Michael Knowles EXPOSES Why Catholic Church Is DANGEROUS

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Associated Press released an article titled “A Step Back in Time” America’s Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways” and within the article they point to a number of the very "dangerous" teachings that conservative Catholics believe in… Michael Knowles exposes these as he breaks down the article I this clip I’m about to show you… Watch this, then I’ll explain to you why conservative Catholics are so dangerous in these modern times…
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I’m fourteen, I have atheist parents, and am a convert to the faith. Besides all theological reasons one reason that brought me to the church was the conservativeness of following God and His holy Church. My parents are VERY liberal atheist and are not to happy I’m conservative lol. When I told them I wanted to become Catholic they agreed, but on one condition. My VERY liberal aunt had to be my God Mother. She support abortion, gay marriage, basically everything that goes against what the church teaches. My parents call me an extremist because I go to confession and follow the church law. None of that has stopped me from being the best Catholic I can be! I’m here to say you have hope even if it doesn’t look so! I beat the odds. I became Catholic when no one around me was. Im sure you can grow in your faith too! May the Lord abundantly bless you! -Isabella


I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.



On March 30th Tammy Peterson, my nephews daughter and I became Catholic. Beauty. Reverence. Respect. Tradition. What wonderful place.


“I just know Jesus and the Church are one”
St Joan of Arc


The Catholic Church is the Church Christ instituted with Peter, period.


Im getting a lil older and grey headed, and somedays I Somedays I just go sit in our Catholic Church - why? Christ is there !!!!


Based on the title I expected this to be a criticism of the Catholic Church.


Much as I respect enthusiastic Protestant pastors I really couldn't bear having to listen to their emotional preaching.
I'm not at all interested in emotions, I want depth and reverence and truth, which I always get in any Catholic church I attend.
The Old Testament and New Testament readings are beautifully combined in the Liturgy of the Word which comes just before worship of God on our knees, as the priest invites the Holy Spirit to come upon the Communion bread and wine.
Catholics believe that Our Lord Jesus is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the consecrated bread and wine.
This miracle is called the " Real Presence ".


My Catholicism keeps me grounded. I go to the Novus Ordo Masses since I grew up going to them. I am now 65. I get so much out of them and I attend every Sunday. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is my favorite Sacrament and I just cannot wait to receive Holy Communion and be at one with Jesus Christ. ☺🙏💖✝️⛪


God works in misterious ways. He is guiding our lost sheep. Alleluia! Viva Cristo Re!


If people only knew the value of the Mass, Rosary, Eucharist & Divine Chaplet, & Confession. Say a rosary, it's a powerful prayer. If you can say 2, 3, especially 4 rosaries in one day. life changing.


Protestant here. I don’t subscribe to all the baraggery about the Catholic Church vs other denominations, but I defenitely support your fight for the Truth! Keep up the good fight, my Catholic brothers and sisters!


I’m Catholic, studied in catholic school And what I am today is becAuse of my faith, . tradition, the values instilled on us in our catholic family . I’m happy and content. Thank you Lord Jesus for all the blessing you have given me especially during and after pandemic.


Heard a liberal catholic in San Francisco state " the Catholic Church needs to be more like the Episcopal church".

The Catholic Church is facing problems today but the Episcopal church is dying off.


I almost didn’t open this because of the title ❤


It is THE WAY!!! And that’s what early Christians called it!! As our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said I am the way the Truth and the life!


Im not Catholic, but anyone trying to paint the Catholic church or conservative Catholics as dangerous have a serious lack of perspective.


The New Covenant is the Eucharist. Amen.


Restore Catholicism.. ✝️✝️✝️ It's the true Chruch of Christ.


I'm not 'conservative'. I'm traditional trying to become more orthodox.