The #1 Reason Catholics are Not Christians

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What a terrible misunderstanding and misrepresentation of Catholic teaching.


“To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.”
~ John Henry Cardinal Newman


Try taking a lesson in history. It might do you some good.


Wow are you wrong. The Roman Catholic Church is by far the most Christian church I have been to in such a long time. I have been to a Baptist church, Vineyard, Non Denominational, and Assemblies of God. I even played music there. Going to a Roman Catholic Church is such a breath of fresh air. Jesus saved us but we are still dirty from sin. We need to be purified. That is why we confess to our sins. That is why Purgatory exists. It's like taking a spiritual shower.


We Catholic are the root of Christianity..other beliefs is just a branches.


WTH are you talking about. Im a Roman Catholic but I have the freedom to have priesthood or not. I choose not to. We still pray to Jesus. We dont worship Mary, we just thank her for being the Mother of Christ.


Has no clue about the Catholic teaching on Purgatory, and makes a video showing the world he has no clue.


Lol Catholics are the ORIGINAL Christians. I will pray Protestants find their way back.


I like how you said, "the Jesus I believe in." That doesn't make your belief the truth. Purgatory is biblical. When Jesus said "it is finished" he was talking about the pascal sacrafice he started at the last supper. He wasn't talking about your salvation. Paul writes in Philippians 2 : 12
[12] Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

This means that the work of christ is not one and done but continual. Purgatory is the final step. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3 : 12-15
[12] Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— [13] the work of each builder will become visible, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each has done. [14] If what has been built on the foundation survives, the builder will receive a reward. [15] If the work is burned up, the builder will suffer loss; the builder will be saved, but only as through fire.

Purgatory is the final step in purification. Logic dictates it must exist. If you aren't perfect when you die and nothing is imperfect in heaven. There must be a state where you go from imperfect to perfect. This state is purgatory.

It's simple.


So much negativity online from Protestants toward Catholics. I’ve never seen so much hatred and it’s heartbreaking but I will 🙏


So which of the over 30K Protestant sects has it all figured out?


The Catholic Church is right: "Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church." -- Colossians 1:24


I was born and raised Protestant, but now I converted to the Church of Christ and His Apostles, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church! Glory to God!


It's unreal the confusion that Protestant Bible Christians have concerning what the Catholic Church teaches. I didn't think a confusion like that that would even be possible. A blind man would be better off following another blind man then someone learning about the Catholic Church from contemporary Protestant Bible Christians.


Convert here! Purgatory is what finally started to get the gears turning my head when I started to look into Catholicism. One night during a Bible study with an evangelical group I was once part of we were reading in 1 John 5. When reading the last passage and we went around to hear each other’s thoughts, my friend said “see this is why Catholics are wrong because they believe in Purgatory...” He gave such a quick response to this passage in Scripture that it seemed like he debunked Catholicism so easily, kinda like this video that clearly knows nothing what Catholicism teaches. So I then ask myself “is it really that easy to debunk Catholicism? What do they actually teach? It just seems like he pulled an answer out of thin air to prove why Catholics are wrong, but I don’t think it’s that simple...”

I then out of respect for the Catholic faith went straight to the sources. I tried to see what Catholics taught by using CATHOLIC sources. I was surprised by what I learned Catholics actually taught. More surprisingly there was not a lick of the Churches teachings that was unbiblical! The Catholic Church hands down is the most Biblical Church. Catholics are the original Christians. I’m not the only one to find the Truths of the Church, there are thousands of other Catholic converts out there, many of which use to be former Protestant pastors and missionaries. Look up or YouTube “Journey Home EWTN” to hear hundreds of convert stories.. some of which were pastors who were pretty anti-Catholic

There is so much to be said but I’ll just leave this here for now. I just mainly want to say is that if you’re going to preach against the Church, at least get your facts straight bro. Reach out to me, I’d love to talk.

“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be. “- Fulton Sheen


Jesus literally founded catholicism lmao


This is all happening in Moneygram, mind you.


Protestantism & Judaism are ONE ✡️✡️✡️✡️✝️✝️✝️✝️💕


Evangelical Bible Christian say, if it's in the Bible that's correct we must follow what it says in the Bible. You give them of verse which backs up Catholic Doctrine and they say we misinterpret the verse.. If you don't like the results you change the rules is that it?


I became what I thought was a Christian 3 years ago. I was still inlove with my sin and didn't really read my bible a whole lot didn't really know if hell was legit. Let me tell you everything changed radicaly lol. I have been truly saved for almost a year now. The Holy Spirit made me new. I have hatred towards my sin now and seek Jesus. He helped me overcome the sin that I didn't want to have. I chose to hate my sin and trust Jesus. Do I still sin? Ofcourse I do but I can tell you that I dont sin without feeling wrong about it. Jesus will guide me and give me his perspective so I can do better. He will also remind you if you are a forgetful person. I have ADHD and i get forgetful. The Holy Spirit never forgets to lead me though. Also God gave me the gift of discernment. Ever since then, God has revealed so much to me and I'm so thankful he keeps me away from unGodly things. So much of the darkness of the world from music to political figures to false teachers... they all being exposed to a lot of us. I used to trust man. Know I trust God, his Word and his Spirit. I've been diving in my word and meditating on it everyday. The Holy Spirit had been pointing me to proverbs when I first started feeling the Holy Spirit guide me. I am honored that I can share God's wisdom with the world as a child of God. I am not ashamed of Loving Jesus. I am not ashamed of telling someone the truth even if it hurts. We are the church, we should not only love people with kindness but love people by telling them the truth. Telling them about the gospel and the love of Christ. Praise Jesus our All mighty God. Shalom!
