachian tube massage

Use your finger to find a bony bump behind your ear lobe. Using firm, steady pressure, slide your finger down until you feel a groove between your ear lobe and jaw. Trace that groove all the way down your neck to your collarbone using the same firm pressure. Repeat this process three times on each side, three times a day.


Born half deaf in one ear and some hearing loss in the other. Had eustachian tube dysfunction for 5 straight days so far. no true popping or return to normal just got the diagnosis today from my doctor. It's heck on me right now as my hearing has taken a temporary down shift to just about everything sounding like a muffled mess.


So glad i saw these comments. Over the past 5 years been to my docs many times- ear ache, fullness in the ears, especially my right one.Headaches, dizziness, off balance , sending my anxiety through the roof! Each time doc said i had no infection, just take pain relief. I could hear and feel something going on in my ears, felt crazy! Had covid this Christmas, followed by a bad cold, ears, nose totally blocked .Again doc said no infection, just rest.Lost weeks off work due to symptoms - so dizzy and anxious. Am trying the drainage system now as i am desperate to feel ME again.


I have always had problems with ear pain and my ears getting blocked. Once for two years. Eustaci has been a life saver solving my ear blocking problems. This ear pain comes at the end of the day and is strong. I got something to try called eardoc. It uses vibrations to clear🎉 the Eustachian tube I do think the second scenario in this video is my problem. This channel has really helped me. When my ears were blocked the doctors looked in my ear and said “no infection” l left with no solution for two years not hearing out of one ear. I bought some ear amplifiers but ultimately the solution was found here. Thank you for that. I don’t need the amplifiers.


This is one of the most informative videos I have seen on YT. Now I need to look at your links for relieving my issue.


Recently finished a 37 year career in flying, and often times had problems clearing my ears. Wish I would have known then what I know, and could have done something about it in the way of prevention. The folks who taught us Aerospace Physiology in the USAF should have seen this. Thanks for the info!


Another useful video Dr Cliff. My experience of obstructive ETD in one ear ultimately resulted in hearing loss due to (according to my ENT Doctor) an infection of the inner ear / cochlea.
When I first noted the ETD and spoke with my own general practice doctor nasal spray and Eustachi were recommended with the comment that it can take a long time (weeks to months) to clear. Apparently not always the right course of action to leave this condition too long according to the ENT specialist. His advice was get specialist advice ASAP as inner ear infection can lead to hearing loss!


Got a tube in months ago for chronic ear infections/ETD. Worked, but as soon as it fell out back to square one. Ear Dr. for warned me that I’d likely have to get tubes a few more times before insurance would pay for the operation I really need.


Wow, this really sucks for me. I have been getting tubes in both ears for over 20 years. Now I have permanent holes in both ear drums which means I no longer need tubes. I needed HA instead. For years I would ask my ENT about any procedures to keep my Eust. tube opened. The answer was always not yet. If the Tuboplasty had come out a few years sooner it may have made a huge difference for me.


The Eustachian tube is an amazing bit of “engineering”. One of its main jobs is to equalise the pressure on both sides of your ear-drum which means that your hearing is very accurate at all pressures and altitudes. Without it your hearing would be less sensitive as your eardrum would need to be much stronger to withstand the pressure difference; at high or low pressures your hearing would probably stop working as your eardrum would be stretched almost to its limits and it could eventually burst. We use the same principle in pressure sensors (gauge type), microphones and loudspeakers.


I’ve been trying to get relief for my ETD for 20 years. I have muffled hearing and a constant ‘whooshing’ in my right ear. I’ve learned to live with it, but I’m definitely going to try one (or all!) of these products because in two decades of visits to multiple ENTs who dismissed my symptoms, I was never told there were OTC options that could possibly help. Thanks for the info, Doctor!


My doggy never sleeps on the bed but yesterday night we had horrible weather that made her scared. Let her sleep with me and she cuddled around my woke up to both ears inflamed.... I'm glad it's just an allergic reaction!!!


Anyone have the symptoms of sharp pain in lymph nodes in the neck under armpits along with this problematic blockage of Eustachian tubes?


I just had a (pretty bad) cold and now there is a feeling of fullnes sin my left ear, and I can keep popping it but when I do it hurts very badly. I hope this heals on its own.


I have had this for 12 days. I flew and had the cold from hell. Doctors have no time for you anymore. I guess i need to cure this on my own.


I had ETD caused by flying with a bad cold. Ears wee stopped up for 3 days after I landed, I finally went to the ER. My ENT warned that noone, even a healthy non-sick person, should ever take off without a decongestion like a Sudafed pill already working! (Also, NEVER fly with a bad cold). I always take mine after I get through my gate, and I stay well-hydrated during the flight. On a long flight, I pop another 30 minutes before we descend. My ETD was a long, expensive, painful struggle. I advise you to never fly while ill. It can be a nightmare.
