No Contact And The Power Of Time

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No contact is a very powerful way of retracting an ex. However it often takes time for your partner to feel it! However, if you leave them alone and stop reaching out, in time they may even feel the same powerful symptoms that you are after they broke up with you (surprise!)

Use The Knowledge to TRULY change yourself and give yourself the best chances of re-attracting your ex!

How powerful is no contact? Well it often gives you a strong chance of your ex missing you and coming back to revisit getting back with you. In this video we also touch on what your ex thinking during no contact -Coach Craig Kenneth and Margaret contemplate your exes mind during no contact.

If you are using the no contact rule and want to know what your ex is thinking while you are not reaching out, texting, or calling them, Coach Craig explain it in this video. We discuss why your ex is often acting so cold towards you.

If you are in no contact, it's natural to wonder what your ex is thinking and feeling during that time. In fact, you may find yourself obsessing over it and suffering through physical and emotional pain.

As Coach Craig and Margaret explain in this video, at first, your ex is feeling relief. After all, they finally got the breakup over with. It probably wasn't something they just woke up and decided to do, but was more something that they had been contemplating for some time. (Rarely was it just from one heated argument)

Your ex feels relief because they completed something difficult. They probably wondered if it was a mistake. But once they finally end the relationship, it's an initial relief. It doesn't mean that they aren't hurting and grieving (yet) for the relationship, but they are feeling at peace (especially if you are still showing them that they can have you by trying to convince them to stay)

It often takes months before the time away hits them. After you have disappeared and left them alone, they often turn to curiosity because you haven't been chasing or contacting them. Coach Craig Kenneth explains other thoughts and stages your ex likely goes through during no contact and the powerful effect it has.

During no contact, a lot goes through your ex's mind and heart. However, there is a good chance that they will hide it from you! When they get to the point where they actually feel like they can lose you, it can cause them massive amounts of anxiety.

If you are trying to work things out with your ex, the goal is to have your ex realize that ending the relationship was a bad idea. However, in order for your ex to experience the consequences of the breakup- and feel your absence, miss you, and get anxious that you could move on, you have to leave them alone. It does take time for no contact to make them go from feeling good about the breakup, to missing you, wondering about you, and then reaching out to you to see if you will be receptive to them.
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One of your best videos! I am also doing the workbooks and can’t tell your how much they are helping right now. Thank you both so much! 🙏💕


Trust the process. Walk away, let things go. If they value you, you’ll hear from them. In the meantime, personal growth and abundance in your life is key. I had an ex come back 6 times, thanks to no contact and growth. It works.


As someone with an undergrad degree in Psychology, with a core focus in Social Psychology, I have to say that everything Coaches Craig and Margaret say is dead on. When a breakup occurs and a strong attachment exists the person doing the dumping is experiencing the negative arousal of Cognitive Dissonance. To overcome this they use the phenomenon of Confirmation Bias. Initially they only look to confirm they did the right thing in breaking up ignoring all else. This protects them from facing the negative feeling associated with their decision. But, because negative memories fade faster than positive ones, that they start to remember the good times more than then bad. This leads them to swing the other way, grieving what they have lost. But this is just my 2 cents.


After a 5 month separation of my girlfriend of four years, she contacted me one day about “our cat”. During this time I had really just focused on myself, gotten sober, changed jobs, and worked on my mental health. I learned to be comfortable with being alone. Now we have been together since December of 2022 again. We have a better relationship than we ever have, but I know if things were to not work out I will survive just as I did when we were separated.


These two people keep me sane during no contact.
God bless them to no end.


No contact allows you to slowly feel comfortable by yourself again. Once you know that you can go on without them, you're set for life. If they contact you again, give it a shot, if you want to. If they don't reach out, who cares, you're over that lifestyle and there are plenty more people in this world to find happiness with.


I am writing this to the people that are hurting, waiting for their ex, a girl/guy their talking to to reach out during no contact. I want you all to know that some day it will be okay. Even if they don’t contact, they don’t necessarily want to get back together sometimes. But the fact that they reached out to you after God knows how long is a BIG win for you! Celebrate the wins. I pray that your relationship with your person rekindles back. If had some type of connection with this person and you do no contact VERY WELL, I guarantee you, you’ll feel so much better! Not only will it allow your ex to reach out but it will allow to you to grow and become an even stronger person than before. I’m saying this through personal experience and I’ve grown a lot and working things out. God bless you guys


Guys don't listen to people commenting "nope, if they left you they were never yours", they're just telling their stories indirectly. You follow YOUR heart, not theirs


I applied the no contact rule for 7 weeks and did everything according to your videos. I did not beg or plead, I used social media to show him my new and improved self. He went from cutting all contact with me for WEEKS to chasing me (he literally stood outside my house crying begging me to come out). We met and now he's obsessed with me, he can't even ben without me one hour without texting. He even asked me to move in with him again! Thank you for everything. Stay strong everybody!


Boy, he's not lying about the physical pain. OMG This shit is awful!


This is so true. It took my ex 3.5 months to reach a point where she wanted to reconcile. You just need to give it enough time. Because if they don’t reconsider their decision you will reach a place where it does not matter as much anymore. Use this time to grow on your own because you will never be as motivated or dedicated to selfwork as you are at this time. Stay strong and love yourself.


In many cases it’s good that they are not coming back!


A moment of silence for who got dumped 😂
Just ignore the ex and keep dancing👊


The best part of the entire video was when both y'all said in unison, "DUMPERS DO REGRET THEIR DECISION!". 😀😄😂


Our society puts so much emphasis on relationships but not many young people know how to be healthy single


If you walk away & don't look back it shakes them to know they're not worth a backwards glance. When you realize that it's actually true? That's when that person no longer seems at all appealing to you no matter how much you once loved them✌️✌️


Well Craig and Margaret are speaking exactly the truth. I did the dumping once and then after five months I felt a strong regret and was reaching out to that person like crazy. So guys believe it, the dumper is going to give themselves a second thought of what they have done eventually.


By the time they contact you, chances are, you don't want the relationship as it was when it ended. The first couple weeks is the hardest, but it is the most important part. That starts the ball of doubt rolling every so slightly. Every week it starts gaining momentum.


Be careful with the "not ignoring them" if they're texting you. They could still be texting you because they want to hold onto you even after you guys aren't together anymore, not because they want to/are ready to get back together. I had a mutual breakup with my bf and he kept texting me everyday like normal, not because he wanted to get back together but because he wanted to feel like he still had me somehow. Let them feel the loss, let them miss you and use this time to heal and move on.


worked for me with the most stubborn woman in the world.. Took 3 months of no contact, I mean no contact.. Its hard as hell but it works
